About Moderation (old original thread)

Hey look, a thread where notable posters including microbet, JohnnyTruant, cassette, and jalfrezi join the so-called “banlust” team in supporting pre-emptive bans for a select few racists and conspiracy theorists. Cool link!

which perfectly shows my original and only argument - this entire thing is about who owns the community. and just so i won’t get more historical information about domain sites from cuse, by ‘own’ i do not mean the actual legal owner.

If we could go back to 2019 and start over with no mods and no bans I think there’s no question this site would be better and there would be far less animosity.

If this site would stop banning and locking threads and deleting posts and constantly arguing about who should be banned and moderated, even more people from the other site would do even more posting over here. (cue “don’t threaten us with a good time”?)

What has banning accomplished other than cause problems here? Churchill doesn’t post 10% of the time? You got rid of Sabo? A couple randoms like anachronistic (I think) got banned and instead of just making new accounts they left?


People know I’ve fallen on the side of goofy/ikes more. But that’s mostly because I like talking video games/nba with goofy and soccer with Ikes. I even like the same soccer team as jal, but the one time I tried to engage him with that I got called a plastic fan for not being from the UK. If goofy started calling me names because I drove 8 hours to see his warriors once I probably would enjoy his overall posting less!

I feel bad for people who don’t think this place represents them anymore, but the solution can’t be to just troll this place.

It was fairly impressive that Raids didn’t come back.

Some people over there didn’t like each other. We’ve managed some conflicts and hurt feelings and no one has left mad. And regarding the heart thing, there’s no respect here (from you) and that makes it impossible to discuss things. You know damn well there are lots of reasons posts get hearted. I support Rexx and I don’t recall who that BS post was directed at and can’t quote it verbatim (which is the kind of thing required here lest I be accused of making it up - but I’ll look for it in a minute), but I’m sure it was a very mean personal attack on someone else I support.

Solution for what to do now are hard as people hate each other. I’m not really suggesting there was a viable solution in 2019 either because although I think it’s patently obvious that this site would have been light years better without mods or bans, I don’t think that position would ever have or ever would win a vote. Shrug.

Do you think bans have been good or bad for this site over the past 3 years?

eta: The BS post was at Churchill and was of the you suck, have no friends and included DIAGF.

funnily enough i was randomly there for that argument and if I were mod I would ban you for a lengthy period. It’s funny how people can find creative way to portray a situation.

Which brings me to another point - even though I like and respect microbet approach, i am a ban luster of sorts. I would instantly ban all the people who abused the flag system by flagging Keed’s “fuck off” post in his thread, as a response to Riverman’s fuck off post in keed’s thread. I would also ban wookie for a lengthy period for his pitiful and outright stupid crusade of keed as a anti-vaxxer. I think 95% of the posters in this community would have been banned for the latter, but most of you just stared at it in amazement and hoped it would eventually stop and no one would have to comment on it.

I’m also on record in saying that Jal, Marty, Fidget, Jbro etc will all be banned eventually because it was inevitable. One side won. I just get annoyed at times when people pretend it’s anything other than that.

…and I do owe @Aofrantic an apology. I’m going to make it quite imperfect though because my post should have been something like “would you please stop asking for people to be banned so often?” instead of “all your posts are bad”.

I obviously disagree about mods/bans. However the solution would have been to make a set of rules in 2019, including penalties and moderation guidelines/limits, and then ratify it. Nip it in the bud and move on. Or ratify no mods/no rules/free for all, and move on. The fact that it’s been an ongoing argument for ~two years is a big part of why there’s such a feud.

Although I think if we ratified no rules and no mods you’d just have some knock down drag out brawls cluttering up several threads for months on end.

It also didn’t help that we set up a 60% system and this issue is split approx 55/45 (judging by past votes), with the most active posters probably skewing like 75/25 to the slim majority side. So it’s basically an intractable problem now.

It’s pretty amazing how much our situation mimics real life American political gridlock. Whoever said rename the site Stuck Politics nailed it.

I believe a big part of the problem is the lack of a cite or ban policy here. A ton of the drama is like…

Poster A: You said XYZ, which is very bad, lol you!
Poster B: I never said that, you’re a liar, lol you!

This inevitably turns into a 50 post shitshow if Poster A and B are on different sides of the feud, complete with accusations of trolling and bad faith. Instead it should be…

Poster A: You said XYZ, which is very bad, lol you!
Poster B: I did not, cite or ban!

Poster A either cites it and Poster B is proven wrong, or Poster A cannot cite it and retracts the claim or eats a ban.

You follow that up with some kind of rule about not rubbing a poster’s face in something they’ve admitted they were wrong on in the past, and you basically end a huge chunk of the drama once and for all.

It does, however, require mods to call balls and strikes to some degree.

Maybe. I think it might have surprised people and I think I’ve explained why pretty consistently since exiled, but we’ll never know.

