About Moderation (old original thread)

Yeah, I think you’re right.

eta: As far as whether I agree…I guess not. The main person who complained the most to Mat didn’t even post in Pol or barely.

Yeah, as I mentioned above, I see that now. I’ve just made like 100 posts here for nothing.

I feel like this thread has been insane today.

So team no ban ever started another forum. Fine. But you have be accepted to join that forum? If you truly believe no ban is the way to go post a link to your new forum and accept everyone.

Otherwise you are just pro preban but anti ban after you join, which makes no sense to me. I mean hell that exile thread linked earlier had fucking Luckbox post in it before he got banned.


I dont think he’s poor. I dont think he poor shamed me. He said I can’t be a fan of x team because I wasn’t born in x place and go to games. I said he doesn’t do what he preaches. Was the loan line crass? I’ll accept that, sure. I do not think, know or care about his personal financial situation though. It was meant to call him a hypocrite. I have never seen jal make a single post alluding to his financial situation. If he has posted anywhere about being in tough times, I am genuinely sorry and then such was out of line.
The only real posts along those lines I’ve ever seen in this forum were from canadamatt in the crypto thread.

You seemingly don’t want to believe me when I say I truly never cared about his finances. You don’t have to be, but it was an off the cuff insult about how he finds no way to support the team he claims to do so while putting very high barriers to entry for “outsiders” to support them.

You seem to be taking poor shaming in a more literal way than I do.

I don’t think you think he’s poor. I think you tried to insult him by suggesting he is poor.

That is poor shaming. The mere idea that being poor is an attack, even though you assume he isn’t or don’t care if he is or not.

The use of “leech” and “take a loan interest rate are low” are insults based on the idea that being poor is something to be ashamed of. Otherwise they wouldn’t make any sense in the context you wrote.

What do we do if you get there and you want to ban Sabo? What if we invite 30 people who want to ban Sabo? Now we have to be a dictatorship and say the majority can’t get what they want?

You’re a good person to ask, because if you haven’t been invited (and I don’t think you have and I do think it’s been discussed) the only reason I can think of is that you voted to perma-ban Sabo (and Fidget).

Again, I’ll take the loan line being crass and dumb. But it’s cheap to go to one game a year or listen to the podcast paywalled versions he brought up. I did not originally suggest supporting a team was because of financial resources, he did.

The point was never to suggest he was poor. It was to suggest he barely, if at all supported the team and made barely any effort to do so, while gatekeeping support of that team. I was mad at the gatekeeping while somewhat jealous he has access to a literal life dream of mine but chooses not to do so because he dislikes the modern game. It’s his choice, billionaires have sapped some prestige from the game I even agree.

We sat grown quiet at the name of love;
We saw the last embers of daylight die,
And in the trembling blue-green of the sky
A moon, worn as if it had been a shell
Washed by time’s waters as they rose and fell
About the stars and broke in days and years.

I had a thought for no one’s but your ears:
That you were beautiful, and that I strove
To love you in the old high way of love;
That it had all seemed happy, and yet we’d grown
As weary-hearted as that hollow moon.

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There are posters who feared that the usual suspects mentioned as ban on sight candidates in the recently linked thread would come over here and turn this into another version of Unchained. I don’t feel there was ever a satisfactory explanation of how to defend against that without mods and bans.

Was it an illegitimate fear of something unlikely to happen or is it something that was blocked by strong moderation that discouraged those posters from showing up or surviving long enough to gain the critical mass to be a self-sustaining faction?

I had hopes that this place could become bigger, but I would not try to recruit anyone to this place until clear rules were established for how to resolve conflicts where consensus is unattainable.

Well if rule 1 of forum is no bans

Then laugh at me for asking someone to be banned

and yes I voted Sabo to be banned on this forum and stand by it

i was just there for these posts. Do you guys have/had history? sure. Were you upset? i suppose. Was Jal an asshole? I dunno, but it has happened before.

Your two posts were disgusting choice of words and I would say I would die on that hill, but i don’t think I’d have to. I’d win that fight fairly easily. They are pretty self explanatory. I said lots of mean things that were worded poorly (sometimes by design sometimes not). I try to forget and/or learn from them, I do not bring them up myself.

I also won’t prolong my self-declare victory for much more but i am happy you started with

and already at:

So this is an improvement. Under the strict @anon38180840 cite or ban rules that is already an admission of ‘cite and ban’ lose and you would be subject to a ban. In such a case i’d be a gentleman and let you off the hook, but I can’t promise everyone else would. Use your cite or bans with more care.

Laughing at one person who wants to ban Sabo is one thing. Laughing when half the forum or more wants it would be another. Ship has sailed on that anyway.

Would you want to be part of an open forum that doesn’t allow bans? I’ll start another new forum if you want.

No, because I 100% think that leads to failure


If you were too poor to easily afford $5/month and you were a bystander to someone teasing someone else that they might need a loan for $5, might you feel bad/ashamed? Could you at least imagine someone in that spot feeling ashamed?

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Ok, well if anyone here wants to be part of an open and unmoderated forum, let me know and I’ll do what I can.

Congratulations you invented 4chan

He had been on a stretch of hounding me , Goofy, cn etc across the forum and had been banned numerous times. Some posters who received similar treatment whom I enjoyed their posting stopped posting here because of such behaviour from jal. That is why I called him a leech, because they took more from this site than they provided in my opinion. I still believe this, but also feel relitigating this is inflammatory and unnecessary.

In the spirit of peace and fellowship I’ll take that as you not being interested.

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it should be pointed out that the $5 is a reference to some podcast subscription. going to games is a much more expansive affair, so even the strange defense about $5 being a tiny amount isn’t really relevant to the next post.

well for future reference, using the word leech in relation to not paying money has very different connotations than “taking more from this site than they provided in my opinion”. find a different way to describe this scenario.