About Moderation (old original thread)

I don’t remember a vote, but my memory is faulty.

That looks like that was a straw poll to flesh out what the change would look like. Didn’t read the whole thread, but it seems the idea was abandoned in favor of continued bickering because no one was actually interested enough to spell out how this subforum would work.

It’s fine, even a best practice, to have a straw poll in the OP, and more later, so everyone can assess community sentiment. Later, there can be a final vote about what if anything goes up to the broader community for a final vote based on what is synthesized here.

I am politely correcting an error that I think goofy made regarding the approval of the proposed subforum.



I don’t believe we can ever have a community where everyone respects each other. Whatever moderation scheme we have needs to be able to deal with valued posters who dislike and disrespect each other and sometimes act improperly because of that.

My idea for moderation is that we establish clear rules on what tools a moderator is allowed to use, we come up with a clear moderation philosophy that doesn’t get nitpicky on rules, and we select mods whose job is to use their own judgment to use those tools to make the forum conform to that philosophy as much as possible. If they are bad in their judgment, then they don’t get to be a mod again. If they are really bad, they get removed before their term is over.

I’ve tried to talk more about the general philosophy, but I think most posters are results-oriented in what they want moderation to accomplish.

As for what that philosophy should be, I am against the idea that mods are supposed to create a curated reading experience where bad posting is restricted but I also don’t believe in creating a safe space for bad posters where they get to post unchallenged. I’m more about creating a good process and be willing to live with the results if that process leads to a bunch of crap.

Defund the mods


Defend the mods!*

*Just the ones who leave me alone.

Have no clue where to put this, but I respectfully request my demodding

Thank you very much for your service.

If your stepping down has anything to do with the Keed kerfuffle, please reconsider.


Wookie put in a request to de-mod keed based on tick-tacky (imo) rules violations, the community downvoted the idea. I’m not sure why this needs to be litigated any further.

If anybody is pointing to the premature/nascent RFC to demod Keed to throw shade on Wookie or bolster Keed, they are being ridiculous.

I think JT is making a different (yet related) point about rules and rule-following (by mods and others).

This may come across as kumbahya or whatever but it is really ok to listen to people on the other side an argument and even concede they might have some legitimate points even though maybe we don’t see it exactly the same. I mean there is a lot of room in between Wookie/cool kids squad is the worst and the Captains are the worst. A lot of room which could find amicable resolution for most or all of us.

One of the people I battled it out with super hard last summer with I now spend a lot of time talking to about all kinds of things outside of UP. It’s possible to move on. People just have to actually want to do it and be willing to forgive and move past it.



I respect your view so I’ll simply say that I agree with most of what you say wrt moderating in the current environment, but I respectfully disagree with your view of SK (let’s agree to disagree).

This an interesting point that I think doesn’t apply here, but not for the reason that CN said.

What you’re describing DOES happen on the internet, and even on this site. For example, the wrestling thread is like 10 people and doesn’t need moderation. I’d be surprised if there was even a single reported post in the entire history of the thread.

The big threads on here, like the COVID thread, are more like 50-100 acquaintances. In a group that large, some are just going to not like each other. I’ve had groups of friends that hated each other before, and the solution for me was simple: Just hang out with them at different times. Unfortunately, that doesn’t really work when the meeting place is the same. And when that happens, the fighting can dominate the discourse.

I don’t really have a solution; more just a rant. But I wish people wouldn’t go quite so hard in the paint in our mega-threads. It’s not productive for anyone. And I wish some people would be more active in threads that aren’t About Unstuck or COVID; I particularly miss JT’s meme dumps.


Victor never really struck me as the learning type.

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Pro tip, Vic: you can’t make everything sound respectful by prefacing it with “respectfully”. You know, a bit like saying “I’m not racist, but” doesn’t make everything that follows less racist.


Sorry, I forgot - am I supposed to take you literally but not seriously, or seriously but not literally?

Respectfully, you suck at sarcasm.

Just because everyone else thinks you are a whiny, perpetually aggrieved dumbass, doesn’t mean I can’t too. Not every thought needs to be original.

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Shame that’s the condition, but it’s not for me to guide when you do your introspection.

One would think that if every single person you interact with is telling you that you are a prick, that might be a good time to start. But you do you.