Or we could just rent out an arena in Vegas every summer, get a wrestling ring and a steel cage and everyone with more than like 25 posts in About Unstuck in the last year who wasn’t a mod has to go into the cage. Whoever gets tossed from the cage is perma-banned. Gambling is encouraged, but UP takes a vig and all proceeds go to charity.

i made a post laughing at a post without adding content so i deleted it, although it was a genuine response. I will add that proper cite or ban etiquette is that in case of a successful cite, person B is banned. This isn’t a freeroll sir.

I literally did nothing wrong in that argument. I will absolutely die on this hill.

I got called a plastic fan for being an Arsenal fan not from the UK. I got called not a real fan because I said the owners of Arsenal (who have spent over $1 billion on players in the last ~5 seasons) don’t spend enough money and that’s why Arsenal lose. I was then told I’m dumb and should listen to arseblog (the most popular Arsenal podcast) because they have this opinion. They do not, I subscribe to them and have done so for roughly 6 years. I then told them that, and said I have listened to every episode and they did not say that. I then said if listening to arseblog is an essential part of being a “real Arsenal fan” they should subscribe to them and pay the $5 a month instead of being the same leech they are on this forum, trolling more than providing valuable posts.

I can screenshot every post verbatim and we can go over it. If you truly believe I said anything worthy of infraction I will absolutely die on that hill.

You can tell it was bullshit you fell for by the same way you saw absolutely bullshit arguments today. How crypto is morally wrong but sportsbetting is not. I got accused by jal of “poor shaming” him by telling him to subscribe to a podcast he listens to, that costs $5 a month but makes you a “fake fan” if you don’t listen to it!

Like, tell me which exact post should have been sanctioned and why. Please, let me know what deserved a “lengthy ban” when I have yet to receive even a warning for posting here up to now.

Could anyone here imagine someone going into the NFL or NBA thread and telling posters they aren’t real fans of a team if they weren’t born geographically close enough or don’t listen to a specific podcast? It would be insane and called out, but Yuv apparently agrees.

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I’ve said this before about moderation…this forum inherited a terrible culture from Pol. We had no mod for a long time in STTF and it was a very busy forum for a while and we could even post about politics people were all across the political spectrum. There was one poster I ever recall being a problem and he never got banned. (Suzzer might remember his name ‘eury’ something). It’s not just that it’s politics, it’s the dunking culture and “cite or ban” is exactly in-line with that culture. Our excuse here was supposed to be that we would be overwhelmed by Nazis, but that didn’t happen.

And that reminds me why I came in here at all today…it was suggested that the people from the captains thread, the other forum, whoever, were the troublemakers from 2p2. Those people were people like toothsayer, bundy, kelhus…etc…

Those people. Who among the captains were the troublemakers from 2p2? It’s pretty insulting to be mixed in with the group who you were fighting with on 2p2.

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I mean, banning for a failed cite is fine too. I’d suggest sort of an NFL challenge system, you get two cite or bans and if you lose both challenges you eat a temp.

probably a 1 month ban for poor shaming. I also expect you to self ban for two weeks now under the new “cite or ban” rule by cuse. As I mentioned, you do not ask for cites and get a freeroll.

The usage of leech and ‘if you need a loan’, not a single person on this community is dumb enough to believe your choice of word is random here. And i think very little of some people.

It’s fine though. I am not in charge, thankfully to everyone involved.

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I think you may have misunderstood goofy’s sentence structure, but I could be wrong and I doubt you’d agree with him either way. I think what he’s saying is…

2p2 Pol was shut down because Mat and Mason refused to let the moderators ban the troublemakers, so those people (those = 2p2 pol - community and moderators, not the troublemakers specifically) came here, where they started a new forum where the new site owners don’t allow the community elected moderators to ban the troublemakers.

How is that poor shaming? He chooses not to support the club nor podcast financially, while claiming I have to do so to be a “real fan.” I have no idea if jalfrezi has a net worth of a dollar or a million. I do not care about his personal financial situation. truly. At all. I do not care how much money he has.

He has said he used to attend games, and chooses not to do so anymore. He did not say that was because of his financial situation, but because he does not like the direction of the team.

You’re so far off base here dude. Is it poor form trolling? Perhaps, but I have zero inkling about his person financial situations. I have seen zero posts ever about such!

Sorry, but if you can’t be a real fan without attending in person games, and are a “plastic fan” if you don’t, you get to be called something for not doing so yourself! Remember the hypocrisy argument from like two hours ago?

Your defense here is that you are poor shaming him as a response to him poor shaming you. That’s a sort of defense, but it conflicts with your ‘im not poor shaming’ start.

Take a loan and leech when discussing monetary issues are disgusting. I flagged those posts then and still think this today, so my view has stayed consistent. You brought it up, so it’s not like i’m the one digging this issue up.
Like many here, I have a hard time sometimes accepting when people genuinely think something and when they are trolling. I can’t possible imagine someone discussing not paying a certain amount of money, call the person “a leech” and then claim it has nothing to do with money. My brain can’t imagine that you are posting in good faith.

But i realize that what I can imagine isn’t necessarily the reality.