About Moderation (old original thread)


This is being a dick. Yeah, what he said was hyperbolic. I do not cosign it all. But he brought up a good point that people who disagree are often mistakenly accused of trolling. Keeed is a great example. Sabo did troll a lot, but he wasn’t just a troll as some people thought and he was basically genuine - just combative.

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this is “their” site, just as much as it is yours. that has always been the issue here, ever since i became aware of it in the c-word debacle. It’s always been about control and ownership.


I can’t see the back end to prove or disprove this, but assuming it’s true you’re seriously claiming right now that banning me for the flat != acting on the flag?

People should be free to argue for perma-bans. I don’t think the anti-churchill side did a good job of arguing, but they should be free to make their case. I don’t think anyone made a case that would have convinced a fair-minded person who doesn’t read the COVID thread and isn’t aware of the forum meta.

But sometimes those posters do things that deserve punishment. This is the rationale that allows rich people to get away with lighter sentences for crimes, that they provide benefit to society so that by punishing them too harshly, you’re also punishing the people around them.

We’ve failed to establish consensus on what a fair process looks like for punishment and now we’ve got so many grudges that people want a process that punishes people on the other side more harshly than their side.

Of course, other mods could have taken whatever action they wanted on my post. Unlikely though, as your post report was clearly trolling!

For example the whole “hypocrisy” point that goofy (and others) have been pushing can never actually hold any merit since the entire point of Team A was that complaining about moderation is the real issue and not the moderation. But when many of team A are subject to moderation they do not agree with there is instant criticism. When someone who was seen to them as member of Team B was elected to be a mod by the community he was bullied probably 100x (i measured) more than Wookie ever did when he opened the famous being a mod is insufferable thread.

All of such actions are the clearest indication of “hypocrisy” but that part is meaningless in my view. They are a clear indication of the actual matter in hand - who owns this forum and who is a guest.


Appreciate that. I have been thinking back on some of my own shitty behaviour and realizing at the same time how much I’ve learned from the people here, especially those far left of where I was 5 years ago. I have shifted left alot in that time almost entirely due to the people here.

I am less interested in dopamine hits and miss learning here.


I don’t think I ever called him a troll and my issue was that he would never own up to his track record of being proven wrong repeatedly while making similar predictions. If he admitted to having been wrong in the past but then pushed the same idea again, that’d be different.

I wanted the site to not allow violent rhetoric and didn’t want to be a mod if it was allowed, and my hope was that he would then stop posting that stuff not get banned. Regardless he and I get along fine now and even met up for dinner in Vegas.

Plenty of people don’t post exactly as I wish, and I ignore it. Others cross certain lines that bother me and I push back.

man how did i lose the first like to keed. it’s like nba topshot sniping all over again. i was on the page when the post appeared and didn’t even read it i was like ‘i’ll like it first’ and still lost out


I didn’t even realize the likes are in chronological order.

I don’t think I’ve ever trolled the site and it does sometimes bother me when people accuse me of trolling, although I don’t lash out in response the way others do when accused of trolling.

I do occasionally post things that get hidden and I’m fine with that. I know I’m toeing the line, but it’s not like I don’t say this stuff IRL. I think people have this idea that I’m some angry dude, but I say this stuff with a smile on my face and maybe most people think I’m joking. I’m a Midwesterner at heart and I sometimes have kind of a red state-y sense of humor that revels in the suffering of my enemies, but with a blue state-y compiling of my enemies list.

Anyways, I will be in Vegas for a decent chunk of June and I am willing to meet up with anyone from this forum if our schedules work out. And I will have a car to open up opportunities for off-Strip dining. PM me.



Your timeline is slightly off, the rule about mods acting on their own posts was unanimously passed in August 2021, and this was the only rule Keeed broke during his time as mod. It’s also what immediately opened him up to a removal RFC but I’m sure one would have been created eventually since he had multiple people waiting to pounce on anything he did.

For what it’s worth, I think Keeed was a good mod aside from acting on his own posts and was acting in good faith, even if I also disagreed with the rule he tried to institute and banned you for.


Right, but generally speaking if the derails are conversations about like Costco chicken enchiladas or whatever, nobody gets mad when it gets moved.

Perhaps not, nor are a lot of people good at having their views challenged and emerging without hating the other person.

As I told microbet “they” is a handful of people, not every single person on the other site - although I have no idea who’s actually on the other site.


A degree of respect is given, a higher degree can be earned, but all of it can be lost by a pattern of behavior that is not worthy of it.

Many would say CN, goofy, trolly, jman, even you, and even Wookie, have shown a pattern of behavior not worthy of respect. None of those that would say that are calling for you to be banned however. It’s not only your site to determine who is worthy of it.

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It’s the community’s site, and when one disrespects the community’s standards, they should expect to lose the respect of many people in the community.

As I pointed out during the c-word debate, the appropriate analogy would be a New York to London or London to New York flight halfway over the Atlantic with a mix of American and British passengers.

I assume most posters here from the UK would know better than to use the term in that mix of company, but if not, I’m pretty sure if an American sitting nearby asked them to stop using it on the flight because it was offensive, they wouldn’t respond by calling them the c-word and insisting on using it.

They want it to be “their” site in that nobody can tell them what is or is not acceptable to say or post, whereas we want it to be “our” site in that everyone is mutually respectful. We may ask them not to use the c-word and they may ask us not to use “spaz” and nobody on either side should get upset about either thing.

The original point of Team A was that bad actors were complaining about moderation instead of knocking off their bad behavior, and that was the real problem. Then when Team A fires back and stuff gets both sidesed, they get upset.

Then more and more people got pulled in on both sides who’s start date of exposure to the conflict was later and later, so they don’t know the full backstory of why they hate posters A, B, and C, they just know they’re always mean to them and thus they snap back.

This is just ridiculous. Keeed was given a fair chance, used his powers to troll people, violated a norm which was made a rule and then violated it again, and is claiming that he didn’t because ACTUALLY he didn’t dismiss the flag, he just banned me for it!

Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be out there until the very end of June this year, and it’s probably going to be 99% business.

Feel free to start an RFC to permaban CN, goofy, trolly, jman, me and Wookie if you think you can get anywhere near 60%!