I resign

I think you’ve got your group sizes confused there.

I don’t feel like anyone was driven off by churchill bring allowed to post here. Certainly not as many people as you’ve driven off by banning him.

Then have fun at your other site if that’s true. What is so hard about that?

You also said that you thought there were some people to blame from both sides and that you were not biased but shockingly you were full of it just like I explained all last week.

I like to have fun at multiple sites. Just like you do! I only mentioned it to correct the nonsense narrative about who’s driving who off.

meb did that yesterday and you asked meb to follow a different protocol and clovis lost his shit on him! You guys don’t even know the norms you’re supposed to follow!!

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Where were you when Tilted “lost his shit” on keeed and Sven “lost his shit” on RiverMan? Another “unbiased” mod LMFAO.

No, oust was actually very upset by meb’s decision. He asked an admin to delete his account, not anonymize it and asked me if i can undo it.

Why are we doing this? And being snarky while at it. You are both wrong, unfunny and trolling this thread now.

So disappointing that you joined meb in your desire to destroy the community. Why make a mockery of a serious discussion? I’m legit puzzled by your behavior.

Don’t you think that permabanning someone after they’ve eaten two dozen previous bans would be an obvious norm?

Anonymizing an account of that age is the best thing you can do, as deletion was no longer possible. What a loss of the 10 posts he’d made here lifetime, most just attempting to cause drama.

I don’t think I was a mod for those adventures, I’ll let you guys confirm with your spreadsheets.

I’ll delete the anonymized account if it’s that critical the request be followed exactly.

EDIT: Ha, can’t do it because yet another thing ggoreo rolled back was the max number of posts mods can delete. Cool cool cool.

Don’t you think if we wanted to ban him we could have had a direct vote on it? Oh wait, we did!

He disagreed, he did not contact you, you took action within 5 seconds and i wrote that we should keep the previous norms intact.

That was “losing my shit”. Good honest posting here by my fellow mods.

Yesterday i asked a user, without deleting, editing or banning, to stop cursing after 2 consecutive posts where he called former members in different derogatory names. You immediately wrote “look whos silencing criticism now”.

None of this makes sense. The only way to even begin to explain yours (and now potatos) posts is an organized plan against the community.

Unfortunately no rule in place that said a mod couldn’t ban him anyway. And you’re referring to a poll where more people voted to permaban than not, and some of the no votes (including my own) were just an attempt to appease you guys and avoid further attacks.

I mean, this.

It’s a complete troll for meb or anybody else to argue that his “mandate” to ban church, who was unnamed in his campaign (only CN was named) was stronger than a very current failed vote to perm church.

I’m sorry we have lost this incredibly valued community member that no one ever heard of, who posted 10 times in 2 years and generally only to cause drama.

This is the type of shit that is absurd. Why is there even a second thought being given to something like that? Let alone arguing what an egregious overstep I made.

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When did this happen?

I never mentioned anything about him. I said lets keep the norm. Potato brought it up as a way to show “i lost my shit”. He even linked it where you can see my exact reply.

I get that in the trolling game you win by causing any interaction. I admire your campaign. It just saddens me.

This is what a fellow mod just described as losing my shit. Then another fellow mod said -i- was bringing it up:

What did i ever do to you guys to deserve the trolling campaign i dont know, but good on you.

Because they wanted to be deleted not anonymized and somehow it’s a big deal if the posts they wanted to be deleted are now attributed to poster anon02654845 or whatever instead.