About Moderation (old original thread)

Wow guys.


If one of the new mods (or existing) wants to ban me, go for it. You’ll get a ban under your belt, and when I come back I won’t whine about it like a little baby. This also means the people who are crying about bans 24/7 can see that bans are just a temporary thing that goes away and there’s no need to bawl about it for months and months. Would be good for everyone imo.


This is something I have a real problem with-- I mean, I think you’re right and it’s true in a lot of cases and places (not just here), but I don’t deal with passive-aggressiveness well or use it well-- maybe that’s just how my brain is wired but I’m going to be direct and I’m not going to treat passive-aggressiveness like it’s actually politeness; I’m going to call it what it is. If there’s more leeway given for people who hide behind fake politeness to condescend to and offend others here than people who don’t, that’s a real problem for me and how I use forums and socialize with others and I’m probably not going to fit somewhere that does that.

Yeah, I’ve noticed that too, and I don’t think you can. All the discussions of late seem to more indicate irreconcilable differences between two (?) groups (?) of posters here. The number of people I’ve been reading deliberately fanning the flames or replying to thoughtful and/or good-faith posts with dismissive one-liners seems to confirm that.

Aside, the reason I’m replying at all here is that I got a notification that this thread was edited and then hundreds of replies as though I was tracking it even though I wasn’t. So I was trying to read through and find out why. Apparently my tracking was set from “normal” to “watching” in the process somehow.


I like it. A final solution of sorts


This is my fault. I misclicked when trying to throttle the thread, and I temporarily turned it into a private message. There is no safety check OK button on this. I changed it back, but now apparently anyone who ever posted in here will get notifications about posts in this thread until they turn them off.


Log of key moderator actions:
Action: Goebs banned for a week.
Reason: racism.

That wouldn’t bother you? It should.


That was Ikes and Chads. Like, maybe you all should at least just try to follow the basic plot points before opining mightily?

This is me, right, and people think that’s what I did? Gosh if only there was some thread to hash it out.

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I just a had an old post blocked which consisted solely of my responding “good for you” to Jal.

So now apparently the whiners are scouring through old posts to falsely report abuse?

At least the SMP losers were somewhat entertaining.

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Happened to me too, thought I must have accidentally hit ‘watch’.

Oh they did the same thing to me too, spearheaded by microbet. It’s pathetic but kind of funny with their defending of calling someone a nazi as ok.



If there’s someone you really don’t like, mute them and don’t respond to their posts.

Maybe you should try following along better, as he’s saying that what Chads did is similar to what jmakin did, not that he did it to jmakin.

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I just got a bunch of likes from somebody who hasn’t been involved in any of this before now. Apparently the perma-mod setting notifications to on for for the entire forum brought in some new readers.

Lol wookie can’t even keep posters he’s banning straight but he going to lecture others to pay attention. Good job good effort!

I would vote no on banning Jmakin because of extenuating circumstances except he’s asked to be banned. Hopefully in time he could come back.

I don’t know if anyone else noticed but this place was sailing along fine until Martyrdom’s ban was up.

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No. You know that what you’re saying is preposterous, you know that everyone reading it knows it’s preposterous and you wish to demonstrate that nobody on your team will contradict you. You’re demonstrating your self-perceived status among your in-group, as much to them as to me and the other members of the out-group. You’ve been doing that for quite some time, most notably with your hairpin turns from THESE PEOPLE ARE HYPOCRITES to oH hAvE yOu ObSeRvEd SoMe HyPoCrIsY bEtTeR nOtiFy InTeRpOl posting.

I feel like it’s something you wouldn’t feel the need to do if you hadn’t rage-quit as a mod, or if anyone had cared that you did. A very unhappy affair all round, I’m sure, and, as I said, a weird flex. But OK.

I’m having fun imagining what you think that’s worth.


I mean, it was quiet for a few days until @anon10396289 got bored earlier today and decided to stir shit and bump an old thread. Pretty sure that’s what set everything off again.

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Hey, what if we gave the mods a break and we all just ignored the shit-stirring for a few days?


If you all want to temp ban me fine, I’ll accept it.

Hell just perma me.

I’ll just come back as Buster Posey. Perma me again, fine.

I’ll come back as Jonathon Lucroy, then Brian McCann.

There is no shortage of aging NL catchers I can post as and I will never ever complain just to show you all that I’m above forum drama and better than all of you.


What did I spearhead now? I did not report any posts or ask anyone to report a post.


Not really sure what’s going on, and maybe I’m just being stupid, but it looks like there have only been three posts reported in the last 2 days, and the end result was that two threads were locked and no posts hidden or deleted.