About Moderation (old original thread)

I asked you a question in relation to your post that you could have answered rather than responding to me twice without answering my question.

I…don’t get it? It’s a pretty simple yes/no that you are making into a referendum on the content of the entire discussion for no reason?

Are you kidding me?

This post makes an assumption and asks “Really?” in three different ways. And the assumption is absolutely wrong.

Here are the posts in question (reconstructed). The bolding was already in place along with my “eta” as I explained in my response.

If you actually read this all and can’t get it, I’ll drop it. I guess it’s hopeless.

eta: Ok, I’ll explain it. I was talking about people being too forgiving and how I don’t think that’s a problem. You see how the bolding part works there? I wasn’t talking about CaffeineNeeded at all. That was obvious.

There’s some fun discussion going on in the anime thread. We could all go there instead of bickering all weekend long.

I am asking you a general question. It’s not specifically about Ikes or Wookie or anyone, it’s just related to the current spat. When older arguments are brought up from here or 2p2, the discourse is terrible. I think we can agree to that.

You replied to my post and asked me a general question that had nothing to do with what I had said?

Alright, spend a few hundred more words not answering a yes or no question. If you won’t, why bother replying at all?

I’m going back to catching up on BCS, I hope you can use your time more wisely as well, but you’re wasting mine.

And I’m intentionally not talking about CaffieneNeeded here. So, got any other spats from 2p2? I don’t know. There are a ton of them in the why did we split from 2p2 thread I think.

There’s one other PM. It says this:

It quoted his CoC post as well, but that’s not available.

That’s the entirety of PMs between me and PC.

There’s nothing in that post about physical safety, that was just the lie you told. Your mistake here seems to be believing your own lie.

Again, we can end this any time. Feel free to reach out.

I’d like to point something out:

I don’t know if you all are old-school enough to remember this, but Ikestoys was one of the first people to get superused by AP. Like, Trambopoline was the first guy to really come out for UB, and the UB part got much more focus, but there was our boy Ikestoys getting violated on AP and not being believed.

I mean, can you fucking imagine? I don’t know who here else played for a living (and the semantics are tricky if you were a student or had another job, but still were a serious player making a nice earn) but I did, at UB and AP (though I was a PLO and O8 player, whew), and holy god at the psychological damage of getting cheated in that fashion, in what, in hindsight, was still the poker boom. How could you ever really trust anybody or anything after something like that? Every time I’ve argued with him, no matter how ridiculous I thought he was being, I always had in the back of my mind, “You need to be empathetic on some level for this dude, he was fucking superused for God’s sake.”

Mf said he was taking medication for blood pressure and anxiety, right? Fuck, wouldn’t you?

I even expressed this empathy and sympathy to him once way back, and he didn’t reply, either because he thought I was being patronizing or because it was after we had argued about some shit and he figured to just leave it alone. Regardless, that empathy was and is sincere. I mean, in a manner of speaking I still do play poker for a living.

So, yeah, just wanted to put that out there. It’s why I didn’t have a problem with him posting here until he Ikesed out on me over something ridiculous (and I still don’t have a problem, I was just not nice after that) and like, I feel bad about being not so nice. I don’t expect anybody else to share this niche empathy but I just thought I’d share the story in general.

I also want to absolve myself in case I say something mean concerning the topic at hand. I probably won’t, but uh, just in case.


Jbro, who is banned, asked me to post something to this effect - I’m posting an excerpt from the request:

when I made that post responding to NBZ about how Ikes met his wife while they were on a cruise and cheating on their spouses, that I had no idea that Ikes was posting on UP and no reasonable expectation that he would ever even see the post.

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Man I miss the days when a random Saturday on these forums would be watching some @riskyflush pic


I played on AP then. Sometimes with CN for sure. I don’t know if I got superused or not. I did take off all my money though and that was the last time I really played poker seriously. I was tired of it anyway though.


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That didn’t happen either jbro. We were 16 when we met and dating other people in high school. We met and just clicked. That screenshot was a joke taken out of context to make me look bad, and fucking creepy that anyone went back and did that. I’ve only been married once. You’ll also nothing in that screenshot about being married.

And now we have microbet helping a poster who just took a ban for a personal attack add another completely false attack on me.

What the fuck is wrong with you guys? It what world is it ok for a poster to relay an attack on another posters marital fidelity?

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That’s not the entire message he sent me, but I think it’s the relevant part. He didn’t prepare something for me to post, so I had to either compose something myself or do an excerpt. If you want more you can ask him. Maybe he’ll read it right away and ask me to answer for him.

So did everyone obviously know it was ikes and so no big deal if he was outted or is it reasonable to think some or most people wouldn’t know? So confusing to keep up with the reasoning these days.

Hey maybe before you decide to post defamatory bullshit again for a banned poster, maybe think about it twice? Just a thought. How that could possibly be appropriate here is beyond me.


That’s not even in the NBZ post micro. You helped a banned poster post a personal attack that was defamatory literally about my marriage. How in the world you think that is ok? Fuck even if it was true it would be way over the line.

The only reason so many people around here don’t see you for the same damned poster you’ve always been is because they don’t have FlyWf to lead them by the nose and then irony of ironies you post just like FlyWf when you get here.


Yeah, the NBZ post didn’t say spouses. Sorry. I didn’t really care about that and was trying to avoid you. I posted a quote from jbro. Take it up with him. He said spouses and you said “respective significant others”.