About Moderation (old original thread)

Didn’t take long for you to restart your campaign of relentlessly trolling Commonwealth across multiple threads, despite him directing nothing at you other then a request to leave him alone and/or be kind.

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I don’t care what anyone does or does not give me, I care how I am treated now. So if you think I’m a raging asshole who doesn’t deserve a clean slate, but you just ignore me and don’t start shit, that’s totally fine. I don’t plan on starting any or re-litigating anything, so it should be fine. What I’m saying is that I gave everyone I believed was in the wrong before I left or while I was gone a clean slate in how I’m treating everyone now. I have happily responded politely and civilly to people I used to fight with who responded politely and civilly to my posts, and we’ve had perfectly productive and enjoyable discussions about the topics of the day.

If they think I’m great, cool, if they think I’m an asshole, cool, as long as we’re polite and civil and enjoy our discussions, that’s fine by me.

I don’t believe I need to ask for a clean slate because I don’t believe I was wrong, and I don’t want to re-litigate any of that, nor do I want to re-litigate whether people on the other side were right or wrong. I don’t care. The past is in the past, if I’m being honest I think I was treated horribly, I think the mods did a poor job, and I think I reacted horribly and was a raging asshole, and two (or three, or 20) raging assholes don’t make a right.

So, I really don’t care to relitigate who’s the biggest asshole, nor do I care to relitigate who was the first offender. I don’t think it was me, but for all I know I said something somewhere that I forgot I said that started the whole thing, or maybe I said something that was taken the wrong way, and maybe that was my fault for stating it poorly or maybe it was theirs for reading it poorly. Re-litigating that is hopeless, dramatic, and pointless. It’s best to let sleeping dogs lie.

So long story short, I care how people treat each other now, and that’s about it. If others want to drag up old stuff all the time, hopefully the mods do a good job with it, regardless of which side it comes from and who it’s directed towards.

I’m really not sure what you’re getting at here. I think you’re saying some people are treated one way and others are treated another way based on past behavior? Which seems right?

I mean, if I get a speeding ticket for going 80 in a 65, I pay a fine and get a couple points on my license. If I do it again, the same thing happens. Somewhere along the way I rack up too many points and my insurance rate goes up, and at some point I get my license suspended and get a bigger fine, and if I choose to drive without a license and get pulled over again cause I’m going 80 in a 65 again, I’m probably going to spend at least a night in jail and face a bigger fine and potential jail time.

Nobody is saying, “Whoa, JT got pulled over today going 80 in a 65 for the first time and got a fine, then CW got pulled over for the same thing and he went to jail??? That’s not equal!” They’re saying, “Holy shit, what a moron CW is! How hard is it to just go like 72 after the third ticket and never lose your license? And how stupid is it to drive without a license?”

But you know that so I surmise that your point is that you think some people got away with going 80 or you think some people got pulled over going 72 and ticketed for 80? I mean, I guess it’s best to agree to disagree because now we’re talking about a complicated re-litigation about who sped first and by how much like two years ago.

Am I taking the easy way out? I’d say no, I’d say I’m being conciliatory to people I think were wrong, but I’d acknowledge that if they dropped it the same way, they would be just as convinced that they were the gracious and conciliatory ones.

I’m perfectly happy to both think we’re the ones being the gracious and conciliatory ones and the others are benefitting from that and drop it, and just be polite and civil to each other and see how that works.

And I don’t mean just me and you, I mean everyone I’ve had beef with.

I have no problem with being held to a stricter moderation standard than meb and punished more severely for less egregious offenses. I deserve to be banned far more easily than meb does.

As long as that’s the same standard everyone with my track record or worse of drama is held to - aggressiveness in my case, or trolling in other cases, or whatever else. And again, I’m not saying I think I was wrong before, I don’t. Nor do I insist upon you or anyone else saying they were wrong before, nor do I have a problem with you thinking I was wrong and you were right.

