About Moderation (old original thread)


Objection: you didn’t specify a temp ban. You should eat a temp ban for arguing that my post was in bad faith.

I don’t believe it’s a ‘similar’ thing except at the most superficial level. Whether there’s implied privacy to a one-to-one PM exchange, imo, depends greatly on the nature of the messages themselves. We know that everyone agrees with this because CaffeineNeeded disclosed the contents of a PM microbet sent him and nobody cared, because of the nature of the contents. PC’s disclosing the contents of a PM CN sent him is, given the contents, more or less equally non-noteworthy. There is no meaningful comparison and, again, CN’s disclosure objectively proves this and I consider it a closed issue




Their reasons for not banning him. I think a community deserves collaborative action when possible.

I’ll also simply state that - as a person - the severity of a permaban is something I’d like to think about before making it one of my first mod actions. I believe justice should be more than purely punitive when possible. Since Jmakin currently does not post here or have any further access to mod powers, it seems like we’ve already ended the threat and I’m not sure the symbolic othering of a permaban does anything for us or for him. But if users are still feeling genuinely threatened or harmed by his lack of a ban, then that’s also crucially important and something that I’ll incorporate into my decision-making.


I see zero value in re-litigating the chads situation. I get the point you’re making vis-a-vis jmakin, but still.

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CN PM’d microbet to moan about whatever dumb thing he wanted to moan about and microbet told him to fuck off and never PM him again. Nobody cared, because a) that shit’s hilarious, lolikes and b) it’s utterly trivial. Like if microbet had responded with “I’m really sorry about whatever stupid bullshit you’re moaning about but I’m having serious financial problems, my wife is sick and my kids have stopped talking to me” and CN had posted that, people would care plenty.

What CN PM’d to PC was moaning about people calling him ikes. I don’t care about that and I refuse to believe that anyone except CN genuinely does.


Like I get that you’re mashing the ‘moderator’ button as hard as you can here but microbet absolutely did not get a PM from CN on a ‘hey buddy’ basis either. I don’t believe there’s any rule on this site that would prevent someone from alluding to CN as ikes. NBZ made clear he didn’t want his 2p2 identity known and there was long-running open speculation. It was considered a fair-game question.

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I tried to ask this a while back. I didnt get much of a response. Perhaps people didnt believe it was asked in good faith?

Lets see how you go. I definitely agree that bans should be based on achieving some sort of objective.


I disagree that that indicates complete untrustworthiness. If I PM Wookie and ask him to change his screenname because I don’t like it, is Wookie bound by the Blood Oath of Mod PM Omerta to not tell anyone?

Again, it’s going to depend on what that something is. Complaining about 2p2 history references doesn’t make the grade for me to care about it and I don’t believe there’s any particular history of that being something to care about in other cases (again, cf NotBruceZ).

I was for banning jmakin because I thought we had passed some kind of rule about mods and admins breaching user privacy from back when Cuse wanted to (potentially) report people’s IP and other identifying information to authorities but I wasn’t able to actually find anything from a brief search.

As you said in your post you quoted jmakin wants the permban anyway so I don’t see the point in anyone rushing to enact it.

Let us know what you find out. Wookie and Sky have ignored my questions and PMs (Wookie in that case, not Sky). Hopefully you have better luck.

An uncontroversial reason to ban Jmakin is that he doesn’t want to go through the formal process of an RFC. He asked to be perma’d instead. Not banning him is the cruel option here, not the other way around.

Wookie’s about to get some fierce strange PMs and he better keep mum about it.

Can’t you?


Weird flex, but OK.

I think we both know the meaning and I’m just prepared to be more honest about the nature of your posting the last few months than you are about mine.

This is arglebargle about the despicable villainy of [rival faction] etc, posturing gEnUiNe CoNfUsIoN about my motives to underscore said despicable villainy. A demonstration of status, in short.