About Moderation (old original thread)

No, if you want to write a post that lays out the problematic posts, why you think they’re problematic and what you think should be done about it, that’s fine. Assuming you already reported the posts and they were ignored by the moderators. Zero content “you’re trolling/a troll/etc” posts are what will run afoul of my rule.


Well here’s the Wikipedia definition of an internet troll:

Do you think that Jalfrezi was genuinely interested in starting a conversation over whether there was a one year statute of limitation on forum offenses… or do you think that Jalfrezi was trying to “provoke Commonwealth into an emotional response.” Bonus points for honesty!

I have no idea why that would provoke any sort of emotional response, so no I don’t get it. It’s pretty innocuous.

By the same token, what purpose did your post calling jal a troll serve? Were you trying to provoke an emotional response? Because that’s much easier to see how calling someone a troll could do exactly that.

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Even accepting that you don’t understand the background and why that would provoke an emotional response (despite the fact that you were intimately involved with the events of 1 year ago), you believe that Jalfrezi was sincerely, just trying to discuss with Commonwealth what the appropriate statute of limitations is for forum offenses. Really? That’s what you believe?

Please explain the background to me.

Yeah, no, I’m not doing that, like I said, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you don’t know the background, somehow. But again, even pretending that you don’t understand the background, you believe that Jalfrezi was sincerely, just trying to start a conversation with Commonwealth about the statute of limitations for forum offenses? Really?

It drew attention to the fact that he was harassing Commonwealth?

If you want to maintain the claim of good faith posting ie not trolling, you should explain fully what you mean.

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I find both of those posters kind of tedious so I didn’t pay any attention to their boring spat. If you’re not willing to explain why you think the post was trolling then we’ll have to leave it at that.

I mean, I’ve explained it repeatedly, so I guess I will also leave it at that. In order to believe that he was not trolling you have to believe that he sincerely wanted to start a conversation with Commonwealth of all people about the statute of limitations for forum offenses, and that his goal wasn’t just to get an emotional rise out of Commonwealth. I guess that’s what you believe, although you haven’t actually said you believe that.

You haven’t explained anything. You’ve avoided explaining it, repeatedly. No reasonable person would find that question to be emotionally upsetting in a vacuum. So, yeah, without a lot of context, that’s how I’m going to interpret it. Since you refuse to provide any context to explain why you think that post is so vicious, well, :man_shrugging:


OMG dude, settle down. None of this is helpful.


I said the moderators should take past behavior into account. Everyone’s. Mine included. I said they should have a quick trigger on banning me for any transgressions.

Everyone else can choose to say whatever they want to whoever they want as far as I’m concerned, that’s up to the mods to handle. People can fight over that stuff forever, or stop today, I’m just trying not to get involved in fighting about old stuff, or fighting period.

So without anyone asking me or saying anything to me, I decided to extend a clean slate to people I had prior beef with in an attempt to not cause or participate in drama. I decided to respond to any posts they made that were polite and civil in kind, and to post towards them kindly and civilly about topics being discussed if I felt so inclined and felt like my post would have value, and see how it went. So far it’s gone quite well with a few of them, and kudos to them for that as well.

If they treat me poorly, I plan to just continue to ask them to be kind. That’s all I can do.

If I recall correctly there was an apology to some people for some things in my post on the way out, and if I recall correctly I specifically apologized to the mods for the fuckyoubanme account. I also think I apologized via PM for it to the mods, but I may be misremembering that. I am also repeatedly on the record today that I should be moderated severely going forward if I am aggressive towards people or cause drama.

As far as I recall, I don’t owe anyone an apology for anything else, and I don’t want to pull up that post and re-litigate it piece by piece because I cannot do that without causing drama. There’s no way I’m going to play a game of, “I’ll apologize for X if you apologize for Y.”

If you would like to PM me specific issues you have a problem with and feel that I owe an apology for, feel free, and if you bring something up that I posted on this forum that I think I owe anyone an apologize for, I will publicly apologize and even ask the mods to pin it to the top of the entire forum if you want. I have no problem apologizing for past mistakes. I’m willing to have a mutually respectful discussion about anything you want in that regard, for as long as it stays civil and respectful on both ends.

That said, this doesn’t seem like an effort to get apologies out of the double digit number of people across both sides that could certainly find a long list of things to apologize for (and please let’s not litigate which people on which sides owe apologies for which things, I don’t care), nor does it seem to be an effort to get people to put it all to rest and move on without litigating it.

So, if you feel like I need to be singled out and you want me to engage, let me know why via PM (or don’t, whatever you want), and I’ll respond. But I don’t wish to engage here and create drama over it. Of course you’re free to post whatever you want wherever you want, I can only ask you to be kind and civil.

I have specifically said repeatedly that I should be moderated more severely than the average user. I am not asking for my record of needing moderation to be ignored by mods whatsoever, nor am I even asking for context to be considered.

