About Moderation (old original thread)

Correct. I am just here for the word play.

Oh, and to troll obviously. But I kinda forgot about all that when @Trolly said “look, d2, a squirrel!”

Oh wow, you can mute entire subforums.


If there’s a better way to bring down the tension than engage in silly word play, I don’t know what it is. Maybe we could talk about Mcavity has literally broken every human law.

I don’t think I really post enough here to be considered a troll. and I definitely flagged the post you self moderated.

Dunno man, you seem to have got a bite only from me and lovemuffin. Maybe you need different bait.

I was going to make a joke about how Macavity has broken all Kosher laws, but on reflection some of my cats have definitely eaten shellfish and meat with cheese.

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I hoped you liked the feline punnery I made for you in the other thread.

Macavity has broken arms export laws! He’s only a cat, how could he do that?!

I haven’t read much of this and am too lazy to put any effort in.
Who should I root for and why?
Don’t make it t0o complicated for me I’m not too bright and just want to pick a side.
I’m mostly anti authoritarian but it looks like a moderator is the one breaking the rules this time so I’m kinda torn.
Love the poems


It’s basically like Justin Beiber and Logan Paul were engaged in a multi year death match. It’s 100% meaningless and both sides are awful so really the only joy is to see some pain on either side I guess.


Ok - I gotta pick a side so I’m going to pick the one with the least a holes from skimming the thread. Easy pick.
Also I like those wolf dogs so I’m team Senor!
What do I do now? Just shout at people and not read there replies?


Well, hi there, totally random new fella! Welcome to the forums. Be sure to vote in the poll to not get Keed de-modded. Bet you didn’t know that was in the works, huh?

New guy is fitting in! Welcome!

I think only one side is famous for not reading.

I’m 31 and I’ve never voted and I never will.
I think nearly everyone who runs for office is a fool,a power crazy a hole or a thief and I’ll be damned if I can tell which one is which.


Not sure where to post this but is it unreasonable (and it very well may be) to ask that certain threads, particularly those in About Unstuck, such as this one and those about forum rules, RFC’s, are somewhat kept on topic. I am naive, but presume having those conversations in these threads is serving some other purpose than idle chitchat which there are threads for? Maybe the joke’s on me?

Sorry - did not intend to be a replay to ScrollWheel

No, you are right. I just didn’t feel like dealing with it this morning lol. I’ll move everything in a bit unless another mod gets to it first.

I’m not looking to create more work for mods, so don’t do it on my account.

Nah it’s part of the job. It’s easy just didn’t get around to it. I agree that it would be better if derails didn’t happen in specific threads but seems easier to just move them than try and enforce it.

I guess my point is you shouldn’t have to, right? Or this is an acceptable form of protest/filibuster? But if you’re just going to move it anyway, all it achieved was to create more mod work. So is that the intent?