About Moderation (old original thread)

Wasn’t I being called crazy multiple times in this thread a few days ago? Maybe I am crazy and imagined it. Who knows!

Bonus content:

The absolute fucking grossest thing was everybody saying Sabo was mentally ill because of his quirky writing style. It’s like, the go-to.

At this very moment I realized I regret ever using the phrase “this blows my mind” because none of those times did the phrase justice.


"Let’s see… things are going fine. I take my 91yo dad out to the doctor and bank… his firs real outing since the pandemic. When I came back, jmakin had another in a series of mental meltdowns, my thread was locked, and I guess I should have been banned too.

You just can’t make this shit up."

This can’t possibly be the post that triggered a perma, right?


This is an important point. Were there any Sabo posts that were deleted? If so they should be re-posted ITT for context.

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He did tag jmakin as well which is slightly more shit-stirring than the post alone indicates, but yeah, that’s the one…

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Just seeing this.

I was thinking about quitting for a long time and I appreciate people taking the words I’ve said in explanation of my decision at face value.

That said, that thread definitely triggered me. I saw it was a good faith attempt by clovis and as soon as it was made I knew deep down what it was gonna turn into. I couldn’t even get through all of it, but what little I read bothered me.

I think sabo is 100% a troll and I’ve said this for a while. I probably should have just left the thread closed but someone was talking to me about it offline and I got curious. I don’t really care if he’s perma’d or whatever (I think that may be drastic but I also don’t care) but it was 100% a shot and the @ ing was a definite thing with him in the past where I said not to fucking @ me. It was meant to provoke and get a response and it did. That’s my fault? But fuck this place, if trolls like that are actually given a serious voice.

I’m honestly so disgusted and discouraged by everything. I’m hoping some admin steps up to the plate but if not I will do this indefinitely because I made a promise and I keep my promises, but I want out.

This is all compounded by the fact that work’s been really miserable and I haven’t been feeling great about it. Call that a “mental breakdown” or whatever you wanna speculate about it, but I’m just really tired of bullshit right now and this site is definitely feeling like bullshit to me, almost since the beginning of this. I mean ffs I spent most of my birthday this year trying to calm people down during the great kerfuffle that ensued shortly after the inauguration, because I thought my voice could help things. I no longer think it can and I feel like I failed at a lot of things. Maybe that feeling changes, maybe it doesn’t, I don’t know, but the moment I read that thread and had that nasty bullshit feeling in my head - I knew the moment had come where it was no longer appropriate for me to admin. Most of you guys deserve better than that.


There is no point in giving only a temporary time-out to someone who is seemingly unable or unwilling to change his behavior.

And LOL at blaming other people for “provoking him.” If anyone, it was people like Micro and Clovis who encouraged him, apparently for shits and giggles.

What exactly did he do that was so bad (outside of needling J)?

He has strong opinions on discourse and may be a hypocrite? What am I missing?


I think Clovis and Micro were acting in good faith, they just didn’t appreciate how toxic Sabo can get.


He posted a couple of pictures of feces. If someone still wants to believe that person’s goal is to raise the level of discourse, then that’s their prerogative. I, for one, suspect his intentions lie elsewhere.


Doesn’t post for two months on any topics, but makes sure to jump in on this one. Definitely just here because he has the best interest of the community at heart.

There he is, just like clockwork.

Of course it did. You’re a volunteer and like every other volunteer on this site you are required to take constant shit from a small band of trolls who are clearly just in it for the lolz.



Why am I here exactly?

In any case it seems weird (SUSPICIOUS even) to keep track of my posting habits so precisely. And, of course, if you’re going to do so you might at least want to get the details accurate.

Nope but we’re stuck in a situatation where the only rule we’ve gotten anyone to agree on is that rule changes have to be voted on in some dumb bureaucratic process that fizzles out every time it starts so the mods are stuck trying to just kind of enforce a general vibe which leads to endless petty squabbling.


So this is why dictatorships exist huh?

I get that some people are against permabans on principle, but the truth is permabans are required for any forum to survive. Shame that some people seem to want this forum to burn.


Even I noticed it dude and I barely pay attention to anything around here lately.

Sabo definitely should be banned for that post like I said. But the process we’ve had so far has been escalating bans until enough is enough. I believe only RAIDS has reached that level.

How many times has Sabo been banned before? Do we keep track of that like we did in SE?


I like the approach.

Mods should act more freely, as they see fit. Then if the community really doesnt like it, we organise a poll etc.

If there were more bans, this place would be better.


Why does a single poster with an axe to grind get to demand the resignation of a mod with overwhelming community support? Why do you think you get to keep demanding rotating mods when, once again, indefinite mod re-election was much more popular here?