I would much rather enjoy civil and polite discussion with people than be involved in 100-post derails about who said what two years ago.

So this is why I keep asking you to just be kind, or ignore me. Either way is fine.

Yeah I mean I’m trying to be extremely generous with my interpretation of everything and put it in the best light. Like there are two ways to interpret jalfrezi’s post:

That could be a genuine question about old offenses, or it could be a pretty transparent way to say everything over a year ago was my fault. It might even be the type of post that someone not involved would naturally view as a genuine question that has nothing to do with old drama, but someone involved would naturally view as relentless trolling. And there’s always room for misinterpretation, especially in the context of old or ongoing beef.

I’m not interested in sharing my thoughts on which I think it is, and I’m still happy to give @Jalfrezi the benefit of the doubt that this was a genuine good-faith question and no ill will was meant, and you misinterpreted it based on the context of all of our long histories of drama.

Now if I keep getting mentioned/referenced every few days by him, and it’s always in this gray area, and all I’m doing is pointing out that I don’t appreciate it and asking him to be kind or ignore me and not mention me…

Well then I think it becomes pretty obvious who is and has been trolling, and at that point I guess I have to hope moderation is done with the track record in mind, because all I plan on giving in response is a genuine request for kindness and civility or at least silence toward me.

Also I originally liked your post because of the point that all I’ve done is request to be left alone or treated kindly, but I unliked it as I didn’t want it to be construed as a like and agreement that he’s trolling me. I have to continue to give the benefit of the doubt and see what happens from here.

That seems like the best approach to me, and it’s the only approach that gave me a chance to come back and attempt to enjoy my time on this forum.

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I’m going to warn everyone to stop doing this. If someone is trolling in your opinion, report it to the moderators. If that’s ignored and you think it’s important, send me or another moderator a message. Don’t publicly accuse someone else of trolling. Respond to the substance of their posts, or don’t, and if you think the behavior should be addressed by moderation, get the moderators involved. But these sorts of public accusations of trolling, bad faith, whatever, are lazy smears that escalate animosity and other.


I’m saying it’s a bit weird to post about the importance of taking past behavior into account on the one hand and then on the other hand to offer a non-apology “I did nothing wrong” while asking for everyone to treat you like a brand new poster.

Which is it?

Your behavior on the way out was rather…memorable, between your various @fuckyoubanme accounts, putting the entire forum of plebs on blast, etc. I think an actual proper apology on your end would be a good thing if you are asking for a clean slate.

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He isn’t.

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This is not my opinion. Frezi was literally banned for trolling Commonwealth yesterday. Check the moderation log. He is now continuing to troll Commonwealth. I get he’s your buddy and all, but Commonweallth is in no way provoking him and he is clearly trolling Commonwealth. All Commonwealth has done has been to ask him to stop. I find it interesting that your first reaction is to do nothing about Frezi’s posting here other then to ask people to stop calling him out on it.

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Report the problematic posts, PM a moderator, do not bring it up in public again. The only purpose it serves is poking at jal as far as I can see.

Well, I just brought that problematic post to the attention of the moderators. You going to do anythign about it?

The post that you reported three days ago and was acted on by another moderator, hiding the post? No, I’m not going to take further action on that post.

No, the post he just made, just now.

And just to clarify, Keeed’s new rule is that you are not permitted to complain about trolling, or a moderator’s failure to take action on trolling, in the “About Moderation” thread, is that correct?

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Reported t

Reported to @anon10396289 for action in conformity with his new rule.

How is that trolling? I see another mod accepted your flag but I’d like to hear why you think that’s trolling.

I think the more interesting question is whether or not you are about to ban @JohnnyTruant

double secret probation for you JT. Seriously.


This should absolutely become a forum rule. Do we need a vote to make it so?

People who stir shit up for their own amusement are going to get banned for significant periods of time starting now. Final warning.


Counterpoint: this is a terrible rule that only helps trolls.