About Moderation (old original thread)

I thought we were all adults here and yet everyone is talking about likes.


Nun sucked after being given multiple chances. As someone who has had the misfortune of having to do some of this stuff heavy handed mod decisions >> light handed mod decisions and its not close. Ban or contain terrible posters. The end.

edit: I mostly read boredsocialā€™s first line but yeah heā€™s being way over the top but its disappointing to see his point of view being shit on as I was mostly agreeing with his older posts.

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Post had no pretty much no effect on me. I neither flagged nor hid it, but I am a little sad that you liked it grue.

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We had months dude. Donā€™t bother changing anything lol. We arenā€™t going to find some consensus.

Not threatening anythingā€¦ This is what Iā€™m like on my way out the door and irritated about it.

Grunchingā€”Is there a thread for people that donā€™t understand how UPers could get so angry at other UPers that they would carry on and on and on with them and the mods and how other UPers, perhaps in the second group would get so emotional that they would angrily depart from UP and why this thread has dozens of new posts every time I check?


You guys threatening to leave gives me anxiety. We canā€™t afford to keep losing people unless someone finds a reliable way to introduce new blood. Everyone just just take a deep breath and chill out with that shit.


I seem to keep getting lumped into the group of people who are bitching about the new stricter modding. For the record, I am totally fine with it, I was fine with the fact that I was banned, And i pmā€™d the mod who banned me immediately after the ban to tell him it was fine.I also seem to keep getting lumped into this feud group. Again, I could give a flying fuck about this ā€œfeudā€ vis a vis myself, although I do feel bad for CW, and I stayed out of this thread for days until repeatedly Gettig @ā€˜d and having the bad timing to make one post right after the new rules went into place.


Every single person here who is complaining about lack of modding has been repeatedly invited to be a mod.

This place has had very very very few true shitposting morons or outright trolls. That being said the ones we have had have not been dealt with well although they ironically almost are all banned or left of their own accord. So that makes me wonder what it is about these special edge cases that makes this always happen. I am not always nice. I shitpost often. I have never been moderated here and only when trying to publically buy drugs or directly troll david or mason at our old home. Like clearly I am not in that category of poster that people take sides on.

I guess my point is by the time the entire forum is discussing your forum personality you have majorly fucked up at some point regardless of how or how much blame you deserve.

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I donā€™t know some of them feel like threats of its them or me. Not all but some.

I already asked but besides calling out insults and no rehashing, what more do people want? Because it seems like some wonā€™t be happy until the people they donā€™t like are banned.

I like cuse and even spatted with him. But every day I check this site that ends with a Y is him going off in threads. Sure, people might have started it and maybe they deserve punishment or bans, but thatā€™s part of being on the internet. Iā€™ve been avoiding most of cuse since him and nunnehi arguments. Iā€™m sure my posts are ignored mostly but I donā€™t care.


Trying to mod a forum that has essentially no rules is ridiculous to ask of anyone.


There are steps that can be taken between warnings and permanent bans. These include hiding posts, deleting posts, short-term bans and containing or otherwise restricting a posterā€™s activity. I think mods should be empowered to take all of these steps short of permanent ban or long-term containment/restriction without putting these decisions to a vote if these actions are consistent with community values and rules. We should be able to recall mods if they overstep, but I donā€™t think anyone is in danger of that right now.


giphy (15)

Exactly. This community doesnā€™t need more moderation, it needs less narcissism.


Ok fair enough. Iā€™d rather not have that type of modding because I donā€™t think it will be even handed or even get to the heart of the problem but at least you are asking for something.

How about this rule. People who have a long history of bickering arenā€™t allowed to interact or talk about each other or they get temp banned.

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Thatā€™s the nub. Not only do many forum members not want forum rules (as rules), they also donā€™t want rules because they think the rules would be enforced unfairly/unevenly.

eta: I should add that I agree with the people up thread who said that moderation cannot really ā€œfixā€ the current situation we find ourselves in. It can give short-term relief (which is a good thing) but the underlying issues do not seem amenable to moderation.

The long term solution is for none of us to be assholes ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  for my UK homies).


At least we finally found out who the Grizzy account owner was.

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I am afraid some donā€™t want forum rules so that they can shitpost and attack and insult other posters with impunity.