About Moderation (old original thread)

I wish so too. I’m actually more negatively affected by the community not caring about it than by the insults themselves. I put Unstuck on a pedestal and ascribed certain traits and qualities to the community and a majority of the regs that didn’t turn out to be remotely accurate in my experience. That’s on me, but as a result the lack of people caring about this is what caused me grief and stress.

Someone I think is an asshole saying the types of things assholes say is abusive and annoying, but people you think care about almost everyone here shrugging it off is hurtful. This is why I’m usually one of the first to fire back when someone is taking abuse, I think they deserve to know people have their back.

Like I said it’s my responsibility for overestimating the amount that people cared or the degree to which they’d demonstrate it, so it is what it is.

Ultimately this isn’t really a problem in real life because if random people say stuff I find offensive, it’s very easy not to be around them and to surround myself with the types of people I wish to surround myself with. I don’t have to rely on others to have my back in that regard. Online is different.

I screen shotted this post so I can reflect on this part in particular the next time I’m being particularly introspective in real life, which I try to do at a serious level and spend a lot of free time on once every year or so.

But I do think that in the context of this forum it’s asking me to continue to take abuse, because the abuse is ongoing and has been for months. Asking me to stay is asking me to stay in an environment where it’s not stopping.

Thanks, for whatever it’s worth you’re one of the people who provided valuable posting here for a long time imo. I hope/expect to be able to keep in touch with some/most of the people who provided a lot of the value of my experience here. I also expect the free time to offset (and then some) the value I lose by leaving.

I’m making the choice and asking them to remove any temptation.

I should have posted a goodbye the other day and asked privately for a perma so it would be less drama, but that ship sailed, hit an iceberg, and sank, so it is what it is now.

I don’t remember what I flagged and when. One I quoted in a high traffic thread and said something like “here we go again.”

I think one was discussed in a thread, maybe this one, maybe last time, maybe in between. I’m pretty sure I flagged way more than you just saw, but I could be remembering wrong on the timeline. Maybe the system deleted the ones that are rejected? I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure I flagged more than three posts in that span.

I believe that you believe that, but I don’t believe that - if for no other reason than I don’t think most people will notice it because some people are very good at trolling with subtlety, and I don’t think there is a consensus enough for a mandate.

They also got away with stuff before the temps, and I’m not just talking about this thread. Jalfrezi took a shot at me in another thread that I think only 3-4 people even noticed as being directed at me. Trying to have that type of stuff moderated is just never going to happen, nor should it because the community doesn’t want it to be.

Yeah that’s what is going to happen, more or less. Some well intentioned people who I think have the best of intentions and who I generally liked quite a bit during my time here just don’t realize it yet.

As the resident Charlie Brown who has run up to kick that football way too many times, I am quite confident Lucy is still the holder. Good grief!

I feel shitty now. Apologies

Everyone of them was back in the same thread within minutes of their ban ending making the exact same posts that got them banned.

If you put up a thread calling for my ban and have a bunch of people making their arguments why I should, I’d jump into it.

It’s completely unreasonable to expect people not to.


I appreciate you clarifying your intent. I’m not telling you that you don’t care and aren’t taking action to address this.

I’m telling you the impact of your strategy. There are two different things.

Please look at the ongoing harmful impact of your behavior. Please explore how your actions continue to contribute to the problem you describe. If you are able, remove questions of intent or your identity from this. See if you can focus just on the impact of your behavior.

You keep pointing out the impact of our behavior as proof we don’t care. This is gaslighting. Please stop.

I don’t for a second think the reason you keep hurting people has anything to do with whether you care about them. Most people care about the people they are abusing. I believe you care about us even as you choose to dismiss the harmful impact of your behavior.

No. This is gaslighting. Stop. I accept if YOU remain intractable. The rest of us are not you or extensions of you.

Will you acknowledge that your actions have a harmful and sometimes abusive impact on your fellow posters?

Will you commit to trying to understand why your actions have this impact and what you can do going forward to be more mindful and sensitive to the impact of your choices?

As part of this process, will you try removing questions of blame and just ask your fellow posters for feedback to help you understand the ongoing harmful impact of your behavior?

I’m not asking for you to flip a switch and stop engaging in the pattern of abusive behaviors you’ve demonstrated. Just to acknowledge your actions continue to have this impact and to work on it as you are able each day.

No worries if you want to take some time to think about this.

If you are unwilling or unable to do these things, I will grant your perma-ban. You would represent an ongoing danger to the people of this community as much as the bullies who used to terrorize you.


Which I did. But when he does it over and over for weeks/months… I’m not saying it’s daily, but it’s close. He even took one at jman tonight in the BS for mod thread that I missed on first glance and so did jman. Someone else caught it and pointed it out.

They range from the type of stuff that is easy enough to ignore to stuff that is tougher to let stand, but the cumulative affect is significant enough to be effective, at least in my experience (obviously).

