About Moderation (old original thread)

You’re not wrong. But to be fair, some of those missing posts are shit posts.

However, on balance, I agree with your assessment.

Oh goodie, more taking people to task for the imaginary.

Shiver me timbers, welcome to the Captains Council mate.


It’s like jazz, you have to listen to the posts that aren’t posted.


No. I talk to real non-imaginary people who say they don’t post in the Covid thread because of him. At least one very specifically because of him and others just avoid any thread where there’s hostility like that. Think of all the nicest people on the forum. The people who never argue with anyone. Are never hostile. Do you see them in the Covid thread? Do you think that’s because they’re not at all interested in maybe the biggest issue in their lifetime?

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I’m not following this nearly as closely as you might believe, so I’m a bit lost on this “Captain” stuff. Cliffs?

When you make posts certain people don’t like, you become a Captain. Hit me up by PM for your shwag bag and choice of avatar.


You accidentally posted a really good analogy. Conversation is a lot like jazz.

Again there are probably 15000 posts now off-site/in PMs because people don’t like some of this kind of stuff.

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I might need to try this the next time I listen to actual jazz. I’m not a huge fan and everyone thinks I’m a Philistine for that reason.

Think of it as an underground late night jazz club.

Accidentally? That seemed pretty damn purposeful to me. Best post of the day, imo.

A subset of the forum run a private PM thread (which was briefly exposed by jmakin to be called the Council of Captains) in which they talk shit about posters here they don’t like and plot to antagonize other members. Prominent invitees have all adopted avatars of various captains.

Holy shit! 15,000!

Boy am I clueless about what is going on here.

Thanks. I never got the memo on that.

Sounds kind of like the moderator forum on 2+2, with a catchier name.

I don’t think you have ever seen the mod forum on 22. It is far more boring and much less catty

14,769 just say “Ahoy”.


It was actually just a place to talk without Wookie’s boot on our necks, but there were a couple mean posts among 1800 that made fun of him in particular so he’s been perpetually aggrieved ever since. None of it was any worse than what’s posted every hour of every day on this forum.

Oh yes. SeñorKeeed removed himself from the covid thread after he posted an obscenely bad article (that he didn’t fully read) from a guy who believes that racial stereotypes are not only real, but hard coded into DNA. Without him posting nonsense from racist idiots, I’m not sure how we’re getting by.