About Moderation (old original thread)

The problem is that I think some people feel like the derails are protecting the forum by defusing things or something.

Maybe they’re right! I don’t know shit.

They aren’t wrong. That’s partially why I probably ignored it. I would match rather read a discussion about chips than the normal bickering.


I think the derail happened after the RFC discussion was already dead so I don’t think there was an intent to sabotage. I think it was more an attempt to end the discussion on a pleasant note / perhaps even with some reconciliation.


This. That thread is closed in anything but name.

Thanks and I do love a good derail. I’m a near-zero contributor, so I think it’s just best I stay out of About Unstuck anyway.

Trust me when I say it’s nice to have fresh voices around. So please feel free lol.

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Churchill gets a day off for repeated trolling in the COVID thread.

Which one of these posts is trolling?

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Those two imo.

Seems like the post where he called me a moron is deleted.

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Ah, that’s a possibility. I’m still readapting to not having Modvision and being able to see things like that, I got pretty used to seeing notes in threads saying “1 deleted post” so when I don’t see them now I still assume there are none.


I think it would be better if posts were neither hidden nor deleted and instead had an explanatory mod note attached.

Paper trails (or the equivalent) are good.


Seems counterproductive if someone’s really posting something offensive.

Then excise it to the mod log. It causes more bickering if we can’t easily cite the posts that we are arguing about. What we are doing is like relying on the police report and deleting the body cam footage.

My inclination would be to delete the offending post and maybe share via pm if anyone really needs to see the receipts.

Deleting troll posts helps deprive trolls of the attention they crave and receive when people inevitably take the bait.


We could take one of the good things from 4chan by using Staff Notices to just add a “USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST” type note to posts if they’re not something deletion worthy.

I’m also guessing the one where he called CaffeineNeeded a moron.

We are well aware as you and your friends have not stopped telling us this for the last 7 months.

oh shit it’s Friday lol


Anyone want some snacks? I got Cool Ranch Doritos.

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