About Moderation (old original thread)

Sorry, could you point me to the rule about voter eligibility?




I canā€™t figure out if its a joke, but did vic really get banned for this exchange and not goofy?

Iā€™m confused as well, and itā€™s probably going to change unless thereā€™s some context to why ā€œpuppy murdererā€ is ok.

I think itā€™s sort of meta. Heā€™s saying something he knows is false to try and demonstrate how it feels when somebody says something they know is false.

At least thatā€™s my interpretation of the comment.

Just a thought but maybe after several years of arbitrary length bans, which never result in any behaviour change, one might question the value of the whole enterprise. Unless the purpose is the momentary self-congratulatory feeling generated by the ban they donā€™t appear to have any other effect. They change nothing ever.

Perhaps a new model is in order.

Anyway, I have no intention of getting into a discussion here. Just thought Iā€™d add my two cents.


The added value is that we donā€™t have to deal with his shit stirring for a few weeks.


After a few months of doing this - I agree. Iā€™m not sure though what the solution is, but bans only seem to create a momentary lapse in the fighting. Asking people to knock it off works with some - but with others this seems so personal that they are not going to turn down an opportunity to fight.

The two big problems I see are (1) the personal animosity between certain posters and (2) no one is ever willing to not have the last word - so a small quibble quickly takes over a thread.

Not sure what the solutions are though - I think forcing users to ignore each other might help, but not sure it would actually work or if people would support it (also might just lead those posters to find new people to fight with).

I think the simple solution is let them fight. Extract if necessary.


Iā€™ve thought about that as well. Forget if Iā€™ve shared my thoughts on it.

I know we had a bickering thread before, and it was ugly and people decided it wasnā€™t helping. However, in hindsight, I think the problem wasnā€™t the thread, but the thread was just a sign of where this forum was going. Once that thread was opened, things started getting worse, but think it was likely inevitable at that point. I guess no harm in reopening it - would be better if there was a way to allow people to opt out of that thread if they didnā€™t want to even be able to see it (even we you know you shouldnā€™t look, itā€™s hard to avoid checking out a trainwreck in process).

Not sure why people trying to use the board in good faith should take on people copying desantis talking points as a troll and having their family become trolling material.

This isnā€™t a both sides situation. This is one specific poster being a massive problem repeatedly and purposely.

The mods are all doing a fine job handling what seems to be an impossible situation.

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Again with this bullshit - shameless.


Youā€™re right. I owe someone an apology.

Apologies to desantis, who is allowing the covid vaccines to under 5s now. Churchill is the one arguing the vaccine was approved in a kangaroo court by sycophants.

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Heā€™s saying something obviously false about Victor to illustrate the absurdity of Victorā€™s claim in the post he was responding to that he was defending jmakin when he voted to perma jmakin like two weeks ago.

This has also been tried and has also failed

We should make the COVID thread a zero-tolerance zone. No snark, no trolling, no posting with a lack of self-awareness of what can be taken as trolling.


I am fine with this. I expect your proposal will be met with ample pushback from the predictable parties.