About Moderation (old original thread)

It’s razz lowball telephone. We’re in the wrong game my friend.

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Ok, once again I’ve said more than my piece. Feeling bad about wasting so much time here today. I’m not so lacking in self-restraint that I need the software to help me do this, but lacking enough that a public proclamation is a good idea: I vow not to post in the About Moderation thread again for the rest of August! Cya.

I’m not making an argument

I’m like 90% sure it was the following:

Someone posts a screenshot of a single post from 2+2, stripped of all context (i.e., prior and subsequent posts), that sure makes it sound like an adult ikes was cheating on a serious long-term girlfriend or wife. And then they make posts suggesting that is what he did.

However, if anyone either remembered the discussion, or just went to that post on 22 and poked around a bit, it would be clear that ikes was referring to a relationship that he was in (and working his way out of) when he was ~16. But ain’t nobody got time for that (and it would have required a bit of effort since I don’t think there was a direct link, just a screenshot).

Eventually, this was explained, and most who suggested he was adult ikes cheating on a wife or serious long-term girlfriend, walked it back.

Also I don’t think that anyone ever suggested he cheated on his current wife (since even the screenshot posted did not support that conclusion), but it did sound like ikes was claiming that people were saying that. I don’t know if anyone did actually say that or not.

I think that’s it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I fucked it up somewhere.


More like About Ikes thread amirite?


I am talking about his political views. He is the one saying he hasn’t had a transformation. I believe people when they tell me who they are.

and the goalpost shift is next. So predictable.

He can still copy and paste this

It is what I have been saying from the beginning.

As a bored guy sitting at a terrible poker table right now and is contributing nothing to do conversation i will say that if this version is the thunderlessdick one i get how he got this famous. Must have been one hell of a schlong



My facts could be wrong. I didn’t read the thread. It is possible he didn’t post anything problematic.

If he did though he shouldn’t post an apology for a smug poster but he should for all the people he offended or hurt when he posted that stuff years ago.

That’s not exactly what he said as I recall.

It’s the internet dude.

Oh I know. That’s why it’s so predictable. Hell, I’ve done exactly what you’ve done here. Stop sucking.

For the perfect solution to your boredom, might I suggest that you head on down to the 22 NVG thread where MEb, et al are dunking all over his book with NBZ’s review.

Really everyone who hasn’t already should do this.

When you can’t defend your position and cling to semantics you lost.

Check make Ikes.

I still root for you though. You may actually really change your views one day.

That’s way, way closer in spirit to what Yadi said than not. There’s a reason the whole “semantikes” trope started.

In the post you snipped, he wants to make it seem like he was just abrasive and dickish, and people are mildly delusional about his views.


That’s fair. But I think the semantikesing is kind of the icing on the case. The real substance is that he has changed some views. As I mentioned above, I’d say that he has changed some views, but he is not a changed person. There is some nuance in that view though. And I suspect that nuance is what is gumming up the works here.

No, it’s not. My point in that post is that the transformation wasn’t as large as what some here think as they have completely misremembered histories of what happened. I then go on to lay out what are still big changes. Plain reading works one way here, and the pathetic attempt to say otherwise is obvious trolling.