About Moderation (old original thread)

You can call me an asshole, but the hypothetical of “what if one of the members here, all 30-60 year olds, 90% white men coming from a poker forum really needed $5 a month” is ridiculous dude.

Like, why are you guys inventing the weirdest morality attacks today? It was an asshole thing of me to say! You don’t have to pearl clutch that anyone here really is in such dire straights!

There actually was a lot of context you might have missed? Maybe when you owe money such a term is problematic but the context of the leech comment was pretty apparent. I said quite clearly he only uses the free content of a $5 a month podcast, and didn’t pay for their premium content. Now, I don’t care if people don’t pay for content 99% of the time. When you start calling people idiots/not real fans for doing so, that’s when I call it out.

I already preemptively wrote that your post wasn’t about $5 a month, even though it would still be shitty if it was. And I already explained that my issue isn’t with you thinking or not thinking that Jal is poor and it isn’t about if Jal is or isn’t poor. It’s about using rhetoric that is meant to insult people who do cannot afford something.

So I really fail to see what pearls are being clutched. I thought it was shitty then when i reported it, i still think it’s shitty now when YOU brought it up. It ticks every box i can think of of poor shaming. So basically none of what I quoted here is true, except that part that it was an asshole thing of you to say. It certainly was. Mostly because it’s poor shaming. Try not using that language in the future. I’m here to help.

Like I said previously, I’m very open to the idea that Jal was an asshole too in your fight.

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I’m not pearl clutching. I’m trying to explain something that you might not get. Also, I have a negative net worth and $5 a month is not nothing to me.

Sorry to hear that MB, I hope you don’t tell someone a big part of their identity is contingent on listening to a podcast that costs money then.

It’s alright, thanks. I’m fairly rapidly approaching just being broke. That doesn’t happen by subscribing to things willy nilly though.

Consumer culture sucks and is gross, but for anyone not aware being a fan of that sports team is a large part of my identity as a person. It annoys the fiancé a ton, but she’s learned to live with it.

if he does, I hope the other person say “It isn’t contingent on that, even though I do in fact subscribe to that podcast while you apparently do not. Regardless, monetary investment is in no way related to my or anyone else connection to a sports club and you shouldn’t insinuate that it does, regardless of your own financial involvement in the club”.

You can do an obama mic drop after it too, i heard he’s popular.

Also, If you include the entire cost of my wedding my net worth is not looking great either!

**[quote=“microbet, post:9075, topic:3439, full:true”]

It’s alright, thanks. I’m fairly rapidly approaching just being broke. That doesn’t happen by subscribing to things willy nilly though.

I’ll drink to that

(I need to figure why the fuck is hulu still charging me while they also say I don’t have a subscription)

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Back when I was young and smart and rich I only spent $1500 getting married.

Even our photographer deposit was almost that much and it isn’t a top tier wedding or anything. Fun times we live in.

Jesus, I’ve been gone 1 day. Cliffs?


Skimmed like a 100 posts and I think you should all be banned. Is there a way I can do that in 3 clicks or less?


There have been a few arguments, but actually think most of the conversation has been pretty respectful (certainly way better than most 100+ posts in a day on About Unstuck).


Let that discussion happen and no matter what the result of the discussion is don’t ban Sabo? Seems like that’s the only reasonable answer in a “no-ban forum”.

(For the record, I took no position on Sabo because I barely know who that is.)

Where ya been?

I’m going to spread this thread out on my lawn and WATCH IT TURN GREEN

tenor (28)

That’s not possible. There would have to be unanimous agreement. So it’s a pre-ban forum.

Do you want an open forum with no moderation? Like I said to Chuck, I’ll start another. Or Cuse could just reopen exiledpolitics and then do nothing. But, I make no claims about what it would look like. There’s already lots of animosity. People aren’t going to listen to me just because I say “try not to fight” and it’s not that hard, but it’s not trivial to build culture. Maybe a new open unmoderated forum, but only give the URL to a select group of people who promise to not fight and then after X posts, seeding the site with no conflict, make the URL public. It could start with a walrus or two.

If one person asks me to do it I will.

There aren’t a lot of internet posters I’ve encountered that challenged my perspective like Sabo. I learned a lot from him. If you had a hand in his banning shame is the correct reaction