About Moderation (old original thread)

The answer to your problem with me and perhaps churchill too appears to be to put us and anyone else you don’t like on ignore and put some damn respect on that view hidden reply option.


Churchill will not get free reign to spread nonsense about covid. Period.

Hey everyone, you’ll be shocked to hear that jal provided zero attempts to move forward and instead used PMs to send catty little messages. This is because he’s a constant negative drain on this forum with no ideas for moving forward.

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Hey everyone, you’ll be shocked to know that ikes is lying again.

I asked him if he wanted to defend his racist post from 2+2, or retract it so that we can all move forward from his past.

He declined to do either.

Total waste of time. I’m out of this BS.

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Thanks for confirming Jal. It’s nice when people can agree isn’t it?

How constructive is it to be urging people to PM you while you have them blocked?

Honestly didn’t even cross my mind. Jal is a bad faith king who was given a chance. Not sure what else you would expect.

idk man

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Is your continued refusal to apologize the result of feeling you have nothing to apologize for? That’s an honest question.



Ikes should be allowed to post here, but we have to get the hero who proposed and won the original “not resonating” bet on The Former Place to set his avatar.

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There’s not a single person here who actually wants an apology. Seriously, not a fucking one. Jal, at least per the posts upthread, isn’t even familiar with the thread ffs. The goal here isn’t to come to some sort of constructive movement forward. This is all a contrived movement. You guys have either known or suspected I was ikes for over 6 months now, and it just happens to be now you realize that you’re offended 10 year old posts? Miss me with that bullshit.

I won’t participate in this nonsense. I won’t participate in pathetic drama for drama’s sake over posts that are 10 years old. It adds nothing to this place.

The offer stands if anyone wants to reach out privately about something they are truly concerned by, but I also won’t tolerate troll job pm’s like Jal’s either.

It just happens to be now that the question of why people care that you’re ikes is permitted to be litigated. We had to fight just to get the issue to the floor. You know all this, of course, and pretend not to. You haven’t changed a whit.


That’s a flat out lie.

Cite or ban.

I don’t think there’s a particularly good way to use mod tools on everything today, but I sure wish people would chill out on being dicks to each other. It’s fine to have issues with other members, but lets perhaps consider how to make this place more tolerable rather than packing maximum derision into every single post.


Yeah, that’s horseshit. People have explained in no uncertain terms that they’re tired of this neverending shitstorm that the same 3-4 posters seem to always be in the middle of. But hey, let’s continue to indulge Jal & Co. and see if that helps.


I’ve got nothing to add to the recent ikes drama.

Obviously, he’s not apologizing for anything. While he’s a much better poster, he’s still ikes.

And even if he did, I somehow doubt that would be the end of it.

Unrelated to any of this, I still want him to do an AMA on his transformation (obviously this isn’t happening as well). It is fucking insane. I think like a week ago he posted about Hilary Clinton sending some pizza to his hospital making his day or something like that. Who in 2015 would have believed that it was possible for those words to come from ikes?

This is the kind of thing that should give everyone in the dealing with deplorable family members thread hope. If ikes, of all people, can turn himself in to CN, then there has to be hope for your mom/dad/sister/uncle/etc. It’s inspirational really.



He’s the exact same person. He just knows to keep his deplorable views to himself around hostile company. The dude won’t even give us a half-hearted “my bad” so we can move on.


How can you know this?

Read the last 50 posts? He doesn’t think he did anything wrong.

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