I don’t think there’s much point in us debating CN’s history, because I’m far less informed about it than you seem to be or he is. For starters, I’m pretty sure that my arrival as a reg at 2p2 pol was after, or at least towards the tail end, of his posting there. I could be wrong, but I mostly recall a lot of references to him but not a lot of posts by him.

I know he made some egregiously bad posts several years ago as far as his political views go. It seems he’s changed, so good for him. My political views now are better than they were 10 years ago, 20 years ago, etc.

Some have treated me fine, but it definitely hasn’t been universal. That’s ok though. I choose to be more optimistic and happy about the people that I’ve been able to engage pleasantly with than the people who seem more interested in the alternative. I didn’t expect a warm embrace from everyone when I returned.

I am respectfully and civilly giving my opinions on moderation in the community as a member of the community, and have repeatedly stated that my views on that should apply to me just as harshly (or more harshly) than to others.

Do you disagree that I’ve been respectful and polite ITT in the week or so I’ve been back? I would be surprised but if you feel I’ve been rude or aggressive or stirred up old drama, I would certainly apologize and try to avoid repeating whatever behavior you felt was out of line.

I don’t think I told you what you’re allowed to do. But if I’m wrong and I worded it that way, I apologize. You’re right, I can’t tell you what you are allowed to comment on. All I can do is ask you to be kind if you decide to engage with me, not to try to include me in new drama I don’t belong in.

I said I have no problem with you thinking or saying whatever you want to about things that happened a year ago in discussions about those things, though I don’t intend to participate in those discussions. If you want to label my behavior as similar to others or part of a group or whatever from back then, that’s fine. You can say whatever you want about that, and I don’t plan on engaging about it or caring. If I see it and feel it is so bad that it needs moderation, I’ll just flag it and ask you to be kind.

I’m simply asking you not to label me as part of a group that you are accusing of shit stirring right now. I think it’s been very clear since I’ve come back that I’ve done all I can to avoid stirring any old drama up or getting pulled into any mudslinging about who said what when.

But of course I can’t make you do or not do anything.

No, I did not. I get why it was misunderstood by numerous people, but I did not suggest a statute of limitations on past behavior impacting moderation decisions - quite the opposite, for both myself and others.

I just said I decided personally to give everyone the clean slate upon my return and just ask people being rude to me in whatever way to be kind and try not to bring up old stuff with me because my goal is to not cause drama.

I apologize for not making that distinction on letting old stuff go being a personal thing and not a moderation thing more clear.

I’m getting mixed messages about what it is you actually want from moderation regarding past form:

Here you deserve a clean slate:

Here you deserve a clean slate:

But here you don’t?

Short replies appreciated by this goldfish.

His first two examples are referencing other posters in general, not moderators.

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Gee that’s a short quote jal, let’s see what else was said there

You say that you appreciate short responses, but you somehow managed to quote the only phrase that could possibly be interpreted that way by taking it out of context. It’s almost like you did it on purpose to create conflict

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Ok jal. Sure thing.

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Since there was a lot of misunderstanding, I apologize for being unclear. Hopefully this clears it up.

I DO: plan to continue giving everyone a clean slate from all the events before my hiatus, and to engage politely and respectfully with anyone/everyone who does the same.

I DO: ask other posters to be kind and thoughtful, and ask them to leave me out of comments about current drama, as long as I stay out of it.

I DO NOT: ask/expect anyone to give me a clean slate for past events (but I welcome all who wish to be kind, civil, and thoughtful regardless!)

I DO NOT: wish or expect to get a clean slate from mods.

I DO: think it’s fair for my past to be considered in any moderation decisions about me, and for me to be moderated harsher than the average user.

I DO NOT: plan to engage in a re-hashing of old drama.

I think that says all I need to ITT ever again. So with that said, a mod has suggested that I stop posting in this thread, and I will honor that request - either permanently or until the situation changes.

My interpretation is not that they are blaming me (nor that they are absolving me), but rather that it is impossible for me to continue to post in this thread in a way that is productive for anyone. I agree.

I have no idea if they or anyone else has made this same request of any others. But I do think it would serve the community well if others frequently involved in past drama on both sides joined me in staying out of this thread. Your choice of course, but there’s no harm in joining me in trying!

So if anyone wants to continue the discussion in my post several posts up, you can either PM me or enjoy the last word here. If you PM me and are civil I promise to respond and engage in kind as long as it stays respectful and in good faith, I’m not trying to duck anything. But I’m also not trying to litigate it forever, so keep that in mind.

If you choose to take the last word on me here, all I can do is once again request that you be kind and thoughtful!


Since you’ve been gone this has happened about once a week. It’s not to do with you really.

If you truly hate yourself, just read the entirety of this thread that you missed when you were not here.