About Moderation (old original thread)


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Nobody wants you to ban anyone. Bad bad bad look

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lol at a statute of limitations for an admin who violated a fundamental forum trust. your demotion to chit poster isn’t compelling. and trying to equate what you did to greg’s decision is disgusting


They probably shouldn’t have made me a mod then, when I said every step of the way I was going to ban people if they did.

Or if everyone thought I was joking, should probably vote to remove me as a mod.


Bad bad bad look to presume you speak for everybody.

I ask that mods and admins please use a cooling off period before deleting more accounts


That’s not what was requested. Deletion and anonymizing are very different.

Yes and yes. Unclear if he lied so long he started believing it or if he’s still lying now.

We have a two week cool off protocol. Can we please try to keep some things intact?

Only for permbans, our rules are really really bad.

Anonymizing or deleting an account seems more extreme than a permaban, so I think we should apply the same waiting period.

If anyone wants to be temp-banned, let me know and I will accommodate.

I hope ggorreo, SenorKeeed and Oust will reconsider.


I suggested if there was a vote and the majority of mods agreed I would accept defeat. I would have voted no. Meb refused to put it to a democratic vote.

Stop fucking taking unilateral action for fucks sake. You are not a god. There is a mod forum. Next action you take unilaterally I’ll be looking to ban you.

My position was that would have been undemocratic considering the forum voted for me to become mod stating I would issue bans if they did.

And before you say yeah but they voted for you to become a mod stating you wouldn’t ban people. Wanting me to ban people and wanting you to not ban people are not mutually exclusive visions.

And still, no one has taken any action to remove me as a mod.

I agree but in the past users wanting their accounts deleted have been quite persistent about the wording of the rule. Funnily enough I can’t find the thread that’s in because its author has been anonymized and all their posts deleted.

Correct, sorry that my post implies you’d have participated in the banning, I’ll reword that bit.

I took care of a request from a user who had like 10 posts lifetime.

Good for you. My threat stands. Do not take another unilateral action. This is not a dictatorship.

You realize you can’t actually ban me right?

lol, this batch of mods has been the best so far. gonna be a little sad when the forum is gone though.