About Moderation (old original thread)

And here you are indulging them in this latest attention-seeking exercise.

OK, what do you propose? Jal gets to write his narrative unopposed? Mods ban him for his bullshit?

What bullshit would that be? Complaining about someone posting here who’s never made an apology for making a nakedly racist post on another forum (an actually nakedly racist post, not one of your bullshitty “naked racist” posts)?

Whose suggested “resolution” of a PM results in this bullshit just after I said I’ll PM him:


So Ikes isn’t allowing PMs now.


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Seems like keeping it in ATF would actually be workable and what most people do for the most part already.

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Right. So what have we learned today? You have a PM thread where people openly hostile to me concoct wild conspiracies about me with no factual basis and that are easily falsified, but no one even bothers to check the basic facts so long as the story serves to prove my abuse of power. Then you publicly demand and re-demand that I answer for my fabricated crimes. You also wonder why I don’t take heed of the olive branches you claim to have extended, even when leaks from that thread have confirmed that it was all just an act to you anyway. Gee, I really wonder why I haven’t taken you up on your proposals!


It’s not a very popular proposal, but good luck.

Well it’s either that or he continues to drive off long-term posters and staff with these neverending shitstorms.

So, some people have left the forum or are posting less because of not enough bannings, but more have left or are posting less because of too many and it’s not close.


And that’s the Trolly narrative, conveniently ignoring that the poster he’s referring to (cuse) left because he started a gratuitous attack that backfired on him (after having tried to ban several other regs unsuccessfully); and that there are more “staff” now than before.

Who is it unpopular with? Give me a list of people you want me to convince to keep the argument within ATF or FrenchBBQ and I’ll try. (FrenchBBQ alone is not adequate as people get their permission levels changed preventing them from posting there)

Cuse’s leaving the forum started because he didn’t want to post on a site that would allow NBZ to post.

That makes Trolly’s accusation even more of a lie.

That’s not true. It’s a bit of a game for ~everyone, but it’s not all an act for ~anyone. If someone is always like really really consistent, they’re probably really insincere.


Why not just a “my bad, I was young and dumb and don’t believe in conversion therapy for trans teens or support George Zimmerman anymore”.

How is 50ish people PMing you privately better than this?


It really is that simple.

His suggested “resolution” isn’t working for me



I admittedly not following any of this, but if CN really isn’t accepting PMs (is that a feature?) and he wrote “How many PMs did I get? Zero” it is about as hilarious as I could have scripted it.


oh jal you’re blocked for obvious reasons. I’ll take you off for a bit. Have at it.

I obviously wasn’t on ignore because you were replying to my posts but despite this bad faith BS I’ll PM you anyway.

Jal you can hit ‘view 1 hidden reply’ Jesus literally never constructive.