About Moderation (old original thread)

I can’t speak for everyone, but my personal take is that he is not really a changed person but he does have some opinions that have changed for the better. These changes in opinions are not nearly sufficient to say he is a “changed person”, imo. However, they are positive and they are significant changes.

Your entire argument is based on me posting that I hadn’t changed. I posted the opposite. You do you though.

So, what he said wasn’t exactly accurate. It wasn’t a flat out lie. But it wasn’t accurate, so I was like “eh, let it go”.

But now you’re saying your point was “the opposite”. That’s more of a lie, at least that’s clear to anyone with any reading comprehension.

Yadi was obviously talking about this part:

The part where you say you’re still not perfect at it, but you think about it. Ok, you think about it. The change is that you think about it. Maybe you do it less. I don’t know. What you said was “It’s something I at least think about now.”

Now, don’t get side tracked about the race and gender identity stuff that other people were talking about. Yadi was talking about whether or not you’re a dick and refuse to back down.


Any chance you’ll ditch CaffeineNeeded and just go back to ikestoys?

Did you see the part where I said not to get side tracked?

Did you understand what part Yadi was referring to?

Apparently not.

Or maybe and you’re trolling.

I mean, don’t we wish Democrats would be dicks who refuse to back down against Republicans? It’s not the worst thing in the world to be that way.

And I didn’t say that I didn’t change that either micro.

Eh, I’m not sure anymore about what Yadi meant.

I mean this is in the nicest way possible, but, for the most part, we (i.e. most unstuck regs) are all yuuge dicks when we want/need to be.

And that has some benefits, like those you suggest.

But it becomes a problem when the switch gets stuck in dick mode. I’m bothered by that a whole lot less than most, but I can understand the aversion.

You didn’t say you did. What you said was you didn’t fully change. Maybe you are less of a dick and more willing to back down than on 2p2. Didn’t much matter on 2p2. Everyone hated you. People were piling on you. It wasn’t you who were responsible for the culture there.

so that’s what, the third time today you staked out some sort of harsh position, this time calling me an asshole only to realize you made a mistake? What are you doing here?

Well, being honest. That may seem bizarre to you.

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whoa holy shit haha wow yeah that’s sounds crazy and far-fetched man oh wow it’s almost like that might be not what’s happening considering it sounds so crazy and far-fetched wow haha oh man


Oh yeah micro you’re being honest here.

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That just reminded me, my first ban was for advising a guy not to do what Econophile just did because that sort of rhetorical-question-gambit can get away from you fast and could look really dumb. Speaking from the experience of pulling off the gambit successfully and from thoroughly failing. I guess that was a Personal Attack.

But don’t worry, I’m not re-re-re-re-re-re-litigating the already more-than-thorough litigation that already took place. Just talking out loud.


Yes, I am.

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I’m gonna like 90% believe however you answer this question because I think it’s one thing to play these forum games and lie about whether you had your feelings hurt or what you meant or whatever, but it’s a bit of another thing to just directly lie.

Are you an asshole in real life? Are you the kind of person who is like “I don’t suffer fools”? You know, like House. You know House, right?

Grunching but did Ikes really say people were trying to say he was cheating on his wife?