About Moderation (old original thread)

Are you referring to the time a moderator took a private pm CN sent him with personal information complaining about what he perceived as a security risk and then took that pm and posted it in private message to a bunch of users to mock CN? You consider that a “moderation decision” that CN was complaining about? Lol.

Wtf is going on in here? I seriously just meant to compliment @Tilted for being a good mod since I think too often people only hear the complaints and not the positives.

On a similar note, I think @anon10396289 has proved all of the doubters wrong and is doing a great job as a mod so far too.


Complimenting a moderator is not a thing that can be allowed to stand unchallenged.


You compliment the mods and then compliment yourself for how well you took your ban edited post. You had to somewhat anticipate this outcome.

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That’s strange. People seem to be under the impression you told Rugby to “fuck off” over his moderation.

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I don’t think there’s anyone here who shows no respect for anyone at all.

There are people who don’t respect the same people you respect, and you seem to have no respect for them - witness your posts itt.


To be fair, I also liked goofy’s post that immediately followed yours. My point was that both things are good ways to act by both parties. Each of you are focusing on one side of the interaction.

Maybe back the SS would be more appropriate than Back the Blue?



Well, shit, now I want a @anon29622970 -liked post!




This can be arranged. @Trolly, where you at?

I haven’t been the common denominator in anything in over a year.

I made one post, it was constructive, I didn’t attack anyone on any side of anything. Genuinely feel free to group me into any commentary you’d like to make to the events of 1/3/21 and prior, fair enough.

But I’ve been making a point to be constructive, civil, and polite in my posting since returning and to give everyone a fair chance to do the same, so prior to grouping me in with anyone doing anything this time around, I’d just ask you to be kind and think about whether that’s actually the case at the present moment.

Perhaps it is if the question is, “Should any bans ever take place?” and you group me with the yes’s. But if the question is, “Who’s stirring shit?” that’s not me.

I haven’t complained about moderation in over a year. I haven’t engaged in drama, I haven’t called anyone out by name, I let every attack on me month after month in the year I was gone slide and gave everyone a fresh slate when I came back. I have engaged politely with people I’ve previously had beef with, and when I have felt people are being unkind to me I’ve simply asked them to be more kind and thoughtful and flagged posts.

Seems to be working reasonably well so far. I’ve been pleasantly surprised with a handful of posters putting the past with me in the past as well, and whether they think I was wrong before and gave me a clean slate too, or simply forgot about it, they’ve been perfectly pleasant to discuss news and events with. So that’s been good!

I mean, you and I have even had civil discussions about covid, both on points we agree and disagree on, and obviously we left things on extremely bad terms the last time we exchanged messages, but we managed to be polite and respectful and exchange helpful information - and I appreciated what you shared.

So I don’t know about shit disturbing and complaining about mods and all that, I’ve been doing my best to avoid drama, be kind and respectful to everyone, and give people a clean slate.

I would like to apologize to the forum for attempting to make a joke in this thread. I don’t know why I thought there was a chance in hell that could work out well. Play stupid games, win 50 posts of drama, I guess. And like an anti-vaxxer playing stupid games, I shared my prize with you all!

Here’s hoping a joke about anti-vaxxers goes over better than a joke about 50 posts of drama.

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worked out fine, who cares, the only people who open this thread and read the 50 posts are the ones who want the drama. And there are many fine people on both sides who fit this description.


as opposed to you?

I mean I guess your posts are shorter

Why should you have a clean slate? Normally that’s something a person asks for rather than demands.

Hmm. That must be why I keep getting called a pig round here. Preferential treatment! Makes sense.

This is a very odd way to interpret CW’s post; I don’t see him “demanding” anything from anybody.

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