I get that people don’t see it happening but you don’t have to take my word for it, jman sees it and jbro has said he does too.

Anyway my mind is made up, I’m only replying at this point because I generally like you and someone else will inevitably be next once I’m gone, so perhaps this is useful to consider when that happens.

@RiskyFlush I’m just going to PM you because I don’t want to do a back and forth at 15 minutes intervals, I’ve had my last post typed up since earlier today and I just want to shorten it and be done, but I don’t want to ignore people who I think have good intent who I like, so I keep replying to you and goofy every 15 mins instead of just finishing the discussion and being out the door.

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Meh, I never used to flag posts really but I’m making a conscious effort to now, and I will make sure to flag any trolling of the clique against you. I’ll annoy the hell out of the moderators I guess, but I take them at their word. What do you have to lose? It’s just an internet forum.

That doesn’t explain common or d.

What’s the Real Conflict?

You can have a place where really good, intelligent discussions take place and the level of discourse is high, with productive debates, or you can have a place where trolling has to be tolerated and posting misinformation, lying about past takes, and straw manning are all allowed and pretty common from a subset of posters. You cannot have both, I have no interest in participating in the latter, and this place has clearly chosen the latter over the former repeatedly.

My mistake is that I should have respected that and acted accordingly. After reflecting on things, I realized that the problem really wasn’t me against jalfrezi, it was me against the forum. Ultimately that makes me the problem because I spent months trying to change a community that works for hundreds of people who want a little fun, a little discussion, news aggregation, and some trolling, and if some people want to blast away with personal attacks so be it. The community seems to feel that it’s just not a big deal.

I tried to change that into a community that works for me and a smaller group of people that want more in depth discussion, high level discourse, factual accuracy, and intellectual honesty above all else – who believe that trolling and all the other stuff is hugely detrimental and should be eliminated. Of course, I thought that community would work best for 95% of the people here, but most people here seem to feel otherwise and I should have accepted that a long time ago and proceeded accordingly.

Perhaps the fact that some of my most liked posts were not my best posts IMO and that some of my best posts were among my least liked posts should have been an indicator that the community had long ago moved away from the direction I wanted it to go in.

I think the smaller group of people mentioned provides a disproportionate amount of the best content here, but that’s my opinion. If people who feel the way I do don’t want to participate here, that’s their choice – it’s not up to us to force change on people who don’t want it. And when I say “us” and “group” there’s not currently a secret group discussion going on (to my knowledge – if there is I’m not in it), but there are individual discussions about staying in touch, moving elsewhere, being disappointed in Unstuck, wanting something different, etc.

Anyway I’m sorry, I should have left for good a long time ago. I was weak and kept giving in to the addiction of posting here, and to the hope of trying to change it, when I should have accepted this place as-is and taken it or left it.

I kept asking the question, “When will the community realize that jalfrezi is a major problem and do something about it, what will it take?”

I should have accepted that the community didn’t find his behavior to be problematic enough to take enough action against to dissuade it, and thus asked myself, “Is this a community I want to spend a lot of time in? Is his behavior something I wish to be around?”

Why I Cared Too Much and Some Apologies

For a long time I cared a lot about what this place became, because I think it’s extremely rare to have as many bright minds in one place to analyze the news and politics of the world as Unstuck has had. Caring that much was a mistake, and putting Unstuck on that pedestal was a mistake. That’s what I wanted it to be, and maybe what some others wanted it to be – but it’s not what everyone or most people wanted it to be. That has become clear to me finally.

Between that and playing a big role in pointing us from 2p2 to our own site so that some talented folks who were generous with their time could build this site, it made watching this all transpire disproportionately painful to me, to a degree that people would rightly call irrational.

This drove me to fight really hard to make this the community I thought it could and should be, rather than just accepting that I was wrong about what it could be and spending way less time here.

That’s on me, and it says a lot about me that I made poor decisions on that, but it also says a lot about the community in my opinion. I don’t think what it says about me is good, and I don’t think what it says about the community is good. But that’s for the community to decide for itself.

My opinion is that this community as construed is going to continue collapsing on itself due to a lack of proper moderation, and as a result the people that want more in depth, high minded discussion without straw manning, without baseless claims/lies, etc, are going to decrease their time here or leave. I think the ship has sailed on fixing it, but maybe I’m wrong.

People think it’s changing this time, but I just see the same old cycle playing itself out. I don’t see a strong enough mandate to give the moderators enough confidence that they can do enough to stop it, and I see enough determination and skill among the people who want to troll and hurl attacks that they’ll be able to get away with most of it.

The mods are basically expected to function as glorified spam deleters here, and I don’t blame any of them for their individual roles in the moderation. None of them feel like they have a mandate to do much of anything, even after a vote for more moderation, and I think they’re right – they don’t have that mandate. I know they think they do now, but I’m pretty sure that would last right up until action was taken.

