About Moderation (old original thread)

I don’t want to form coalitions of 60%+ to ban posters I don’t like. I’ve clearly stated the opposite. So why would you post that?

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An aside regarding the discussion of the discord above not having any conflict. There was a bitching about UP channel (UP-containment) that was removed suddenly, I suspect certain people in the discord wanted it deleted because it would cause arguing between otherwise placid discord members. I say this because I am certain that views presented in that channel contrasted significantly with those stated by other discord members on UP (who avoided providing consistent opinions in that channel).

Edit: Have had this clarified to me via discord, this was the reason it was removed.

Well my point is that I don’t think anywhere near that threshold would agree with your take, regardless of whether you want to actually ban anyone.

But back to my main point, it’s not like people showed up here with “banlust” as we’re being accused of. But like three or four people have spent like two years being mean, trolling, and disrespecting the community’s posting norms while refusing to change their behavior.

Like I once said, just cause you’re a member at a golf club and own a small percentage of it doesn’t give you a right to shit on the floor, or an expectation that doing so wouldn’t get you kicked out.

Wookies RFC to ban Churchill failed to get 60% and many posters not involved disputed the ‘facts’ of the case and found them to be misrepresented or at least underwhelming.

If somebody repeatedly shit on the floor of a golf club, I would expect that to have overwhelming evidence and concurrence. This is more like somebody farted in the locker room, while you were also farting freely, but you want them kicked out because you think your farts smell better.


Literally every word you wrote is wrong. And the c-word debacle was textbook xenophobic and exactly what I encountered in america by people with similar opinions to yours (aka the uk bros).

You also trolled keed and there’s 0% you can pass a lie detector about it, so i dont understand how you can possibly imagine your post has merit.

You think you own the community. That was always the case and not a single thing has changed, only less charade over time.

Well also some complained about the quality of the voters.

The similarity of “if you dont like america just get out” and voting rights issues to the arguments of team a is mesmerizing.

You got me! That’s why when I actually controlled the entire interim site and could have literally tried taking ownership and setting up the next step myself, I… immediately made it clear that I didn’t think it was mine and that I believed it belonged to the community.

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lolwut. Thats not what own means in this scenario my god. It’s not even what you means. I honestly wish i would stop being amazed by some of these posts.

It’s almost as if… people care more about how you currently post than your past history.

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Huh? You started with the “wookie has too much power we need rotating mods,” then you got rotating mods! A good percentage of this forum has now moderated in roughly the same fashion, and have largely lead to a similar experience for just about everyone here. Are you saying every mod has done a bad job? Do you have a problem with the current mods? Do you think the current mods are in line or in cahoots with the “radical wookie agenda” that started so much of this?

Radical Wookie Agenda:


Huh? Anytime a mod even warned anyone in the ruling clique they were immediately reprimanded. It turned out that constantly criticizing mods was never an actual problem.

Declaring your own victory is always a bullet proof strategy. I have 3 awards for best analogy right here. I thought you’d be tired from the worst post ever winning party for OmG HYpoCRisY

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I dont have the list of who is in the ruling clique. From what I’ve seen, CN, Goofy and jman have been reprimanded quite a few times. They took it in stride when they thought it was warranted, argued against it when they didn’t. Isn’t that how we want it to work?

btw, ‘omg hypocrisy’ is also the favorite of ‘if you hate america so much why do you live here’. coincidence? hard to say,

You too. And I sure hope by no possible chance would you encounter a sub group of UP who conspire to “troll” the community by coordinating an action like writing nicely to annoy posters or appoint a mod. That would be hypocritical of you and them, which is the worst crime imaginable.

Sabo was like experiencing a nice red wine compared to just another dull shot, but I guess i could see hiw too much could lead to far greater hangover in comparison.

Not really wanting to speak for Goofy but I feel some people think he is pointing out hypocrisy in the “I win, all the internet points to me, game over” fashion rather than the “you realize you’re doing this, right?” way in which I see it. I dont think he sees hypocrisy as some mortal sin, but its there.

I don’t interpret that thread as people being power hungry.

Some posters believe that Unchained was worse than regular Politics because it was more lightly modded and that it would be an improvement if a political forum was more tightly moderated and more bans handed out.

Right or wrong, it’s a POV that should at least be understandable.

but his point is easily refutable or at least explained when it comes to the expelled forum. It is completely ignored when it comes to literally everything else itt, like the constant whining about modding or the inexplicable behavior towards keed which should have just ended this thread all together.

The moment keed was ran out his mod position he was elected for should have been the end of the charade. Wookie, goofy, ikes, riverman etc should have been “yeah, you were right all along, but we won”. I’d accept that. ggwp. I’d take it in stride and i think others would to. But that was seriously akin to (worst analogy ever) the GOP and ACB reasoning. Just say ‘because we can’.