About Moderation (old original thread)

I know, I know. But seriously, it can get challenging to keep everyone’s actual positions straight.


I still can’t tell if you want this to be a mod-free venue or not.

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I have no idea either. I’m too dumb for JT.


oh and can we ban this troll already?

eta: after an ip check and hit the obv main

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Wait, weren’t you 2 on the same side? I’m so confused!

I confess I was also initially confused by JT’s “demod everybody” but also “not no moderation”. But I think it’s actually pretty simple.

In a nutshell, no official moderators with special police powers, but a community where members moderate each other, as needed, and with respect. It obviously can and does work in at least some instances.


That’s just an evasive way of saying he doesn’t want any mods.

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No, it’s really not.

When you hang out with a group of 8 acquaintances, does someone have to play mod? There’s no outsiders here.


when I hang out with 8 acquaintances and someone is being a prick, we can kick them out and/or not invite them to the next thing.

The internet is obviously different than real life, and it’s silly to pretend otherwise.

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You’ve described a situation in which there are no moderators.

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The group can moderate itself. I know some want things curated to their liking tho — that’s the divide that can’t be crossed.

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Also arguing for no mods as some butthurt regular trolls everyone with jman420 means you’re missing some obvious evidence why no mods won’t work.

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It also shows how moderation doesn’t work here.

People that get moderated come back on alts and post anyway. It’s only someone that the group really dislikes (say RAIDS) where there is any teeth.

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Fun fact, guys: in a nuclear reactor, the moderating rods (aka moderators) are there to slow down the neutrons which in turn speeds up the reaction. Just thought of that apropos of nothing in particular.

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When a toddler throws a fit they should be ignored, not force us to tolerate more of their bullshit so they don’t throw a fit.

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The original necessity for moderation given was what if you show up.

Describing other adults here as toddlers speaks to the bigger issue: lack of respect.

[x] Bastard.

Edit: lol. I got there first.

If everyone could just start over, things could be fine.

The power dynamic is at the root of most of the acrimony.

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Churchill implied I was a villain purposely spreading covid to my patients and others yesterday. The problem clearly is a lack of respect, and y’all’s drama is not sourced from me.

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I feel like there’s a typo in here. Surely you meant to say they slow down the reaction.

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