About Moderation (old original thread)

I agree with this quite a bit, but I think his views have actually changed for the better on some things. And that is way more than anyone would have expected circa 2015.

See here’s the thing. The transformation really isn’t as large as you seem to think. . Your guys’ recollection of me is hilariously one-dimensional and wrong.

You talk about ‘think about ikes in 2015’, and presumably 2016. Do you really remember what I was posting around that time? It’s clear that you don’t, and that’s fine. It’d be weird if you clearly remembered stuff from 5+ years ago. I can’t be certain, but I’m fairly sure Wookie and I have exactly the same votes for president going back to 2012. I hated trump always. The idea that I was some reflexive partisan republican was always bullshit. I openly talked about how the selection of trump as the republican candidate was a disaster and meant that racism was the primary problem for the Republican Party.

Most things haven’t changed. I still believe that personal freedom should be prioritized. I believe that the market should be used when possible to allocate resources.

Big things that have changed:

  1. Free market health care is a less realistic idea than government run, might as well do the latter right
  2. Racism is a far bigger problem than I realized in 2015 and requires large scale interventions
  3. If the choice is between big government that gives money to corporations and big government that gives money to corporations, but some give it to commoners, the latter is far more preferable.

Really my issue on 2+2 politics was constantly being a dick to anyone and refusing to ever back down from a position ever. Certainly would say that’s not something I’m perfect at today, but it’s something I at least think about now. People here clearly don’t remember the most basics of my positions, much less care about them, they remember that I was a contrarian and a thunderdick to them repeatedly. They then fill in the blanks after that.


My “remember 2015” was intended to refer to the pre-Trump time (so, think of it as early 2015). Definitely not 2016 as you presume.

I was one of at least a handful (as far as I recall) who posted that you would for sure hate Trump after you self-banned and couldn’t confirm it. So at least as far as that is concerned, I wasn’t wrong on that.

If there are prior positions of yours that you think people are misremembering, I’d be interested in what they were.

Also, despite anything you say now, I don’t believe 2015 ikes would ever think pizza from Hilary would make his day.

If I was fighting covid in 2015, I would have appreciated the hell out of it. It wasn’t like I ever was a HRC fan or even particularly like her. It made me feel good on a day when I was taking care of 10-15 intubated covid patients and death was all around me.

Again, you guys have created a cartoon villain out of me.

And that all makes perfect sense. It still would have surprised the shit out of me in 2015 if a time-traveler from today came back and told me you said that without substantial explanation.

There were more than 30 people in the CoC thread bro. There are still plenty of people posting in other places including PMs. I know what I’m talking about. You don’t.

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It’s not a lie. Mods could elaborate.

He is still that same person. He wasn’t a Nazi on 2p2 and it’s kind of flabbergasting that he embraces the people who say “You can’t call anyone that name! He was a Nazi!” and is at war with people who just say he’s being a dick.

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Honestly I can remember maybe half what happened on 2+2, and only in a vague sense. I can’t imagine anything less interesting than talking about posts a decade old.

It is. You could have reached out at any time. Some did even. You didn’t though.

Just saying he’s being a dick… and saying he cheats on his wife, and saying he’s ok with child murder and so on and so forth. You’re absolutely unhinged.

Not saying this describes him, but people who can do this should be acceptable in this forum.

Anyways, Ikes always seemed to me to be the independent that he claimed to be rather than a conservative, partisan Republican falsely claiming to be such. And, also, lol at the people who insisted that he couldn’t possibly be a medical student. That was always such a laughably bad read.


I guess I can only speak for myself but I’m being sincere

This is non-responsive because you are unable to follow the conversation. You’re talking about something different than I was talking about.

This is BS and obviously so and you know it. Do I have to repeat why? Do you want to do more Streisanding?

I never said this. Other people may have. It’s besides the point. You’re buddies with people who think you were a Nazi on 2p2 and all I’ve ever said is that you’re a dick here.



Well then, if you want to talk about something specific with the honest goal of moving forward, fire off a PM with what you want to talk about. Honestly, I don’t even remember who you were. I don’t mean that as an insult, just the fact.

You used ‘people’ microbet. People.

Streisanding is when you draw attention to something you did that is embarrassing. I’m not embarrassed in the slightest that I met my wife cheating on a girlfriend I didn’t like anymore when I was 16.

You know what’s embarrassing? Going on twoplustwo to look up whether or not I took blood pressure medication, post stuff about my wife and etc, which you’re fine with your little crew doing.

I’m guessing you’re talking about some sort of mod edict that I’m not aware of. That’s irrelevant, you still could have PM’d me any time but didn’t. Others did.

As someone who was vaguely familiar with the legend of ikes at the old place but didn’t interact with him much, I feel a little disappointed that CN hasn’t lived up to the expectations I had based on how people described him. He just seems like a grumpy dude, like a lot of other people here tbh. Since I wasn’t involved in the Zimmerman stuff so all I can do is to stick to what’s recent. CN, you come off aggressive and arrogant. I think it stifles conversation and I wish you wouldn’t do that. I think a lot of the reason why you’re treated as a target here is because of the way you post, and I think it’s often understandable.

Now that the identity cat is out of the bag I don’t understand what the goal is. Are we trying to go full Sklansky here and banish someone from this community because they had shitty takes years ago? That seems stupid and unproductive and would cause us to boot a lot more than just one poster. This seems like people have dug in their heels and we’ve now got two sides unwilling to budge: as best I can tell,

  • one side thinks CN posts like an asshole now and thinks he’s undermoderated for that posting, and is using his newly-publicly-acknowledged (but always common knowledge) identity as another reason to try to get him… banned? not really sure what the end goal is tbh? Just complaining I guess?
  • one side views the people complaining about undermoderation as perpetual trouble-makers and isn’t inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt here, even if there may be legitimate complaints somewhere in there

(Obviously plus others trying to mediate.)
A public acknowledgement or acceptance or apology or whatever seems fine, but the people asking for it obviously aren’t going to stop there because that’s not the actual issue we’re talking about. We’re just rehashing the same mod issues as always, just with a new façade.


I said “people” twice in that quote. Which one are you talking about?

Ok, you’re not embarrassed. Fine. It was obviously a mistake on Jbros part, not some plan to accuse you of cheating on your wife and you know it. It’s obvious. You’re playing games.

I’m FINE with it. OMG. I’m FINE with it. FINE. Yeah, I’m fine. Everyone here is wasting tons of time on all sorts of nonsense. That’s some more nonsense. Big whoop.

Ok, now you’re closer. Before you were wrong.

I don’t want to PM with you. I don’t want you to PM with me. Remember, I said that before.

It’s not even like being a dick is the worst thing in the world. Like maybe you imagine yourself as this guy:


House doesn’t get mad when you call him a dick though.

If you would just keep it in ATF and not be a dick to people in other threads and make them afraid to post around you (you do that, I know that from people who are afraid to post around you) you wouldn’t be the biggest problem on this site. Keep in ATF. Be normal in the rest of the forum. You’re that way like 80% of the time. Just make it 100%. Shit, even FlyWf used to be able to be normal when he posted in OOT.


The Streisand effect is when trying to hide something ends up drawing even more attention to it. Pretty sure Streisand wasn’t embarrassed to have a house in Malibu.


Dr. CaffeineNeeded is right. I assumed that he would be embarrassed about having cheating on his significant other. I was wrong about that.

And Steisanding is just calling attention to something you want to hide. It’s not really relevant that she wouldn’t have been embarrassed about having a house in Malibu.

I dont know if you’ve ever met a teenager boy, but most are not ashamed about getting laid.

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