About Moderation (old original thread)

Oh, there is no need to drag up old 22 posts. I’m talking about recent posts on unstuck where someone is mischaracterizing your prior positions. Have you come across any of those? Preferably something with some specificity. Hyperbole like “He’s a nazi” or “He was a shitty poster” isn’t the kind of stuff I’m talking about.

My understanding (I don’t pay a ton of attention to this sort of thing) is that cuse “left” because the community refused to ban NBZ. There was a ton of other stuff, too, mostly centring around cuse wanting jalfrezi banned IIRC (and I may not). I put left in quotes because he’s still here and voting in polls.

It makes it “not what you said it was” which is all I was hoping to establish.

I don’t think that was a primary cause, no.

How is this possible? Did you never politard on 22?

Given your day job, I’d suspect you have an advantage over the average bro in sussing these things out.

Barely outside the Israel-Palestine thread before Trump. I heard of the legend, but never cared enough to look into what it is.

As I recall, his first request for a perma was because we did not perma NBZ. On the heels of that he was fueding with Jal and Marty and I said that if any of them posted about any others for the next little period there would be a ban. Trying to slow the feud. I banned him and Marty for less than a day and he demanded perma through a series of fuckyoubanme accounts.

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Yuv is the guy the FlyWf (hero to half the posters here) called a Kapo, so yeah, he did some 2p2.

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Well I guess that would explain it.

I remember that well. I called out Fly on that myself on multiple occasions.

Of course Fly and I hated each other, so that provided me with additional incentive to do it.

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Specifically it was a response to you thinking that Ikes shouldn’t have been banned on the former place. He absolutely should have, way before he ate it due to his own hubris. If you don’t think that, wow, we have very different world views and that’s fine, let’s just agree to disagree, and I mean that without malice.

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Glad to have a legacy.


You seem to be having trouble keeping up with several things in the thread, and I’m wondering about your sincerity at this point. First off, to address the above: Nobody expressed any moral outrage over his teenage sex life. NBZ posted a screenshot from 2+2, which was the basis for my disgusting post:


I took “significant other” to mean people they were married to or in committed long-term relationships with. Apparently, Ikes was referring to a 16 y/o girl he was casually dating but no longer liked as his significant other. That’s on him.

BTW - You seem to think I got moderated for that old post yesterday. But I never got moderated for that older post. My ban yesterday was for a different post.

Additionally, several times you have referred to my older post as an attack on another poster. But I had no idea CN was ikes! I had no expectation that ikes would ever see the post. The post is bog standard around here in that context. No different than people blowing off steam by wishing AIDS on Rush L, or wishing illness and death on covid deniers and anti-vaxxers. This is obvious by the fact that not a single person reported the post or pushed back on it ITT. And again, I was never moderated for it.

“Hoping they suffer” was a commentary about him and his wife meeting while cheating on, “their significant others,” which makes them shitty people in my book. In light of new knowledge of them both being teenagers in casual relationships, it’s obviously not a big deal. But I didn’t choose the words in Ikes post, he did.

You have every right of course to think my post is disgusting. But you cannot categorize it as an attack on another poster - that is false. It was a rant about somebody that I never expected would read it. People to this day do that constantly on this site with zero repercussions. You might think it’s wrong, but it’s well within the community standards as they exist right now.

Additionally, I believe that you also mentioned that the post was particularly troubling because CN has gone out of his way to confront people wishing ill will on anti-vaxxers and covid-deniers. Again, how could my post be troubling in that regard when I had no idea ikes was CN when I made the post?

Furthermore, you compared my single post, which received no flags, pushback, or moderation, with the lifetime body of work of Inso and Ikes. Those posts received THOUSANDS of replies pushing back against them. You also compared my post to a guy who has sex with underage mentally challenged girls. Really?

Having said all that: in light of the fact that CN is Ikes, and he is posting here, and he has expressed concern about that post, I want to ask him @CaffeineNeeded what do you want for a remedy regarding my post? Do you want it removed? I generally would be against this for other people with problematic posts, because I think the evidence should be left behind. But if it’s really causing you mental anguish, I would be open to having it removed. Your choice, and probably the mod team has to have a say as well, because your buddy goofy kept posting images of it ITT. A strange thing to do with a post he knows is causing his pal anguish.


I don’t want any moderation. I want you to shut the hell up about my wife. I want you to not accuse me of cheating on my wife. I want you to not accuse me of shit like wanting the murder of children. Only one of us has actually dealt with the fallout of a murdered child I’m guessing.

Oh, and I want you to do something productive.

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I dont know why you keep poking at my comprehension abilities then misread my posts which are not very hard to comprehend. My post where I compared people talking about Ikes sex life as a 16 year old to Sklanskys actions was a direct response to microbet, in a post where microbet said Ikes should be embarrassed for his actions as a 16 year old. Maybe you shouldn’t make posts like you did when you know basically nothing about the subject as you have just admitted to? It’s a weird 10% mea culpa.

As was said upthread, CN is a poster who has said they were a doctor and played college soccer and posted like Ikes. How this seemingly went over all your heads is confusing.

That you think goofy and I are buddies is hilarious, before this year with topshot we had barely interacted on 2p2 or here! Most of our interactions were probably the late 00s before the Jets came back and the Sharks would crush the Flames and make me sad. When he stepped down or whatever as a mod I didn’t care or post about it because there weren’t weird posts about his like, high school actions. If not for the discord from TS, we’d have maybe 10 non NHL related conversations in 15 years.

You guys are being so fucking weird.

Not a lot of people post about soccer

The obsession with goalkeeping was a pretty massive tell

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There was quite a few in the soccer thread, especially relating to team USA and goalkeeping as has been said. Ikes is like the only team USA booster I’ve come across online who is super into goalkeeping discussion.

  • Fine, the post causing you mental anguish will stay at your request
  • Ok, now that I know you are Ikes posting here under CN and that it bothers you, I can do that
  • I confused “significant other” with spouse, shoot me (Wookie, I don’t really want to be shot.)
  • Not sure I can promise not to bring up your past when it comes to supporting Zimmerman to the tune of thousands of posts, but it is encouraging to hear that you’ve made some progress in this regard, so I’ll consider it.
  • Piss off

oh yeah I’m in tears.

I like how you guys think this is some sort of serious troll. Y’all aren’t shit. You chose this mess. I was born in the tigaazzz thread with greear. This isn’t going to bother me and I’ll continue trying to make things better here. Good luck.