About Moderation (old original thread)

I am asking that a mod unlock/reopen the “Changing the Style of Debate at UP” thread so that the community members, including but limited to myself, who were engaging in discussion in that thread can continue the conversation.

I’m not sure who all is currently modding, so @–ing to bring this to attention. @MrWookie @PocketChads

I am very much looking forward to participating in more discussion in that thread today and appreciate the unlocking so that community members are able to do so. Thank you.


Thread was launched in bad faith and cost the forum an admin. Reopening is a mistake. It’s full of toxic crap. Please let it die. Please.

ETA, since I can’t post again: I’m genuinely shocked this thread was re-opened. You’re right, no need for me to read if it bothers me. Truth. Still. It was designed to fuck with this place. Terribad decision.


I vote continue to leave it open. If it bothers you don’t read it. That simple.


That thread was terrible and it should be launched into space.


Send it to French BBV if you insist on keeping it open.

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You can @ all the mods by using @ mods without the space.

I don’t think clovis intentionally started a thread in bad faith.

Any TL3 user can move any thread.


I can promise you I began it, and engaged sabo to be part, with nothing but good faith. I just failed miserably. My apologies.


The thread did not cost the forum an admin. This claim is truly baffling to me. He has explained in his own words why he’s stepping down. Let’s not put words in his mouth.


I’m shocked to see sabo wasn’t banned. Did I miss something?

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I’m shocked to see anybody thinking Sabo would be banned, though I’m assuming I did miss something.

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Why is Sabo permabanned and where was he posting, as I seen no posts by him… I’d like to read the whys and what nots.

No poster should be permanently panned unless its absolutely called for imo.

Raids was that exception, why is Sabo being put in the same pot, I don’t get it.

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Definitely deserves a ban for trolling but not a perma


LOL…it’s not like Sabo was going to do anything differently after another time-out.

Let him grace some other group with his toxic trolling.

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Unban Sabo


A permaban isn’t warranted simply because it is counter to our normal policy.

That being said, he is never going to change. Ever. He is a pure distilled troll totally incapable of any self-reflection. This whole thing has been very illuminating. I begged him in PM to self-moderate, even a tiny bit, in a thread about changing the style of debate. He simply cannot even recognize his own behaviour.

So, I think a permaban is over the top given our rules but if he is reinstated he will be back trolling immediately on his first post. It’s an absolute lock.

For the record, his attack of jmakin’s mental health was truly repugnant. I can totally understand your response as a mod.

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I didn’t see this, but it doesn’t seem like a stretch to perm somebody if they really went hard after somebody’s mental health.

But that is not for a mod to decide. I think it has to be put to a community vote.


I swear some people here just want this place to burn down. I don’t get it.


Take care of yourself. Whatever happens here isn’t a tiny slice of important compared to your health.