About Moderation (old original thread)

Disagree with the BH ban, but not worth people throwing a fit and turning this into another proxy fight.

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This is literally the first thing I have done as a moderator besides a post or two encouraging someone to be nicer, and I avoid this thread like the plague. I’m not really out here trying to use “whatever power I have” to take swipes at people.


That’s not what happened. Like at all. IIRC PC originally permed him. Sabo then lost his vote that he literally demanded.

He got like 4 hours off, btw.

I dont think Haywood should be banned, but I hate their style of posting. They didn’t debate. They didn’t respond to people who responded to them. They aren’t really here for a discussion, even if they are making a lot of posts.


It’s not “misinformation”, it’s just that you disagree with it.

See I would consider this much more “bad faith” posting than anything BH posted, since it’s a bullshit technicality designed to obscure the argument. It’s a “well #actually did you know REPUBLICANS were the anti-slavery party?” type of non-argument via factoid.


Maybe you could refrain from making shit up? I confirmed the vote to permaban sabo before re-banning him. I don’t care about him at all and have never sparred with him that I can remember.

Look, if you want to make a “sphere of influence” or pathway for tanks or whatever all argument, then make one, but don’t be surprised about people pointing out shared borders when that’s the literal crux of the claim.

Disagree with the BH ban too. Though there should be containment threads for arguments because the main thread is more about news and updates and arguments can ruin that.


Ok, whatever. Re-ban Sabo/BH if you feel strongly about it RM.

Can’t we at least do this petty shit on a Friday, as is tradition?

At least then I have the weekend to look forward to.


The guy was not only wrong, he wasn’t engaging anyone. He got a bunch of substantive responses to his nonsense and proceeded to repost the same youtoob video. For which he got 4 hours off from the forum. Chill out people.


You’re trying to take advantage of Keed’s tantrum to overturn a permaban.


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The argument of shared borders with NATO is an argument about having a large, difficult to defend frontier. Pointing out that Russia shares like a 50km border with Norway at like the North fucking Pole is not an honest attempt to engage with that argument.

It’s not up to a moderator to determine who is ‘wrong’ let alone ban someone for it.


that wasn’t the whole argument was it now? There’s turkey since the 50s, more since 2004, come on now

Turkey doesn’t border Russia.

Turkey bordered the USSR from 1951 to 1991 while in NATO

oh and I forgot Poland in 1999 again.

We have a lot of constructive back and forth on the forum, but we also have a repeating pattern where a single thread gets blown up when one poster comes in an drops some kind of “opposing view” and there is an explosion of people presenting all the counterarguments and then suddenly that thread is exclusively about that. It’s also a repeating pattern where these situations correspond to someone coming in an dropping some already thoroughly debunked, often conservative Fox News sourced, garbage talking points. We need a way to deal with that stuff because it impacts the quality of the forum. It think we’ve already gone round and round on this but I don’t think every idea is worthy of serious debate just because it popped into someone’s head or they saw it on Fox News. Are black people really inferior? Let’s debate it seriously!

The problem is not posters who post “opposing views”, even where those views are dumb, it’s the small group of posters who can’t let anything go, ever, and continue to yell at a single poster until they turn every thread into aids and we have to have endless containment threads or ban people with opposing views. And CaffeineNeeded and Wookie are two of the major offenders in this regard.