About Moderation (old original thread)

The messed up part of this is we got a rule put in place which will stop the rehashing of old grievances and that still was not enough. Insults are being discouraged now. The people who wanted tougher modding won. People like me who want things like the old unchained lost. But that is not good enough. So what do the more modding people want now? Cause I have no clue.

What the hell rhymes with “dressy snitch”? I feel pretty confident I have the 2nd word down.

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We need to have a total and complete shutdown of posting in this thread until our forum’s moderators can figure out what the hell is going on. We have no choice.

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Ponied by the throttle!

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It’s a mess dog…

(damn slow mode)

I know this got flagged but it made me laugh harder than I have laughed in a while and I really needed that today, thank you

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I just don’t get it. Someone like cactus or that Wisconsin deplorable would be snap permabanned for 1/10th the actions of some people of late. And they’d deserve it! The mods have bent over backwards to try to appease everyone and it’s basically made the site unreadable.

If you’re one of those people who have been engaged in a ~2 month spat over basically nothing, you really need some introspection.



Got a decent amount of likes. Maybe time to think about my idea?

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But Democratic Party internal politics probably resemble this a lot more than we’d like to believe.

I don’t care for it because there can be legitimate moderation topics that do not revolve around the current drama. It’s also the week before Christmas and some people may actually have things to do besides doom scrolling and haven’t caught up yet.

I respect that others can have different opinions on this. But it seems an odd precedent to set that we start 48 hour locking threads(especially one that has already been 15 minute throttled) because some people liked a post. Especially considering that the people who would want to continue the conversation would just spill it over into other threads, which is probably the opposite of what your proposal is attempting to accomplish.


Agree with locking. This stuff just feeds on itself until it blows up.

I think begging people to be nice works a little. It takes a lot of begging though.

“doomed”? Doomed to what? People can be mean pretty much indefinitely. I think people are mean and childish partly because people just can’t discuss politics any other way and partly because 2p2 had a very childish culture and we’ve brought it here.

I think you’ve talked about your solution, and it seems like quite a good one, of trying to ignore the people you don’t enjoy interacting with.

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Didn’t read this post, but saw that this was quoted.

That’s a terrible thing to say.


I second this. Please do not speak of your fellow posters this way.

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Cliffs on the past few hrs?

The people who wanted, and got, more rules and stronger modding are threatening to use the forum less and quit if they don’t get, idk.

Really they want certain posters banned I’d guess.


I feel like there’s an obligation for a mod to be polite.

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