About Moderation (old original thread)

I guess you don’t care but you are burning a lot of forum equity with a zero percent chance of being successful in whatever it is you are hoping for especially now. The mods are doing what they can to make this a more civil place. Is it perfect? No, nor will it ever be.

It seems obvious you are letting a grudge against these posters cloud your vision of what is happening. It also seems like eyebooger is right when he said you basically got what you wanted after the last iteration of this feud so I don’t really see what the need is to be hysterical.

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God this logic is dumb. He wants a permaban, just give it to him. He deserves a permaban for continually circumventing a temp ban, just pull the damn trigger. This we can’t give him what he wants/deserves because some ridiculous rule is just adding fuel to the drama. Just be done with this nonsense already.

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Incorrect. Look at the post Micro replied to when he said it was a ban.

Unban Inso0 to bring us back together?


Let’s review, shall we?

  • The forum has recently become “unpleasant” for many members
  • One reason is a long-running simmering “feud” between some posters
  • Discussion of the “feud” takes place in this thread which only causes it to flare up again
  • Microbet warns the feuding parties to stop re-hashing their grievances
  • When re-hashing continues, temp bans are handed out
  • Now the moderation of the feuding parties is questioned
  • And a key member of the forum wants to quit because of it

For the betterment of the entire community, the mods have acted and/or threatened actions in response to the warring parties continuing to wage war. This is highly commendable and long overdue (in my humble opinion). All of the parties have been and hopefully will continue to be contributing members of this community.

Many people have said it in many different ways but it really is time to let this die. Leave it in the past and move on. The health of the forum community requires it.

As a personal aside, over the summer I became increasingly frustrated with the forum “milieu” (toxicity) and visited far less than normal and did not post for more than 5 months (I am a low-volume poster so it doesn’t really matter). If things don’t change soon, I fear the forum may be irreparably harmed and its long-term viability called into question.

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I don’t care about forum equity. The forum told me how it feels. I am hoping for a permaban and asking nicely didn’t get it. I don’t give a shit about forum equity.

I’ve run up to kick that football enough times. It isn’t happening or we wouldn’t be here again.

That’s what everyone said last time. I snapped man, I’m done, I’ve been subjected to personal attacks and abuse for almost six months now and a community that I thought the world of told me to ignore it and let it continue. Jalfrezi has successfully occupied the territory of abusing me enough to make me snap and not enough to get moderated. He’s extremely good at it and he’s determined to run me off and the community has let him. Past tense. It’s over.

That’s it. I’m not trying to generate equity and work towards some forum outcome. I’m trying to get removed because I’ve had enough.

If the community has genuine concern for me then permaban me. Like everyone knows deep down this shit isn’t changing, it’ll happen again in a few weeks. The people saying “let it go it’s fixed now,” c’mon you all know better than that. We’ve done this too many times.

Not permabanning me is thus disrespectful for me. It’s stringing me along so I have to put myself through this again and again with the same outcome again and again. The community will not moderate attacks/trolling/abuse and jalfrezi will not stop and I will not subject myself to it.

One solution to that problem: permaban commonWealth.

And thank you for starting the poll Johnny, I tried to make a poll thread to request it since some people said a poll is necessary, but this account can only make a new thread once per hour and PMs count and reset the clock.

I voted for the ban, obviously. I deserve a say in it.

I mean, it’s just a really, really bad look that people complain about Cuse getting special treatment and then when he is circumventing a ban his posts are allowed to stay up and his 3rd? account is left unbanned.


I say no because he’s purposefully making his leaving a huge deal and wants this as a Final Big Dramatic Gesture. When he can, you know, just leave. Doesn’t have to make a big show of it. He can just stop posting. But no, this has to be a big dramatic thing. Fuck that.


I think it’s becoming clear that we may need a few more rules and consistent enforcement of those rules. This isn’t meant to be a criticism of current mods.

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You want to preserve one random rule while nullifying all attempts at moderation on this forum? Temp bans are meaningless if a poster can bypass it without repercussions.

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Is his main account banned as part of the two week cooling off period? If so then end this shit show by banning every other fucking account he creates and deleting every fucking post he makes until the two weeks is up and he makes his decision. This waffling is the absolute worst carry over from 22.

Edit: If you aren’t a mod why are you making statements about taking mod actions? That’s not a very good look either.

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At this point it seems there really is no choice, which is a shame because honestly he is playing to 100% of what his detractors want.

As someone who has had public meltdowns before, I get it - but in my last one I was given some good advice by the mod killa and I have not had such issues in a long time.

The advice was basically, none of this shit really matters, don’t take it so seriously, even your enemies don’t really care that much. Step away from the keyboard when you’re getting upset.

This seems like the WOAT line you could possibly take here but like I said I get where you are coming from - but, cool off and reconsider before going nuclear. At this point you’re just dissolving all the good will you had, and trust me, like I and others have said, I’m pretty sure you had something like 90% support.


What if we’re all Cuse gimmicks? :exploding_head:

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Voted yes in poll primarily because creating new accounts to circumvent a ban should have consequences.

I hope commonwealth can find something else to focus his energies on. It’s a shame, but I think this community is more important to him than he is to the community. I know it’s true for me. The site will survive.

This is a weird thread to read with all the holiday hats.


I don’t even see hats. Did I need to opt in to wear one to see them?

Gotta join the hat group.

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Not a dictator, a philosopher king.

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I’m curious about the pathology of this - is some? form of OCD going to force commonwealth to keep coming here unless their account is deleted? Like I could @ commonwealth three years from now and get a quick reply? I’m genuinely fascinated.


I don’t think he truly wants to be banned, or deleted, he’s just very upset and hurt that the community isn’t siding with him 100% and he is making a statement. I doubt he’ll be gone gone, but honestly, after this I lost a little respect for him. Where is the strong and calm commonwealth that guided us through election night when we were all wrought with anxiety?

I don’t mean this post in a negative way, I am just trying to describe what I see is going on here because in this whole drama, the more I learn about it, the more transparent everyone involved in it feels to me, so I am speaking what I am observing. It is not meant as a slight or insult to anyone.