About Moderation (old original thread)

Because if the goal is actual resolution, that’s the best way to do it. Your goal, ofc, is to continue various drama. Why? I don’t know, but that’s the only thing I’ve seen you do here. You haven’t contributed positively to any conflict here since I’ve been here. You just carry on from one feud to another, perpetually aggrieved. It’s pathetic honestly.

Somehow I just knew you weren’t sincere.

Nice trolling.


I am absolutely sincere, and that seems to be a fair summary. You said you want a less hostile forum, you said you have no plan to achieve it, and you’ve spent a good chunk of this weekend insulting him over decade’s old posting. Anyone else with a better (actual) plan for resolution is welcome to put something forward.

That’s incorrect but you can carry on making things with the support of your king mod, so carry on.

What if the freedom to be a dick occasionally gives me pleasure?

Let’s rephrase Wookie’s question. What is CaffeineNeeded’s place in a “less hostile” forum?

ikes was one poster who people were adamantly against posting here, on grounds of his posting history.

I’m all for people reforming, especially when their transgressions were at a young age, but there seems to be no acknowledgement on his part of any wrong doing at all, and you in particular have backed him up at every opportunity and joined in the gross bullying of churchill even when he’s posted bona fide links from the BBC etc.

It’s very obviously political. People here aren’t as stupid as you take them for and can see through this, hence the strong reaction against your modding.

Before ikes there was cuse, another poster who knew he had the undying support of mods and could bully his way through any situation.


Go ahead and prove me wrong jal. Instead of adding to bullshit drama, propose a way out of it. I’ve given you mine, you just continue bullshit.

Stop lying.

Well, this request was more about CN in particular than the overall feud and your Gandhi act.

Jal will never provide an example where churchill was banned or even chided for posting nothing but a BBC link because it never happened, but that will not stop them and theirs from insisting that their lies are what actually happened. And so, here we are, they the oppressed in their own narrative, which they insist is on equal footing with the written record.


but what do I know, I’m just a lurker


we need some new material

That post is still there. I just looked. It’s in this thread and easy to find.

Man you’re lazy. Or really, really committed to the fantasy you’ve concocted.

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That’s correct. There’s even a Captain who could have confirmed it for you.

lol, ok, so who told you, and why do they know more about what I thought than I did? You’re credibility for your conspiracy theory is not off to a great start here.

Ok, I’ll PM you when I’ve done the washing up.

Fidget has made an incorrect assumption with incomplete information.

You and I and fidget both know we are talking about a PM exchange that included you wherein I agreed to stop publicly calling CN by his 2p2 name if people would stop lying about me. In that conversation I made it pretty obvious who CN was and that I was not just making shit up like I was being accused of. People other than you didn’t even find it credible after I made it clear. Lol them.

But anyway, your post that fidget is talking about here was April 1st and that PM convo took place on April 5th. You did not know or believe CN was who he is at the time you made that post on April 1st, but it’s also not like a nefarious misrepresentation by fidget.

I mean, his opening salvo was claiming I maliciously deleted a post that is still there for all to see. His conspiracy theory is well beyond just missing out on the timing of a private conversation he wasn’t a part of.

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Not following it all that closely. I knew what was being talked about regarding when who knew what about CN so I looked into it.

From breezing through those posts, seems like Fidget was wrong about deleting something and, if he did that on purpose, it was pretty dumb, since as you noted it’s so easy to look up.

~Everyone is playing forum games here. I think PocketChads is the ONLY person here in the last day or two who hasn’t been doing this at least partly just for entertainment.