About Moderation (old original thread)

tenor (12)


covid thread?

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Congratulations on figuring out a way to voice your objections in a way that doesn’t get you temp-banned.

Of course, he’s allowed to talk about his trip–right or wrong–but this isn’t some safe space where he’s allowed to do so without criticism, so long as that criticism is done in a reasonably civil manner. We have an entire thread that was split off because one guy wanted to defend going to the gym while everyone else is critical.

Are you arguing that he should be banned for going on his trip? Or that posts about it should be deleted? To what degree should people who you disagree with be allowed to post things that you disagree with?


I’ve been avoiding that thread because we’re lucky enough to be in a pretty good place where I am. It seems to be the root of a lot of drama on here.

Allowed? He’s an owner of the site, as are you. The default is certainly that he’s allowed to post about it. If you want there to be some kind of rule against it, start a thread with a poll with your rule suggestions, because there’s not even a hint of a rule against it right now.

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I think anyone with a sense of decency should shame him to pieces when he posts about it. I think those with decency should also shame those who are currently jerking off to the idea of hearing about his international sexual exploits during a global pandemic.

And yes, if I were mod I would delete any internationally flying to fuck during Covid trip report that was posted. It’s insulting to those of us taking it seriously.

The only reason he gets a pass and cactus doesn’t Is because he’s friends with y’all from the other site.

Rank hypocrisy all around

People with decency do not weaponize shame. To do so is inhuman and evil.

Opinions vary, of course.

I agree with Watevs on this one (and that is pretty rare).

He expressed his annoyance at the entire situation which we are encouraged to do (in the spirit of community moderation). And any trip report of that type definitely does not belong in the Covid thread or the thread that it was mentioned in tonight.

Cactus wasn’t deleted. Suzzer will get his own thread if there is a sufficient derail, but he won’t be deleted either. Cactus helped cause a derail by defending himself. Suzzer at least seems to have some sense of shame about what he has done, so I don’t think he will push back much, but he also said this was about more than sex and he had some hope for a long-term relationship.

We live in a lonely world and I can understand someone grasping for some chance of happiness. It’s not what I would do, but I accept that for some people it might be worth the risk because their calculus is different.

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Dunno how cactus has been moderated. I tried to take his name out of the title before I was a mod, but someone put it back and he said he didn’t mind. If you think Cactus has been sanctioned by the mods for things that aren’t against the rules, you should address that rather than try to have the mods enforce rules that don’t exist.


We’re encouraged to express annoyance? I don’t know about encouraged, but whatever, it’s fine. It would still be absurd for mods to make up a rule that you can’t post about yolo’ing covid.

If you want that rule, go ahead and try to start some democratic process to make it happen.

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I don’t see how it’s different to people posting anything else about their lives - if it meets with forum disapproval they’ll certainly know about it.

With this thing not disappearing for a long time yet we might also see an interesting spread of ideas about what is and isn’t acceptable behaviour during a pandemic.

I agree with PocketChads. But both can be true. There is a bell curve of what activities each member is willing to engage in during these Covid times. W finds a trip of the kind that S took to be totally unacceptable and has expressed his outrage about both the trip and a trip report. That’s not to say that many others of us haven’t done things that we probably shouldn’t have done as well.

I don’t know how to multi-quote in this forum and since we have a max of one post every 15 mins I will reply to microbet here too.

The principal role of mods on this forum is not to “enforce the rules” of the forum. We collectively do not believe in that framework for this forum. So let’s drop the canard about “what rule did he break?”. Mods can and should help improve the quality of the discourse of this forum. And this is done mostly by being good posters themselves and occasionally chiding others as appropriate.


If you highlight the text you want to quote and select “Quote” when the option pops up, that quote will be inserted into your current reply/message.

You’re Irish, right?

I’ve got an Irish friend, and one of the funniest things he’s said to me (and he’s generally a pretty funny fucker) was “only sex ed I got from my dad was this - when this goes hard [points to crotch], this goes soft [points to head]”.


He also explained to me what “can the dag put out a fire?” means. I think he might be from the wrong side of town…

No. And it’s not a canard. And “chiding”? What are you suggesting? And, like you said with community modding, the community can chide and that’s what watevs did. This is not him complaining about Suzzer, it’s him complaining about the Suzzer not being moderated.

Although the rules are not hard and fast, what the mods are trying to do is interpret what’s there the best they can. That’s what I’ve been doing. I don’t even think there should be mods ffs, at least not to discipline regular users. But, I’m not trying to rule over people here, I’m trying to do my best at fulfilling the community’s democratically expressed wishes as well as doing my turn taking a post.

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