About Moderation (old original thread)


Also, Neville Chamberlain gif is probably the second most offensive post directed at me ever online, but whatever.

Sorry, thatā€™s a jpeg. 48 hours for you!


Yeah seems fair enough. The no rehashing is going to get a few people in troubleā€¦

And cuse we have had our differences but leaving over this, a rule you were asking for and will help with ending old grievances endlessly reappearing, is not good. Plus itā€™s a one day ban big deal.


Yeah sorry I didnā€™t think that one through, I just meant the appeasement of Martyā€™s whining. Truly sorry for not thinking that through, I meant no offense in the way I now realize you took it. I do actually feel really bad for that, youā€™re a good dude and I apologize. Iā€™m really not mad at you and I donā€™t hate you and I would never want to offend you. But I do think your decisions were awful, this communityā€™s handling of this is a joke, and I want out.

So permaban my main account so I can stop making ghosts. Iā€™m dead fucking serious Iā€™m out.

Permaban me now. Isnā€™t the policy here that you have to wait two weeks from your initial request? Weā€™ve gotta be way past two weeks from my initial request and the changes that have been made did not work out. Permaban @anon38180840. Hey @moderators who wants to pull the trigger? Someone just fucking do it already.

Iā€™m not leaving over this ban. Iā€™m leaving because the bigger this has been going on for months and this community isnā€™t doing shit to stop it and the bans dished out today made it brutally obvious that itā€™s hopeless. Itā€™s victim blaming mixed with ā€œnobody cares leave us alone.ā€

Like so far Iā€™m leading this dispute in bans. Unstuck has sent me a clear message: shut the fuck up, your feelings about being personally attacked are a nuisance and we donā€™t care. So okay then, I have listened and heard the community. Iā€™m shutting the fuck up permanently, I have no interest in spending the amount of time I spend on this site talking to people who have repeatedly made it clear that they donā€™t care about my experience here or my feelings.

Like a couple PMs, Wichita and jbroā€™s responses and a heartfelt post by Risky and thatā€™s about it on this. That speaks volumes.

Donā€™t make me make ghosts all night, I really donā€™t want to sign up for 17 different Gmail accounts to get a permaban. Weā€™ve done this enough times before that itā€™s obviously not changing. I want a permaban. Iā€™ve had enough of being trolled and attacked and having nothing change.

Unstuck gets jalfrezi trolling, churchill dropping immense wisdom in the COVID thread and making it a treat to read while lacing in some personal attacks, and marty incessantly whining about bad moderating and the virtue of the most misogynistic word in the language to a huge amount of English speakers.


Apology accepted. No hard feelings. I meant that ā€œwhateverā€ and I took it as offensive, but yeah, heat of the moment.

I know youā€™re asking for a perma, but Iā€™m not going to do it. Not me. Not hastily. Even a requested perma should be considered.

eta: I have really been abusing the not 15 minute wait time. Sorry. Iā€™ll try not to violate that again as long as the thread is throttled.

Iā€™m just going to implore you to not see ā€œbacking downā€ as a character fault and move on. You act like we donā€™t see reality if we or you donā€™t comment on it but we do.


I hope youā€™ll reconsider and stick around. We need more people with good taste in hip-hop and this community has survived even better trolling than this.

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Yikes. Plus one to this forum being less fun lately.

I still think a rule of that says do what you want. Until 2 people (1 plus a seconder) asks you to dial it back.

E.g. i would like @churchill to dial it back arguing with actual doctors in the covid thread.


Itā€™s not even the forum as a whole that has become less fun, its just a handful of people spewing nonsense all over the place.


wtf? Absurd to ban jman for that post.

See ya tomorrow keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!


What a strange turn of events. Sleep on it, commonWealth. Micro is instituting the changes you asked for, whether you can see that in this heated moment or not.

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Yeah, this, I think, thatā€™s my intention anyway. Iā€™m not doing it all across the board though. There are other feuds and there are other mods. I can only handle driving off so many people in one night!

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I think a message is being sent that the bar for moderation is being lowered due to the recent increase in stupid toxic bullshit. I support this effort. I agree itā€™s unfortunate that the first casualty is somebody who really seems to have been trying to stay out of it, but 1 day is no big deal and the message being sent to the rest of us is more important. As long as thereā€™s a good faith effort to enforce it consistently, and I believe there will be, I think it will help.


Where are these moderation standards laid out? Some random post ITT? They need to be prominently displayed, at the very least.


All rule is harsh when it is new

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ahhh 15 minutesā€¦

I @'d all the parties subject to it. It was an attempt to stop an argument that has been going on and on and crossing multiple threads and the parties were very specifically warned. Youā€™re not subject to such harsh treatment, not without warning, and neither would they have been if they had been posting about people outside the feud. We voted for a policy of warnings that escalate to bans in regards to abusing other posters and I construed continuation of this feud to be abuse even when it wasnā€™t obvious in an isolated post.


ā€œRight is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.ā€

ā€œThe truth is youā€™re the weak. And Iā€™m the tyranny of evil men. But Iā€™m tryinā€™, Ringo. Iā€™m tryinā€™ real hard to be a shepherd.ā€