About Moderation (old original thread)

OK. If you somehow actually do know, then I guess it’s your duty to expose the truth. Carry on, brother!

I hope you’re as keen to see the higher posting standards rigorously applied to all the other posters in that thread. Otherwise that would just be bullying, wouldn’t it, and as an aspiring mod-elect I’m sure you wouldn’t wish to be associated with that sort of behaviour.

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Cool, Churchill’s at a 2-week learn-to-post-better camp? That’s great news for the COVID thread. Props to him.

How do you know he knew this? People’s memories aren’t perfect.

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Bottom line - a few very malignant bullies have targetted him.

The people who point out that Churchill has for over a year, posted poorly sourced material wrt covid, posted studies then misrepresented what they find are bullying him? Really?

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I don’t demand answers. You are free to ignore the question.

The bottom line is that some people think that churchill is the equivalent of a 9/11 truther, using techniques that such fools use stifle debate, and want him to be modded him accordingly. For them, anyone who advocates on his behalf is treated like an enabler of conspiracy theorists. That’s sufficient to explain behavior towards him without relying on a narrative of jingoistic pride.

Is that the sort of treatment that churchill deserves? Maybe. I’m not particularly impressed with his posting any time I trace a flare up in rancor back to its source. I’m also not motivated to do a deep dive into the conflict. That might change in the future.

He literally referred to prior discussion and the first comment on the paper is:

The authors of the paper have now published a second study that states their earliest positive sewage sample is from January 15th 2020 and does not make any reference to this preprint:


Which has already been posted in the covid thread… by him (minus the link he couldn’t find remember?)

Remember guys, Jal is totally posting in good faith. Marty also knows what’s up in the covid thread… despite not reading it of course.

This simply isn’t true. The veracity of what Churchill is posting is not why he gets banned. Churchill gets banned because he’s repeatedly trolling the thread.

Props on making zero effort to dispel the bully tag.

He’s not trolling if he’s sincere in his posts.

If he was sincere he would be apologetic when corrected, no? He is the complete opposite.

If you post a source or study here and get shown to be wrong, you can’t double down. Churchill has martingaled to where his lease is on the next hand of blackjack.

As CN said, your opinion is that he sincerely posts the same incorrect info repeatedly, despite being corrected every time. That’s…not a point in his favor.

This is low key one of the worst insults you fire off towards Churchill. If you really think that his posting is unintentional, then your opinion of his intelligence can’t get much lower. I don’t think he’s dumb whatsoever.

I can’t say because the only time I drilled down into one of these wild dog attacks I found and posted something that supported what he’d been saying (that delta symptoms are not the same as before).

So no, I’m not likely to give his attackers much credence, but neither am I likely to spend hours a day doing a snopes on here.

I would bet on egregious over-use of “y’all”.


I don’t think that’s correct at all. Sometimes he just posts BBC articles and reasonable takes and everyone seems to be okay with that.

That is, of course, not what he said. It’s just shocking how exactly the people everyone expected are in here lying about what transpired around their buddy’s bans!

But its clearly a problem with him, and you, and myself and half this forum. People dig their heels in at times when they absolutely shouldn’t. I’ve done it, you’ve done it and its why Churchill is “in trouble.”

I personally think he is purposefully trolling that thread bc of the initial tumultuous relationship within that thread, but that’s impossible to prove obviously.

You constantly demand a higher standard of accuracy and precision from him than from other posters in that thread.

The gist of what he was saying iirc was more true than false, yet SURPRISE! he got a ban for it.