About Moderation (old original thread)

Dvaut challenged my perspective like no one else in this forum has before or since. Flywf challenged all of us and was the hero we needed at the time. Micro and JT were the spiritual leaders of UP who tried to push all of us to be better. AQ is our modern ideological champion, fighting against injustice, pointing out our inconsistencies, and making us reflect. Sabo? He has a unique perspective sure, but his role in this community for a decade now has been to tear it down. Even now people on both sides are pointing to him as the focal point of the rift. Here you are trying to assign blame for his exile when in reality his banning was pure self-martyrdom. Itā€™s actually all right there in his name.

Right but heā€™s the focal point because a bunch of guys consider him a valuable friend and you guys fucken banned him! Because, why, heā€™s idiosyncratic and annoying? I actually donā€™t really care for his posting style or content but I donā€™t want him banned, and particularly so because so many people I really do like really like him.

I like Sabo and that has something to do with it, but he was the first reg to be permaā€™d (not counting self-permas). Iā€™d sure as hell have had the same reaction for Keeed and many others. People shouldnā€™t be constantly judged to see if they are allowed here. He didnā€™t do anything wrong remotely deserving of that.

Fidget and Churchill either - they were later and werenā€™t banned though.

Have you been lobbying the other forum to have people taken off the pre-emptive ban list or whatever it is youā€™re calling your list of people whoā€™ve been banned?

Not really, and it would be difficult to convince me that itā€™s a good idea given the histories of some unmoderated forums (and I say this as someone much more opposed to bans than the median poster here).

Agreed, and that sucks.

Also agree, which is why this fracture over the past couple years has sucked.

And thatā€™s fine.

I guess the disconnect I see is that there is a lot of complaining by people at the other site (not referring to you personally) when someone is banned or suggested to be banned, when there is actually substantially less banning here than at the other site.

And I say this not to try to spike a hypocrisy football, but about how uneven things are. You have at least one person from your site who even you have admitted only posts here to ā€œfightā€. No one from here can go do that at your site (Iā€™m not even hinting that I would want to do that).

There are a lot of people at that other site whose views I respect, so Iā€™m open to being convinced that Iā€™m wrong here.


Because he demanded a poll where the two options were am I a troll or will you kiss my forehead, bake me a cake, and serenade me with a mariachi band.

my god are you guys OK? Sorry you had to go through all that.

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He understandably lost the poll. Not sure how thatā€™s on anyone else but him.

Iā€™m ok, was confused but didnā€™t even end up voting in it.

A dumb confusing poll is no reason to ban someone. But you guys did! Because he was annoying and idiosyncratic. And again, the significant minority who likes and respects and values Sabo see that you guys banned their friend, and predictably they donā€™t like it and feel alienated on his behalf. And for some on your side, Iā€™m convinced thatā€™s the point of the whole endeavor.


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says the guy who called for my perma, and left in a huff in protest about it.

Just so utterly full of shit.

You are acting like he was banned for creating the poll. People were given 2 options and they simply picked the more reasonable one. Or didnā€™t choose at all. It only got 57 votes for a reason.

Iā€™m sorry Keeed can you confirm to me who made the poll and who posted it?

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He was banned for making some comment about jmakinā€™s mental health. The guy who banned him later reversed it and said he never really meant it to be permanent and the permaban was an overreaction. At the time the ban was overrturned I think no ban was winning. Then it drifted along and a few more people voted in the dead thread and then Wookie came along and banned him the instant it hit 60% with, as you point out, only 57 people voting. So yeah, it was a pretty fucked up poll to ban him with. But thatā€™s what your team did!

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I already apologized for my view of Sabo but letā€™s please all drop the 100% either way arguments.

Sabo obviously played a roll in his banning. He wasnā€™t 100% innocent. At the least, he started a poll on a site whose only rule was a poll is required to ban.

Anyway, I think he should be unbanned and I am frankly leaning more and more to the side of the debate that banning is generally a net negative for a forum like ours. I think it needs to be reserved for the most extreme cases.


Pretty sure Sabo got banned for the Council of Captains shit. Seems like your memory is off, just like the ā€˜confusingā€™ poll posted by SenorKeed and written by Sabo that was a choice between ā€œSabo is a troll. Permaban confirmed.ā€ and ā€œSabo is owed an apology. Permaban rejected.ā€

Fucking impossible to crack that code is.

By other site you mean the pre-ban site? Weā€™ve all pre-banned lots of people from lots of things. That doesnā€™t mean some people on the other site still feel like they are part of this site. Some people there post on here much more than on the other site. Are they not members here? Am I not a member here? I still have like the 4th most posts here ever. Do I have ownership here? Isnā€™t there a difference between not getting invited somewhere and getting kicked out of somewhere youā€™ve been?

Anyway, every single person feels differently about all of this. Even Jal (or say Jman) who seem to only post here as a troll or to fight at the moment could very easily get caught up in some discussion and ā€œadd valueā€, which I put in quotes because this is just chatting and making it out to be more than that helps cause these problems.

Iā€™ve never called for your perma.

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