About Moderation (old original thread)

Ok, champ - I was talking to Ikes at that point in the post. As evidenced by me @'ing him.

And I don’t generally usually read the soccer thread and only found out about CN playing college soccer recently. Don’t forget I was gone for a long time. I followed some threads when I was gone, but nowhere near all the threads. And I don’t believe very many at all knew he was Ikes in Nov 2020. I think we established that Wookie only knew for sure in April 2021?

Sorry, I thought we learned yesterday that you were suffering mental anguish about the post? Because it wasn’t a physical threat you feared, but it was definitely not bad faith trolling when you PM’d Chads.

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Feel free to go back and read that PM again. I’m not going to do your homework for you. By all means that post can be left up now, ain’t going to change shit now.

Out of curiosity, have we established who gets credit for figuring it out first.

The first people I remember pointing out were Goofy, Micro, and Keeeed. I forgot who was the very first. Much to my embarrassment, I was a bit skeptical at first because CN just seemed so much more reasonable and less dickish than ikes 1.0. But it wasn’t long before I was facepalming myself for how obvious it was.

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Kinda feel like anyone who ragequits over less is S-A-W-F-T.

I always thought Ikes>Fly.

I don’t know if Fly is hanging around here.

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I dont remember when Ikes came here or when you posted or whatever. I dont pay that much attention. I’m not defending Ikes here because I like him more than you or micro or whatever. Ikes posts in the soccer and poker threads where you guys don’t and they aren’t especially active. Beyond that, I don’t really care. I’m not trying to put him above you or anyone else. I just think the attacks on him have been ludicrous.

At least we know he hasn’t improved his views since the 2p2 days. He is smarter about not posting his views though.

And lol and expecting people to PM someone to ask if they change their views from years ago.

aLl YoU hAvE tO dO iS aSk


Ok. Just thought I would ask. You’ve confirmed that you don’t want me moderated for the post that was never flagged, pushed back on, or previously moderated and you don’t want it removed. So I think that covers any kind of remedy you might want. I suppose if you want to talk about it any further you could hit me up on PM.


I just don’t get this opinion. And it’s not just you. Plenty of people here seem to have it. How the heck is this not improvement:

This isn’t Siddhartha Gautama turning into the Buddha, but it’s still something. Imagine how many posters here would be fucking ecstatic if their deplorable family members just realized #2 and nothing else.


It really depends on the criterion you’re using to judge.

Fly was one hilarious motherfucker. I’ll give him that.

That was his issue, not anything he posted.

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I’ve had shitty views in the past and I say they were shitty views.

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Yeah, your reading comprehension is still bad and the way people keep adding “as a 16 year old” to this makes it seem like you’re doing this on purpose. I guess you’re playing games too. You can see from the original post in the screenshot that when this started people had no idea how old he was and I don’t know if “significant other” really suggests 16 year olds. Do you think “significant other” really suggests 16 year olds?

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Everyone giving you shit knows that it doesn’t hurt your feelings. That’s the difference between people who punch up vs down. No one expects to drive you off anywhere. Wookie is worried about it, but you endured being hated on 2p2 for 10 years and never thought about leaving because of it. You’re not exactly a down-puncher like some people around here, but you’re totally indiscriminate. You make horrible posts to people who are sensitive and never offensive. I don’t mean me, Jal, fidget, churchill or marty.


You’ve made posts since you’ve known this to be the case! This gaslighting is absolutely wild dude. The “you should be embarrassed” post is after you knew he was just a 10th grader!

And that it was done in very, very high volume.

Ikes was a dick that posted 100 times a day. That was the big issue for most people.

Dude, I’ve been explaining what happened. Where Jbros misunderstanding came from. And I said “I thought you’d be embarrassed” and “thought” places something in a particular time and that time was before I caught some suggestion that his “significant other” was when they were 16, which is so weird maybe it took a minute to process.

And Jesus dude, if you followed this whole thing, which I know you haven’t, it’s just me posting something that Jbro asked me to post. I didn’t GAF about it at all. I just did Jbro a favor, which CN thinks is some kind of forum violation.

If you’ve been following along, which I know you haven’t, you would know that I’m very specifically NOT talking about anything CN posted on 2p2.

I mean you act like my point here has been about how he was supposed to be embarrassed. That’s just trolling or, again, you just aren’t reading.

I mean, I don’t know when it came out that he was in 10th grade. I don’t care about the cheating. I misread that part and I said so and I apologized like 4 times!!! This is how I know you and CN are full of shit.

Oh, and lo and behold, none of this bothers CN at all. Surprise.

If you follow the covid threads and think CN is the problem, that’s on you.

The problem CN causes in the Covid thread is the missing posts, not the ones that are there.