About Moderation (old original thread)

It’s definitely both sides, I don’t disagree.

Nope. If the neutrons go too fast, they don’t collide with the U-235 nuclei (thereby releasing more neutrons) and just whizz away. The reaction fizzles out and can’t sustain itself.

At least, I think that’s right. I’m sure someone here will correct me if it’s not.

And since ‘mutual respect’ clearly isn’t possible, norms need to be enforced to keep this place valuable.

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It could be, it would take everyone being on board.

If you can never see yourself doing so, it’s ldo a self-fulfilling prophecy.

if your system demands everyone on board, it will always fail

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Among acquaintances?

No, you’re wrong.

I know.

I’d like to see the Hatfields and McCoys make some babies.

Dag yo, I got control rods and moderators confused. I thought they were the same thing, but no.

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I guess I did too since I called them moderating rods. Actually, I think water, or maybe heavy water, is often used as a moderator, which is definitely not a rod. I’ll be the first to admit that my knowledge of this stuff basically comes from the discovery channel lol.

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The moderator slows down neutrons to improve the reaction cross-section. The control rods absorb neutrons to prevent the reaction from running away. In an emergency you drop all the control rods down and it’s supposed to shut the reaction down.


Do I think it’s going to happen? No, I’m a realist.

Regardless, I was attempting to chip in on JT’s point and the lack of contradiction. I really do like everybody and wish peace could occur.


Yeah, that last bit is the part that didn’t work so well in Chernobyl, IIRC.

I mean I have liked posts you have made. I also don’t see you or jbro or anyone here as an enemy. The thing is though that my just mostly stopping engaging here didn’t really change the dynamic. That’s the thing, it requires some level of self control by everyone to stop doing this shit. I still occasionally fail at that, especially after a drink or two. But if literally everyone just stopped with this shit it would stop.

I agree with Dodger that I wish we could have a great reset. I also agree we can’t moderate our way out of the current situation. Either people are going to proactively decide to quit acting in the ways that are causing it or they aren’t.


Not to be captain obvious but The Former Place was much more “functional” because RWNJs would occasionally wander in to get dunked on by people who aren’t getting their dunking quotas met here.

So really, we should advertise on 4chan.


Good post. It’s actually possible that banning Inso0 is really what did this place in! I think he was the last one standing.

If this is what you want, then I think the correct moderation scheme is one which aggressively prunes the main threads to move derails and fights into other threads.

Although I leaned against it at the time, in retrospect I think it would have been a good idea to have gone forward with this proposal and see where it led.

My concern was, and remains, that an environment without enforcement or consequences would just lead to more bad behavior rather than less. But who knows.

If I remember correctly, the proposal was forwarded by someone not behind the effort.

That’s what sabotaged it.

(I could have this wrong.)

Was it? My recollection was the captains screamed and yelled about this for months without ever putting it up for a vote, then someone submitted an RFC to appease them and the captains demanded it be taken down.

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That’s one way to frame it.