None of them want to waste their time following feuds to figure out who’s to blame while doing a thankless job for free and having half the forum hate them at any given moment. I get that. It’s why in my opinion, in any good online community, this stuff should be nipped in the bud by giving moderators the authority and mandate to do so early on in a dispute.

At any rate, I’m sorry I created a bunch of extra work for them by making ghost accounts and trying to speed up the permaban process, I shouldn’t have been such an asshole to them in that way – they’re just doing the best they can with what this community wants and my frustrations were thus misplaced, unfair and wrong. I’m sorry @skydiver8 @RiskyFlush @goofyballer @MrWookie @microbet.

This place is never going to be what I want it to be, and what this place wants to be is completely incompatible with the type of experience I want in a political forum. RiskyFlush keeps mentioning that I’m a danger to posters here or seeming to indicate that I’m abusing a large number of people. I’m honestly not sure what is meant by that, and I PM’d him but haven’t gotten a response yet. So I’ll just say that it’s pretty obvious the people who I absolutely dislike, and it’s a pretty short list with IMO very justifiable cause who did the vast majority of the instigating. So beyond them, if I abused or offended anyone else, I apologize.

Anyway, I need to take personal responsibility for not participating on a forum where behavior I cannot silently tolerate having directed towards myself or others persists, rather than trying to change any of it, allowing it to bother me, or allowing the community’s acceptance of it to bother me. So I have chosen not to subject myself to it anymore. Jalfrezi has all but admitted on the forum that he was on a campaign to run me off for months, which is why I’m so confident this would never end. Ultimately, it worked, and this is my best course forward.

I don’t know, maybe that’s exactly what I deserved for being the guy who aggressively calls out bullshit while also being quite possibly the worst person in Internet history at ignoring incessant trolling. But I’m not doing this again and there’s exactly one way to make sure I don’t: permaban me so I have no temptation to return.

So @moderators, this is a formal request for a permaban. Process it however you see fit, but it’s been well over two weeks since my original request, and there was a poll that got 70% so I think it’s reasonable and proper to just do it right away.

They made high level discussion threads on 2p2 in RGT for a time when a lot of the same complaints were made there. Did not really work for long but it gave people with that mindset somewhere to get what they were asking for.

Yeah, I think you’re being a bit unreasonable.

I have no problem with personal attacks, but when I am moderated for making them, and my interlocutor(s) aren’t, I start to have a problem,

Modding is making me more sure than ever that many many people should do a stint as mod to see the endless “why am I getting blamed when it’s his fault” from the other side.

I hope you find some peace. You may or not appreciate this, but my parting reflection would be that I think you’re a dude who experiences conflict very intensely. I think your life will be easier if you can recognize and regulate the level of harm you perceive as opposed to attributing that to a fundamentally cruel and unjust interaction/relationship/world/forum. I take things hard sometimes as well, and recognizing that about myself has helped me to feel more comfortable in a world that does not always act with empathy.

Your misery is valid, and I’m sorry you’ve suffered so much. The attribution of your misery to the failings of this forum at large and the widespread complacency/antipathy of its members is - in my perception - less clear.

I wish you the best. The collective work of your posting has provided me with a wealth of new ideas, a fair amount of belly laughs, and faith in Philadelphia’s rejection of Trump. I’ll buy you a beer IRL if the opportunity ever arises.


You were banned for bad faith, asked to reduce your posting because you were taking over a thread, and asked to leave a thread for reneging on your own promise. If you’re not going to give a factual summary of why you faced moderator action, don’t expect anyone to take you seriously.


Yeah - that bad faith thing was bullshit. As you, yourself have noted, the Venn diagram of “trolling” includes “bad faith” as a circle totally within it. You know as well as I do that I am always outside that circle.

I — declaring myself basically awesome, blessed with uncommon judgment about what is right and good, humble (though not celebrated for my most incisive takes, and having only received the level of acclaim I was due when I descended from the clouds to make Herman Cain covid jokes), compassionate, empathetic, considerate of the experiences of other people — am sorry for my poor decision of not removing myself sooner from such inferior company. Regrettably, I have delayed this community’s reckoning with its manifest baseness by sticking around too long and infusing it with my elevating rhetorical benefactions. I’m big enough to admit this. That is on me.

Jesus Christ you fucking broke me a little here. I’m not exaggerating, this has been one of the most incontinent, self-obsessed posting streaks I have ever seen, and I have been posting, liking, and voting on “your” side of this mess 90% of the time.

But you’re still mostly right, you should have been permabanned when you requested to be. Let’s vote again on that or something.


Then…leave? What are you still doing here? If you want to leave stop talking about leaving and leave.


Although, if it matters, I’d like to apologise for telling you to fuck off when I thought you perma’d my main. That was my mistake.

Response to microbet below - I have no issue with personal attacks or being trolled, but it does seem one-sided when I’m not able to respond.

So, like, mods will threaten him, try to stop him from fighting with you, and then you’ll follow him around and troll him?

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