About Moderation (old original thread)

Left to my own devices, I’d have gone with “Tally ho”, but “Ahoy” it is.

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Sink me! You’re a natural.

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Lol. You did not drive Keeed away. I’m talking about civilians.

Like off the top of your head, how many posters here could you name? I see from some of your posts you’re very into this community. It must be a lot. I mean, weird that you didn’t know who Crunchyblack is, but I’m sure that’s just a fluke.

Heh, speaking of making some horrible posts that have never resulted in an apology or mea culpa.

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Yes micro. I don’t remember any interactions with crunchyblack on 2+2 five plus years ago. That’s obvious to anyone what was being discussed, but don’t let that stop you.

Looks like we got a few more than a cuppa haters here.

You can ask.

Are you sure Keeed posted that article? I think it was somebody else.

Crunchy changed his handle on 22 at least once, IIRC, which I’m sure doesn’t make it any easier.

I love apologizing to CN. I’m sorry CN. You have plenty of reason for not knowing who Crunchy is.

Wow sick spite like by SenorKidd


Nah, pretty sure that one was sincere. I mean, I’m speaking objective reality here, nothing remotely controversial.

Ikes is the once and future Polarizing Figure, to the point that he’s even creating all this lively metadiscussion right now itt! That’s a value-add, love him or hate him.

On the contrary, Awkward Yikes Guy From K&P serves literally no fucking purpose.

p.s. I should clarify, even that’d be fine if he didn’t intersperse, in between a bunch of awkwaaaarrrds and tell-me-how-you-really-feels, a bunch of shit-stirring uninformed takes and lies.

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Ok, then.

Tell us how you really feel.

In terms of internet interactions, it goes Friends you like to spend time with > > Acquaintances with whom you share an interest in topics with > > > > Opponents you like to argue and fight with > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Guy who says Yikes! and Awkward! just to shit on something and couldn’t carry on a substantial discussion if the fate of the world and the human race rested on him doing so like if a bunch of nukes were about to detonate and the only way to deactivate them was for him to carry on a message board interaction that lasted at least 3 back-and-forths then hot damn son we’d be having a snowball fight in that nuclear winter.


ChrisV posted it. Keeed’s role was stating over and over again that CN had to read the incredibly verbose thing by a known charlatan to get the point, while being completely unwilling to quote any single part of it for discussion of any particulars. It’s entirely reasonable not to want to spend an hour or more reading some likely bullshit at the behest of a guy who cannot be bothered to quote anything of interest or relevance.

I don’t think anyone is a problem.

I find it mildly humorous that CN posted that he hasn’t changed and that the problem on 2p2 was that he was mean, not that he had terrible views.

Yet people are going out of there way to say he is a changed person.

Has he said some of the stuff he posted in the past was problematic? If so I missed it. It’s possible he has though.

I don’t recall the specifics of what I posted in the Zimmerman thread but I know my views have changed since then and I’m sure I was wrong at best and at worst an asshole that didn’t understand the systemic issues this country faces.

Just copy and paste it dude.


Hey look, another flat out lie.

Yeah, that’s what you should focus on.