About Moderation (old original thread)


No reason was given or logged by Wookie

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Yes to every question here.

To me, not really. Or at least not much of one.

Undertitle alert!


Yes, you did. You said you wouldnā€™t post here anymore as long as I was allowed here.

Welcome back.

Seems like there is to me. Have you ever not invited someone to a party? Have you ever kicked someone out of a party?

Anyway, there are people there who are mad and have hurt feelings and feel like some people here are out to get them and these arenā€™t just the people you think. Thereā€™s no way to just add everyone there and Iā€™m not sorry thereā€™s a place they can post where there was pre-banning, but no one can be banned after that.

Out of curiosity, is there anyone who wants to read Sabo posts who is not allowed to join this mysterious ā€œpre-ban siteā€?

Me because I have no idea who this fabled Sabo character is. Curiosity!

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One of Saboā€™s recent posts on the pre-ban site was about how toxic micro-aggressions like this are. So, thereā€™s some of his content relayed for Tilted or anyone who is interested.


Afaik he banned him after the poll was closed. Did he close it preemptively? It was open for over a week. You are now arguing against following the poll that you and sabo yourselves explicitly decided to use to determine his fate. You know you could have been like, ā€œhey man maybe we can word this in a more straightfoward way because I really want to keep you aroundā€ right?


oh shit then thereā€™s no way it could have been true. itā€™s just a total coincidence he got banned right after that!

Come on, this is pure sophistry. Youā€™d be just as mad if Sabo got pre-banned from here.

Who decided on the pre-ban list? Was there a community vote? Did you object on principle to the bans?

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Thinking more about this pre-ban idea I really like it. It more closely mimics how we all structure our irl relationships.

Irl we vet people before they can join our group but then it is very difficult and rare to remove them once inside.

When you think about it there is an oddity to the idea of a community where everyone is invited and then you have to let the dust settle from the chaos. The idea of pre-ban aka vetting by existing social relationships is pretty interesting.

For the record, I have never posted on the other site.

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Wait, did I just micro-aggress? Not playing dumb here, but would love to know what I did.

There is no list. Everyone has to agree on anyone getting invited. Itā€™s like it would be if you all shared a house and said anyone gets to veto a new roommate. And, just like that, you canā€™t just kick someone out on some 60/40 vote.

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Was going off this which shows a closed poll a few days before the end of the thread.

And there are people who I want to invite that others donā€™t and I just let that be. I can talk to them here publicly or PMs or back on 2p2.

I could be wrong, I donā€™t know. Maybe I put a close date on it but I donā€™t think so. In any case my main point is that no one was discussing the permaban because it had already been reversed. And the vote crept up after that and wookie banned him, becauseā€¦

But it didnā€™t even reach the 60% threshold! Calvinballing it up!

Iā€™m not anti existing users bans and not pro invite-only forum but pretending they are the same is so strange i have to strongly consider you are posting in bad faith and/or trolling and/or trying to do a gotcha (i am not well versed in other types of posting disingenuously let me know if i missed one). Please stop.

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Do you think eyebooger is also posting in bad faith? Because he feels the same way. Maybe people can legitimately have good-faith disagreements on some things?