About Moderation (old original thread)

I’m taking it up with you. You published that. Not jbro. You knew he was banned. You had no idea if anything like that was true. Be a fucking adult and take responsibility for your bullshit. I would never, ever say shit about your family in any sort of disparaging way. Think about how mad you would be if I said anything like that about your family. Yet you think you’re better than me.

Just imagine what he was like before, folks!


I don’t give a shit that he’s banned. That’s immaterial and I’m positive you don’t are either. That’s bullshit.

I’m sorry I missed that he said “spouse” or whatever when the screenshot from 2p2 (posted in this thread, right?) said “significant other”. I have no idea if you were joking or not, but that screenshot was already public here.

If I had noticed that he changes “significant other” to spouse, I would have corrected that. Sorry. You only claimed to have cheated on a significant other and not a spouse. Maybe it was a joke. I don’t care.

The weird thing here is that in the Covid thread, where people are pretty gleeful when right wing personalities who were anti vaxx end up in the ICU or worse…Ikes has been very against this kind of celebration.

I even argued with him it’s fine to be gleeful at these kinds of people! But I haven’t seen him post similar views as to what you have on here, the forum at large seems to be way more in line with that than he personally does.

Cool. Can’t wait for another RFC to decide if shuttling messages from banned posters falsely accusing people of cheating on a spouse is ok or not. You guys are pathetic.

You are so amazingly full of shit.

You want to keep Streisanding your post about how you said you cheated on your “significant other” go ahead I guess. No one made an accusation. What happened, obviously, was that people made a mistake and just said “spouse” or whatever instead of “significant other” from when you said that you cheated on your significant other. And that was posted by NBZ. And was public here before this came up.


It’s not that weird. He actually has to deal with the people and the dead bodies. It’s easy for other people in the Covid thread to talk the way they do when it’s abstract.

Definitely not saying it’s not weird, but as goofy has pointed out…when a poster who explicitly does not root for the pain of others, it’s kind of weird so many people are fine doing this on them!

Like, I kind of got it with people like inso0 who were gleeful when RBG died, were actively against affordable Healthcare for the masses etc.

You’re talking about how people (and it was more than Jbro) were talking about CN? Yeah, that kind of talk does suck and I don’t see doing it about Ins0 either. Absurd that CN thinks I’m doing it to him now, but he probably doesn’t and is just pretending because it suits him at the moment.

I’ve said it before, but there’s soooo much trolling around here and has been going on back though all of 2p2 pol that people don’t recognize honesty when they see it. See SenorKeeed. Also look at PocketChads here.


Are you saying something like you might sometimes be skeptical when people from the most privileged and safe class in society talk about how words are making them feel unsafe?


Maybe that it’s even a fundamental misunderstanding of what people from less safe classes mean when they say words are making them feel unsafe. Maybe it’s not just about whether the threat of an attack from someone on the internet is realistic, but whether or not an actual attack on that person from someone talking that way is something that they see as a possibility at any time.


That exists less than your claim about “physical safety”

PC I reported that post because it was the 3rd or 4th you called me a bigot tonight. Please stop making shit up.

“Who you are” are some posts from 10 years ago that I can’t remember, didn’t get you banned and didn’t lead to similar posting in the last 2 years here.

You should have some introspection here, clearly Chads knows you more than yourself despite him clearly stating he has never interacted with you. Someone online being so sure of “who someone is” who they have never met or interacted with is, uh, strange.

I’ve read thousands of posts by plenty of people in SE, the only person otoh I would be 100% willing to call a garbage person was Grear, and even maybe they changed from their right wing, flushing cat litter down the toilet ways of a decade ago? The rest don’t share much personal shit so I really don’t feel qualified to label people much here.


Also, it’s really tough for us to be really mean and troll people about old shit that doesn’t matter and not make fun of goofy for being excited about Erik Karlsson.

I’ll give you the response: I’m an Arsenal fan. Equal fall from grace of late. equal overpaid old stars problem.

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Youve done exactly that for months because it entertained your friends. It was only the introduction of new mods, first microbet and now the others, that put a stop to it.

Keep lying.


@marty and others would be delighted to be lumped in with the English like this.

You’re really not up to this mod stuff, are you?

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