About Moderation (old original thread)

I don’t, personally, specifically care all that much if jmakin is banned or not. I do think it’s very odd that a forum where calling someone a hypocrite catches a ban doesn’t consider an admin accessing and leaking private messages to merit a ban.


If he’s been reading everyone’s PMs they’re probably scared to perma him.


Council of Captains: Bans should not be punitive! We should never permaban anyone!

Also Council of Captains: We must permaban a prior admin for stuff he did while an admin even though he will never be an admin again!

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I have a job, good sir. I’m not hiding from the computer so that I don’t have to answer questions about Jmakin.

I was not online when the “PM thread” was published and as a result do not feel especially qualified to take unilateral action. I don’t object to a permaban given Jmakin’s request himself, but I’d need to learn more from the previous mods-in-charge in order to understand their position in not banning him. I don’t mind trying to figure this out.


Have you started an RFC asking for the forum action you would like taken?



He even asked to be banned and doesn’t want this stuff dragged through a thread or RFC. Meanwhile, marty makes a funny face at wookie and wookie is dragging shit up from 15 months ago.


Sure. And he should never have admin or moderator powers again. Other then “punishing” him, what is your justification for permabanning him from the site? Do you consider his normal posts objectionable? Do you believe he trolls? Do you think he posts in a racist manner, or denigrates women or minorities?

I could put a compilation of posts together that might make marty blush. I’ve been refraining because he obviously doesn’t want to be dragged through this.

Nah, not going to drag j through this to satisfy jman when he isn’t responding in good faith anyway.

You should either back this statement up or eat a ban in my opinion. This is a pretty serious slander of a guy who just voluntarily at a self-ban and asked to be permabanned so can’t defend himself.

Perhaps you should open an RFC?


For a temp-ban? Good faith right here!

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Quiet , you chattering geese .


Did they ban weed in Ireland?

No, it’s not. This is a lie that the Council of Captains has repeated enough to try to make it true. The inverse might be true, but not what you are saying. Lol at telling me to “do my own research.”

Given your well-documented (attested in this very post) appreciation and endorsement of bans, is there anything a poster could do in their capacity as an admin that you believe would warrant a perma? If so, what?

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Lol so much good faith in this thread. You get that there is a difference between a temp ban and a permaban, right? Like, I know you get that, but keep trying on this one.


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I suggest giving nono some time to look into this situation, maybe pm him your grievances, and let’s not bicker back and forth here.