About Moderation (old original thread)

You probably shouldn’t be guessing on church’s behavior in the Covid thread. It has moved beyond that you listed (although you kind of minimized his previous form)

I rarely if ever engaged him in that thread but it has been horrible. When confronted by actual scientists he never backs down or adjusts on things he really doesn’t understand.

His performance in that thread is one of the worst on the site.

I don’t care about him being wrong about stuff, but it’s the way that he not-so-thinly roots for things being worse in the US/scoreboards a global pandemic that has killed millions that is beyond the pale imo.

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Having patience with covid is understandable. Saying stuff like “covid was in Spain in March 2019” is not reasonable. That might have maybe been ok in early 2020, but at this stage of the game it is ridiculously bad faith.

Fair enough. Ultimately I’m not defending him as much as saying there have been other poorly behaved participants in that thread. It’s been unreadable to me for a long time and it has very little to do with churchill. Admittedly I mostly have skipped or skimmed his posts though even when I was reading it. So maybe that is it.

The problem is that he frequently comments on those sources arguing they say something which they mostly do not. He also tries to turn the pandemic into a UK vs. US thing. Don’t know why he has such a bee in his bonnet about the US. Maybe his great-great-great-great-great-grandfrather was killed in the revolutionary war and his clan has sworn a blood feud.


This thread is supposed to be about moderation, not you turning up a year later and thinking you understand the context of old arguments.

People were freaking out about this while minimising the toll that malaria takes on African lives (because ldo they aren’t American), which is 400,000 every single fucking yesr.

All of this, as well as his recent tripling-down on his incorrect takes. For all the “let’s be humble and patient in the covid thread,” humility and patience begets humility and patience. If you come in with a blistering hot take that it’s as good as confirmed that covid was in France in October of 2019, or in Barcelona in March of 2019, after a string of confident but dead wrong takes, you’ll have worn out everyone else’s patience with your complete lack of humility.

I’m not looking to ban people from being wrong in that thread. Everyone has ignorance and misconception, certainly including me. But there’s a big difference between posting something wrong, getting corrected, and moving on with the new information, and talking down to legitimate experts in the field while being blatantly and obviously wrong, and continuing to do so even once corrected in good faith. Churchill never got into trouble or even caught an appreciable amount of flak from other posters when simply posting articles. It’s when his own commentary not merely misunderstands but deliberately misrepresents the contents that he’s way over the line.


Right, but when one of his loudest critics is a perma mod we have a problem.

Lol, there it is.

This is something you just made up.

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No it isn’t.

Well, I can’t really stop you from believing whatever you want to believe, but a quick review of discussions of malaria during the early covid thread was you asserting that you cared more about malaria than anyone based on nothing, certainly not anyone actually minimizing the toll malaria takes.

Was jman more worried about covid than malaria in early 2020? Yes, and covid was worse for humanity in 2020 than malaria was. Seems like his take was fine.

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Posters here are clearly divided on the merits of church’s covid posts.

If the most frequent mod takes such a strong stance then it leaves a lot of regs pissed off. That’s a problem isn’t it?

You’re welcome to point out a single argument I’ve made against churchill’s covid claims that is incorrect.

You think covid will end up killing more humans than malaria has by the time malaria is finally eradicated?

It’s unlikely to be as long lived, and we have a vaccine right now, so no. But it killed a lot more people during the time it was and is a thing, and it could have been far, far worse had people not drastically overhauled their lives in response. Seems like it was worth making a big deal about?

It could also have been much, much better if we’d followed the examples of several countries in the Far East and NZ and not put short term economic effects ahead of lives. So what?

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That freaking out about covid 19 was rational, and that claiming people who do so don’t care about malaria (enough) is non-sequitur.

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Well it depends on who’s being moderated

Are you two seriously saying mediation hasn’t been attempted with churchill?

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