About Moderation (old original thread)

I like jalfrezi. He can be an ass and I could do without the back and forth with him and CW but he is mostly right in his criticisms of America and Americans engaging in American exceptionalism. I’ve also always liked marty‘s posting.


I’m certainly tempted to give Hobbes another look.

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Blockquote I’m sorry, with all due respect this is ridiculous.

Both of you could stop posting on this site and I’d never notice. I don’t care what either of you think about anything because I can’t recall a single take either of you has ever posted that was good enough for me to really strongly consider it.

I meant every word in my post and there was absolutely no hyperbole in it at all. Cowardly enablers of online bullies tearing down a valuable member of this community don’t deserve my politeness. I value being accurate far more highly than I value not offending people like that. If you don’t like me put me on ignore.

If you think this is a both sides spot and that cuse, by standing up for himself, is somehow in the wrong you need to do some self reflection and figure out if you’re on the wrong side of anything else… because this isn’t even a little close and never was.

Nobody, for the record you feel insulted because I absolutely meant you. You can take that as the accurate feedback it is or you can delude yourself about the fact that you watched someone getting bullied and sided with the bully. You suck here and there’s not a nice way to tell you that I can come up with. Sometimes something can be true and insulting.

Objectively there is a difference between the quality of some posters and let’s say a Riverman. I think what BS is trying to say is 1 poster/1 vote gives a lot of power to how this forum is run to people who contribute little to nothing. Most of these highly contentious votes have some votes from people who post little or never. Do they deserve the same say as someone spending hours a day posting content for the site? Probably not.


I like you, but I don’t think this is a very nice thing to say to another poster even if you think it’s true.


I’ll take it we have a different view and perspective. You could ban all the people involved and CW could come back and this would all happen over again. What were up to half a dozen people now.

And I don’t care what you think of me I was more offended you are bringing peoples mental health into it that have been gone for months. I edited the coward part in after the fact…

There will always be trolling on any site. The thing about people who are easily trolled (I am one of them) is that the more you let on that you’re able to be trolled, the more people will try to troll you.

The community has two choices to deal with this. Either moderate the trolling, or tell users to suck it up. We clearly, clearly are taking the moderation route.

I still place a burden on cuse to just deal with it, even in the absence of moderation. Are you honestly asserting that he has not done anything prolong and escalate this? i’m not sure if you are, but I can’t tell.

I don’t think it’s unfair to place that burden on someone if they are being trolled to moderate their response so it does not disrupt an entire community. Almost every single one of us has probably had to deal with trolling before. I have been targetted and trolled on a level that would probably break most of you (not on this forum).

In any case, the people trolling cuse have been warned and are being moderated, so what are you (and him) so upset about, exactly? It is absolutely befuddling to me.


What is the purpose of this post? What are you trying to do by attacking people who don’t agree with you?

How much weight do you expect your post to carry after this statement?


We’re losing a top 5 poster. The time to be polite to people on the wrong side of the issue is long past. When something bad is happening there is someone doing something bad, someone getting something bad done to them, and all the people who could have stopped it but decided not to. The last group owns at least as much responsibility as the person doing something bad who very likely thinks that they are doing the right thing.

You don’t have to worry about me saying mean things to him or kerowo going forward though since I perma ignored them both right after I made that post.

Let’s be really clear here… your time is super valuable and your posts are very very good. I’m very grateful that you take the time to post here, even if it’s just an outlet for saying the stuff that the people in your life don’t want to hear for the 700th time. If someone was doing something to make you less likely to keep posting here I’d have a huge problem with it and want to see them gone. Because my priority is to keep the quality of the posting on the site high not to coddle people who aren’t meaningful contributors to the content on the site.

I feel the same way about Cuse and I think he’s got every right to feel at the very least unappreciated… which is a pretty shitty thing to make someone who puts that much time and high quality effort in experience. Much worse than my telling off someone whose only defining characteristic is trash taste in posters.


This is the number 1 reason to turn off post likes or ask Jmakin to lessen the frequency with which he compiles them.


I appreciate that you feel that way. I feel like I get a lot more out of the forum than what I put into it. And I also think that if the forum is having a net negative impact on a poster, they shouldn’t post here even if it a loss to the forum. I’m not taking a love it leave it mentality. Instead I think we should work to try to improve the forum so that users have better experiences. But that’s necessarily going to be a slow and messy process.

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I already stopped doing it weeks ago because I thought it was unhealthy for a few people


Even if we corrected the situation to be perfectly suited just to him, this is going to take some time to process. He needs time to process.

His feelings and experience of being bullied didn’t originate with this forum, but it did add to it. And to whatever degree I contributed to that, I am going to be mindful and responsible. Making amends for my part in this may mean accepting that it will take a long time to build trust with cuse again on both sides.

You could just scroll by my posts like I mostly do with your egotistical ramblings.


As mostly a lurker, I’ve been put off by all of this. Mainly because it seems there’s a section of individuals on this site who don’t seem to embody the progressive nature of this forum and just be fucking nice. I’ve flagged a few posts in the past with words I don’t think are nice to certain segments of the population, but I guess I’ll stop doing that since that seems to set people off on this forum that seem to lash out in anger at everyone instead to think introspectively about how they can be more inclusive and kinder.


I hope you don’t. For community modding to have a chance it requires input from the community. Do your best to ignore overreactions of people getting flagged. I hope you stay engaged.


This is a good sentiment. What I see happening over and over is that when these perspectives and insights are shared by community members, the posters who really need to internalize the advice must be assuming that we’re talking about everybody else and not themselves.

Why? Because their opinions are correct and any kind of posting behavior they engage in is therefore morally justified because it’s in defense of the truth(aka their opinion). And if you don’t agree then you’re an idiot, a coward, a member of a nefarious clique, or have some kind of disorder. Can’t you see that everybody else is the problem for disagreeing with them and posting the “bad” insults…you know the kind that are directed at them, rather than flowing from them???


I would like to make a suggestion. Take it for what it’s worth.

I think this thread should be locked for 48 hours. Everyone has had their say. I think asite wide moratorium/break on mod discussions would help everyone.


I think people are making the mistake that this forum can be for everyone. That’s not the way internet communities work. If you continue to be aggressive, disruptive, and malicious in your posting then you lose the right to participate in this community. Have a different opinion? Fine. Have a different opinion and you post like an inconsiderate asshole? GTFO.

Humans overwhelming suck and are inconsiderate of others. Don’t let that ruin this community. Moderate the assholes, put them on ignore, and continue on. We can learn and grow with each other as long as we engage in good faith with one another.


(raises hand) Yeah I don’t really much care about the guy, don’t overly dislike him, but certainly have him on a tighter leash in terms of word-count than anyone else on the forum. If it’s longer than three pretty sparse sentences, I am scrollin’ right the fuck on by, which means I’m scrollin’ right on by a lot.

The FuckYouBanMe shit is textbook narcissistic manipulation, and it’s part of a pattern with him. There is a phrase I don’t care to use (let’s say it rhymes with dressy stitch). That’s all that’s going on there. He believes people should consider it overwhelmingly significant whether he leaves or stays and I gotta say I am entirely easy.