About Moderation (old original thread)

Nope. I really don’t care enough to find it, but it was in the back and forth with goofy as well. Not trying to be a dick, but after finishing off the most recent season of BCS I just haven’t been able to sleep and now it’s 9 am.

Maybe! I definitely didn’t love a lot of Ikes politics posting. I dont think Sklansky should be banned for his 2p2 indiscretions either fwiw, I shared the opinions chrisv posted. He was always am awful poster and human and should be reminded of that wherever he goes though.

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Now I have mental images of these guys grabbing each others’ wigs.

*1800 ugly posts

A mea culpa would go a long way here imo. I’m guessing most of us have posted problematic things in the past.

Are you sure it was just one post? lol

I’m willing to look over anything I’m sent, but the vagueness is dumb. It’s all dumb really, but I just dont like it being danced around.

If Chads thinks certain posts in the TM thread are unforgivable sins, he can certainly hold that position as long as he applies it consistently.

Are flagging of posts public now? I’ve been reporting more stuff recently as I thought the new mods requested it (and often providing write-up as to why). I assumed that mods had an obligation to keep that private - is that not the case?

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This whole discussion feels very much like a proxy war.


The second ikes post in that thread is horrible. I shouldn’t read any more of his 1,800 posts, though I probably will.

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I dont think anyone should go back and read that dumpster fire fwiw. It surely would ruin your day. Check out the new killers album or city/spurs as something go pick the mood up.


Nope, I took the decision on my own to ban him for a few days because of his past posting history on 22 and him upsetting some posters here.

I’m taking account of this and believe its why posters have a right to ask for him not to post here but from my point of view it should all now be moot because of the pandemic.

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This was my assumption as well but there don’t appear to be any real formalized rules on moderation so we’re in this unpleasant general situation where every weekend a handful of people gather in About Moderation to fling shit at each other and the mods try to settle everything down.

I hope that posters still feel safe flagging posts they feel need moderator attention and I also hope that Chads will stop abusing his power in regards to CaffeineNeeded.


You might find that less of a regular event in future, if things stay as they are.

Don’t threaten me with a good time.



Again, if anyone actually wants to talk about anything on 2+2 or ask for an apology about anything I’ve ever posted, my PMs are open. You’ll be shocked to hear that not one fucking person has done that. It’s almost like the entire point of this was to stir up shit without resolution.


Why does it have to be done in secrecy via PM?

What’s your endgame here, jal? What resolution would make you happy and move on with life, never to whine about this episode ever again?

It’s not a game so there’s no endgame. I don’t have a strategy and never have, despite this being postulated several times (much to my amusement) by influential people who no longer post.

I want a less hostile forum where people are more considerate of other people, not only in their immediate circles/states/countries, and in this age of pandemics and unstoppable climate change take the opportunity to reassess their lives, what’s important to them and what really gives them pleasure.

Alright, so it’s

  1. Insult CaffeineNeeded over decade’s old posting as you will.
  2. ???
  3. Less hostile forum.

Any other of his detractors got a proposed resolution?