About Moderation (old original thread)

So basically you’ve been trolling about unstuck for a week straight now and are not participating in good faith whatsoever. Great.


Bans for bad posting are (at least in theory) there to either improve posting (preferred) or prevent bad posting entirely (least preferred)

Whats the intent of a ban here?

  1. Because he deserves to be punished?
  2. Because it will prevent him from doing it again?
  3. Because it will deter other admins from doing similar?
  4. Because he made such a mess that his posting here will keep the shit show going?

Im in danger of over philosiphising here, but i think its important we understand the objective of any ban.

Edit. Of course. This is all a moo point as j wants to be banned

bro you threatened the entire forum in a public post:



I’m actually following along with his points quite easily.

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There’s not going to be a conversation about this because the thread’s throttled, so instead of JAQing off, why don’t you just tell us what you think? If you were a mod, what would you do?

I would use about moderation threads to try and understand the consensus and then act on it…

I dont actually have a view, other than we should make decisions based on outcomes we want to achieve.

How do you act in the hypothetical that the consensus is 65% “It’s not our PMs that were published and us who were doxed so no perma” vs 35% perma?

The only way your going to improve your mental health is to leave this place for a while. There may be people here you consider part of your support group but they are entirely negated because of other posters her who bait you. Until you can read a post that is negative about you and not have it affect you this pattern of getting pissed and making horrible choices is going to continue. Find something else to take up your time.

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Seems like a valid question to a potential mod? Your response, however, is problematic in more ways than one. You probably won’t get modded though, per the usual around here.


What the fuck

Edit: and trolly and jmakin liked this post? What the actual fuck?


+1 this is such a banworthy post. This site is fucked

Outside of About Unstuck, this place is still fine.

Honestly, everyone who has any more than like 10% of their posts in About Unstuck should just look at themselves and think “What the fuck am I doing?”


You don’t have an opinion on how the forum should treat members who gain unauthorized access to private communications and publish them? Why the fuck not?

Do you similarly not have an opinion on what should happen to @Vict0ar if he were to hack and publish private communications between Wookie, Goof Baller, skydiver, and yourself?


My personal opinion is that jmakin should be ineligible from ever holding a mod or admin position on this forum again and should serve a lengthy temp ban (length negotiable, maybe 2-3 months?) If down the line he has a desire to return to this forum as a poster, I’m ok with it. Part of this is based on the fact that it’s not like he couldn’t just create a completely different and anonymous screen name anyway. Also the experience of knowing on 22 permabanned posters often returned after some time.

That said, there’s a decent chance he never wants to return anyway.


I’m confused about what happened here. Based on the avatar, this seems to be a reply to a since-deleted post from Jalfrezi but if I try to navigate to it it goes to a Rugby post (presumably one near the deleted post). The reply seems quite harsh but I’m lacking any context.


He never even left. After his self-ban he was back immediately on a gimmick and he’s still here liking abusive posts after earning a perma.


It is also illustrative to go the other way since the facts are 50 members were in the PM and you asked jmakin to allow it to go higher. What would be the judgment if 95% of the forum were already members of the PM thread?



Sorry. I should rephrase that. My view was that he should have been immediately stripped of admin responsibilities and never allowed to be a mod or admin again. Beyond that i dont have a view what should happen. A number of opinions all have merit here.

As i said though, i do have a strong view that we should base decisions on what outcomes we want to achieve.

What outcome do you want here?

Take a run an at answer? I dont think its an unreasonable question.

I agree with bobman