About Moderation (old original thread)

Also a lie. I don’t go at churchill for being wrong. I, and now otatop, banned him for trolling.

There are a lot of people with advanced degrees from Facebook University expressing opinions on COVID. And just like 9/11 truthers, they ignore the experts who tell them they are wrong. Churchill draws a lot of fire because he’s perceived as acting like them and he’s an accessible target for people to take out their frustrations on.

Is he encouraging it by doubling down on bad posting because he’s feeding some sort of martyr complex?

If any of you really think this is ever going to stop, no matter who the mods are, I weep for you.


But Bowens, I was assured that there would be no bad feelings towards the new mods, and that if the same people had the same problems with the new mods, then they would take some time for self-reflection.

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loooooooool. I went to bed at 3 am Saturday night and someone was posting itt and then continued to for 12 or so hours. What a weekend!

No you weren’t. Stop lying.

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No, that’s definitely been said ad infinitum.

Quote five posts saying it.

LOL. How about fuck off. I am not getting dragged into this stupidity. I got a Dead show to listen to.

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Concession accepted.

Yup! You won bro! Give yourself a pat on the back.

Already did.


This feels like another proxy fight that should just be moved to the stupid drama thread or whatever it’s called in French BBV.

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Here you go:

Congratulations to our new mods!

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If you want to write out specifically what you’re talking about Marty go for it, because I don’t have a clue

Where was the RFC to unban AOC?

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@MrWookie Which post was Flynn banned for?

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No one is trying to run you off. We would love if you engaged in the forum beyond gripes about moderation and personal attacks.


You fired off 3 or 4 really shitty personal attacks and were banned for a grand total of 4 hours. No one is running you off.