About Moderation (old original thread)

Oh my god, please stop man.


In the spirit of being nice, Iā€™ll just say that if this quote was posted with nothing identifying who said it I would assume it was referencing you.



Holy Christ. I was in his side but this is pathological. I think we accept his offer an ban him. He is amazingly giving serious credibility to the euros if he isnā€™t banned at this point.

lol, letā€™s reward the eurotroll by giving him what he wants, great plan.

You might say that now but watch him change when he sees the landslide of revenues the site makes.

Thanks. I want to stress that itā€™s temporary. I would think that one of the benefits of rotating mods is that everyone would take this less seriously, but Iā€™ve been wrong about people a lot, so I dunno. I said 3-6 months when I took the job. Maybe Iā€™ll be recalled before then anyway.

eta, unrelated, but trying not to post again in 15 min:

As far as me not permaā€™ing commonwealth, shrug, I essentially made a promise with the post about him, marty, jal, fidget and jman. Following through on that. Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m doing this at all times to all posters. There are other mods. I ignore lots of stuff. Just trying to do this. Will be working today and gone at times and will miss stuff here.

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Part of this is that posters not located in Europe or the UK if those arenā€™t still the same thing, arenā€™t treated the same as posters in the US. This thread is evidence that they arenā€™t wrong.


No one is asking you to tolerate abuse. The whole point of microā€™s plan was to prevent any future abuse. And Iā€™m seeing good steps here. Marty just got a ban for re-hashing an old battle.

The change you want actually is happening. Like, dude, you won.

Am I crazy for seeing it this way?


No I donā€™t want to be a part of this community. Permaban @anon38180840 @moderators

Yeah marty whined about jman not getting 24 hours for three weeks til jman caught the most ticky tack ban of all time to appease him.

Yes please.

Lol at this. They drive me to this because this place wonā€™t mod them and then me begging for a perma of myself and not getting it lends credence to them saying Iā€™m being given preferential treatment?

Exactly but LOL at you saying this when what you want is to do nothing to the habitual trolls and make me subject myself to it. I will not do that. Permaban @anon38180840 @microbet.

Nobody has the guts to do it because they know jalfrezi and the clique are the real problem, and they donā€™t want to let the problem posters run off a good reg. But nobody will do anything about the problem posting so someone needs to dig deep and find the courage to permaban @anon38180840.

I didnā€™t want to have to be annoying as fuck to get my wishes and start @ProxyOP all the mods but if nobody does it weā€™re just going to do this every day.

Iā€™ve heard this before, and nothing changed. Jalfrezi got away with tip toeing up to the line and poking around it, and marty got two cracks at it. Thatā€™s within 12 hours of the ā€œnew change.ā€ Gonna be back to the same old same old in a few weeks.

Nope, not having it.

Letā€™s go stop disrespecting my wishes @moderators. Permaban @anon38180840.

You evaded a temp ban within 20 minutes of it happening but somehow a permban will be different becauseā€¦


Just stop posting.

Oh, wait, thatā€™s not the issue, youā€™re just throwing a temper tantrum for attention.


+1 I donā€™t understand what a perma would do. Even better just drop it and continue posting and toasting


And was verbally warned. He does that again and I assume Micro is temping him.

No. He was banned for the first post. Your complaint seems to be that Micro didnā€™t push the button fast enough?

I requested on three weeks ago, Iā€™ve had the cooling off period. Just do it already. If you want to reset the clock on me I feel like thatā€™s disrespecting my repeat wishes but fine give @anon38180840 a two week ban and in two weeks Iā€™ll come ask for the perma, and Iā€™ll be pissed that I was forced to wait.

Just ignore it and subject myself to non-stop abuse and trolling! Lol no.

I canā€™t wait to poke my head in like six months down the line and see how many other regs were runoff or just cut their posting/participation because this place doesnā€™t care to moderate bad behavior. O/U 2.5. Two are a lock, dunno who will come next.

Nope I want a permaban and also fuck you.

Because Iā€™m not going around posting on this site as AnotherGhost or FuckYouBanMe or whatever.

Yeah funny how he got a warning and marty got a warning and me and jman got the snap tempban. Really fills me with confidence that this time will be different!

Go back and look, he was banned for the second and micro said something along the lines of ā€œwell clearly now itā€™s a ban.ā€ AKA the first should have been but wasnā€™t




So Trump was the one holding this community together after allā€¦ Iā€™ll be damned.


Cuse continuing to be allowed to post is absurd.




FYI you can ban yourself by closing your browser tab. This also works for all other websites.