About Moderation (old original thread)

I don’t usually disagree with you as much as I do with this. This is a pretty bad take.

First, there are black posters here and it’s right to consider that they might like to know if someone who supported Zimmerman is posting here.

Second, even if there weren’t it’s still gross for a supposedly left of centre forum not to challenge someone who has previously held these views.

It’s not just “worth it”…it’s exaclty what this “community” was supposed to have been built for.


Imma just put this out there again.

Does anyone disagree with this? Seems you all think the other side doesnt but you do?

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Uh huh.

Are we about to see a statement of your current views on Zimmerman? That might clear things up around here.

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You’re clueless about this.

Consider whether @Smacc_25 would want to be described as British or Scottish.

There are good reasons to tread carefully around the word British that you seem to be ignorant of.


I may be from the UK but in no way am I British and would consider being called British as an insult.

If I took Scottish bank notes to London in how many pubs out of 10 would they be refused as legal tender?

The answer is more than 1 for sure and that’s why I’ll never be British.

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Prove he‘s a bigot with any of his posts here.

In all fairness I don’t think the onus is on someone to prove that ikes is a bigot given there are bigoted posts by him on the internet, albeit from the past. Ikes needs to disown his past then we can close all the derails about him and focus instead on talking him down from his dismissive arrogance.


Regarding your first point, why is it necessary for posters of colour to know CN‘s previous SNs to feel safe?

Regarding your second point, by all means challenge those views if they are ever expressed here or if the topic comes up. For now, it has always come up in the context of unrelated issues.

I don‘t think constant agitation is was this community is there for.

The ikes genie is out of the CN bottle and there’s no stuffing it back, so it’s moot whether people feel better or not knowing that. Everyone here knows about him and his published views.

It’s a situation that has to be managed now.

By “managed” you mean that 2-3 people bring up that they dislike him over and over, mostly because of posts they read 10 years ago? I was active in the Trayvon thread. I dont even remember you posting in it once!

Did they post anything as bad as Jbro saying he hopes ikes and his wife suffer? Are any of your anti American posts considered “bigoted?” Or is that only a mean label we don’t have to backup when it’s used against someone you dislike?

Like, imagine if multiple posters followed you around for the next decade and talked about “ghetto blasters” in threads about music and sports? That is essentially what is happening here. I am absolutely positive you would not appreciate that.


What if we just helped each other grow instead of lifting ourselves up by dunking on the dead horse of others’ past failings?


Then why does it have to be brought up over and over again?

What is there to manage?

I expressed myself badly.
I mean that his obnoxious posting style should be managed, hopefully by the community telling him to change (though it won’t because a lot of them enjoy it).

Yeah, just imagine someone droppng incongruent contrived accusations of NAKED RACISM into a thread and comparing them to ikes supporting the murder of a young black person, and all because they’re either pig ignorant of how the use of language varies around the world or because they’re disingenuous trolls, or both.

Just. Imagine.


From the way Ikes posting on 2p2 is talked about you’d think he wrote several Sklanskyesque emails when 99.9% of it was just low volume shit and .1% was on level with recent things said against them this week.

I think of every poster on this forum I probably had the most replies in the Trayvon thread and I dont remember such a comment. If I’m mistaken, feel free to pm it. I dont remember you ever being in that discussion at all. I think you are being very disingenuous here.

If they were an absolutely awful, irredeemable person we should ban you wouldn’t be focusing on posts from 10 years ago that did not receive a ban from 2p2.

Such bad logic.

Using wookie’s modding as a yardstick for what’s good and bad ignores the problems it’s caused here, which as you might have noticed is a split forum.

I don’t see that whether I was reading or posting in that thread has anything to do with anything - just more childish attempts to score points or something, I don’t know.

Of course it matters! Because your performance is not convincing anyone semi intelligent. Because you are saying that you are super upset about a post made 10 years ago that you didn’t read nor respond to at the time, and seemingly only have second hand knowledge of right now!

It’s an absolutely pathetic act or even more pathetic sincere stance.

I was saying I was reading that thread but may not have posted in it (I don’t remember).

Try harder.

So, you don’t remember if you posted in the thread, but 10 years later remember exactly what Ikes said and are deeply, personally offended by it? You’re not even a good liar.

I really hope what Ikes said was worse than wishing pain and suffering on a poster and their wife, a comment very few people here seem disgusted by!

What else would we have to bicker and argue about?

There was 3 poster whom I picked up on was to be given little if no room at all to post here, raids, Inso & Ikes… I banned 1 and the other eventually got got too, its pretty reasonable for other posters to ask why Ikes is still here imo.

And its all due to 22 history.

Would I vote to ban him now, tbh I very much doubt it because of the worldwide pandemic still going on and it doesn’t look like it’s going to subside anytime soon… After the pandemic would I vote to ban him, well that depends on Ikes tbh.